advanced writing

Page 60

Unit 3



Connecting words This exercise looks at words that are useful for connecting sentences in a narrative, and aims to develop your range of linking words and pract ise the tenses that acco mpany them. Box A Ear lier l Before that I then Bef ore/wu d

Preciousli] By that tim e I hy then Unt il that tim e / until then

lU ea nw h ile At the same tim e In the mea ntime Si mIl Itaneousls]


After a iciulc After that Aft encards 2 At c ure Hef ore long Lateron SOlm l nnn cd tat ely At that lJ!ome nt Installtly SlIddellly

Then \Fith;'l seco nds / days / etc. I

Th e six words and phrases in this column are oft en followed by th e past pe rfect te nse . She started icork: ill Ge llCUJ yesterday. Predollsly she hnd [corked itl Home. l ji rst met him ill '9 1. By then , he had already mast ered the flut e tuu] piano.


After sho uld not he used to mea n next , tlien o r aftcllI;ards. Aft er call he used in the Iollowmg struct ures : After + ge ru nd (Aft er mee fillg them , ... ) Aft er + clause (Aft e r he h"d introduced himself. ... ) After + noun (Aft er he r birtluiai], ... )

A Prac t ic e Starting with one of the sentences given below, work with a partner to continue the narrative for as long as possible. Take it in turns to add one or more sentences to the story . Each time, use one of the linking words given in Box A before adding your sentences. Example Scum afte r midllight, the SO /ll U! of gunfire echoed across the desert . A Theil Ice hcanl screams com i/lgfrom the prisoner's tent . It sO/lluled as if he IL'as in terrible patn; R Un t il that mom ent , he had been so qui et Ice had been afraid he uias dying. H e hadn 't eccn told us his nam e or ichnt he fwd done uiitl, the stee li ng ich eel of 0111' jeep. A At on ce rce ra n ot.::er to im:estigate. n lVit lt in second s , rcc realized it lcas a tmp. • • • • • • •

60 • Types of writing

Everything we nt we ll for the first 20 minutes, and eve n the tige r seemed fri endly. Amy managed to escape , lea\i ng he r me chanic a priso ne r OIl the island. Afte r 13 days the ir rations we re exhausted and they were dying of hunge r. Ablaze with fiery emotions, Jane wa lked sel f-con sciou sly away . Th e spacecraft was im mediately surrounded bv small gree n c reatures. )'l ar\"e lling at her beautv, the prince kissed her sleeping face. I was in the T up in nmbu. ha\ing a bizcocho and coffee . w he n this girl ca me in.

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