sisterMAG Issue 15

Page 66


Catastrophe in Brussles, marked

at first: a hand stand, walking a

our first contact with a professional

tightrope, keeping a variety of juggling

circus school and nurtured the idea of

props in the air. None of those work

training as professional artists.

immediately, they all require a lot of

The chance to do just that presented

training. You fight an interesting battle

itself right after our graduation and we

along the way between frustration on

were admitted as so-called »lateral

the one hand and the will to succeed

entrants with previous knowledge

on the other. The next step is to present

of the subject« to the Staatliche

these skills in a way that is entertaining

Artistenschule in Berlin, the state

for an audience. Costumes, music,

school for artists and acrobats, where

props, stage directions, and everything

we studied for two years, specialising

else are then carefully selected and

in hand balancing. Our course also

adjusted to make one perfect picture. I

included classes in classical ballet,

create a finished product which I then

modern dance and acting and we

also get to promote and present.

graduated as state certified artists. After our final exams in Berlin our class went on a tour showcasing our skills all over Germany. This proofed to be such a successful idea that our former fellow student Maik Paulsen and his business partner still organise graduation class tours to this date.

I especially enjoy commissions for small groups of three to five artists for which we create acts tailored to a specific topic for our customer. These include product launches and performances at trade fairs. There is input from the outside on a few key factors - which I like to think of as my inspiration – and we

What do you love about being an artist? Working as a freelance artist

get to interpret and translate

is very rewarding and I regard it as


an absolute privilege to be able to

best thing about my job

shape a project at every stage of its

is definitely being able


them into our own language fleeting


to trigger amazement,

Part of the fascination is doing

fascination and a smile

something that seems impossible

in people.


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