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People-centred Global Governance Fourthly, Turquoise expresses the “Self as part of a larger, conscious, spiritual whole that also serves itself” which Simpol expresses as a globally co-operative collective that would serve the survival interests of all sentient beings, and not least of humanity. In its swing away from both rugged individualism and destructive competition towards a globally caring human collective of deeper consciousness and embrace, Simpol also expresses what Beck and Cowan have identified as another key characteristic of Turquoise: a “major swing of the pendulum back toward the sacrificial/collective pole” 139; i.e. a swing back from competition to co-operation (about which, more in the next chapter). Interspersing some further observations with those of Beck and Cowan, the Turquoise collective system in the form I am suggesting in this book, (that is, in the form of Simpol’s evolution and potential implementation), “steps back and creates the next form of order”, say Beck and Cowan. “Not to be mistaken with a New Age lexicon of pseudo-science and pseudo-mysticism”, nor, we might add, with the lexicon of pseudo-democracy, “or a Green bond with only those people who share the same values, Turquoise defines a world community more broadly.” Turquoise, like Simpol, victimises no one and includes everyone. “In part, a Gaia view emerges, one that centers on life itself – all forms of life (not just humans)”, a result which Simpol’s governance regime would achieve by substantially restraining damaging human encroachment on the biosphere so assuring an increased stability of species habitat including our own. “Every person, every creature, every species belongs”, say Beck and Cowan. “The planet itself is seen as a single ecosystem”, or, as we might put it, the planet is seen globally and simultaneously. “Individuals are not separated” say Beck and Cowan, and “neither are national boundaries, ethnic peculiarities, nor elitist privileges


Ibid, p286-7.


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