sisterMAG 37 – Send me no flowers – EN

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» For the second time, and finally, it was proven that this city in this weather was highly harmful to him.« (idem, S. 30)


THOMAS MANN (1875 – 1955)

was a hypochondriac himself, but also described actors with this weakness in his novels. In the novella »Death in Venice«, in Gustav von Aschenbach he created a figure who falls ill with the »rotten scents and hot airs« of the lagoon city (»Schöner U.Geyersbach&R. Leiden«,

Wieland, Argon, Berlin, 2004, p. 28) and states:

And Thomas Mann himself: »Wherever the diary opens – everywhere the most touching descriptions of the most meticulous self-inspection: a piece of bacon not chewed enough gets stuck in the upper esophagus during breakfast. Disgusting nervousness of my swallowing apparatus; agonizing.« (»Schöner Leiden« s.o. S. 141)


SISTERMAG 37 | 05 / 2018

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