The HX Periodic Table: A new standard in defining and designing the Human Experience (HX)

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June 2024

Transforming spaces into places where people choose to be PG. 18


REDEFINING EXPERIENCE, ONE INDUSTRY AT A TIME Inspiring a brighter future, Together.

The HX Periodic Table: A new standard in defining and designing the Human Experience (HX)

In the intricate tapestry of human existence, there exists an artful fusion of elements that shape our encounters, our decisions, and ultimately, our experiences. From the mundane to the extraordinary, these elements intertwine to form the fabric of our lives, influencing how we perceive and engage with the world around us.

It is with great enthusiasm that we present to you our latest endeavor: “The HX Periodic Table: A new standard in defining and designing the Human Experience.” This article, born from a marriage of inspiration drawn from the timeless structure of the Periodic Table and a deep understanding of human dynamics, seeks to unveil the blueprint for crafting unparalleled human experiences.

Drawing upon decades of collective wisdom and expertise, our methodology transcends the realms of mere conjecture, offering a systematic and science-based approach to understanding and enhancing the human experience. Much like the elements of the Periodic Table, each component of our methodology plays a crucial role in orchestrating moments of delight, satisfaction, and connection.

At its core, our approach aims not only to simplify the complexities of human interaction but also to unlock the latent potential within spaces, transforming them into vibrant places that beckon with possibility. Whether it’s fostering consumer loyalty, nurturing employee engagement, or cultivating an atmosphere of genuine connection, our methodology serves as a guiding light towards holistic success.

But the impact of elevating the human experience extends far beyond mere sentiment—it permeates every facet of business, from the top line to the bottom and everywhere in between. By prioritizing the well-being and satisfaction of individuals, organizations can unlock a wealth of tangible benefits, from heightened performance to enhanced customer loyalty.

As you embark on your own journey of exploration and discovery, we invite you to delve into the pages of this article and glean insights that resonate with your aspirations. Whether you’re a business leader seeking to drive innovation or an individual committed to crafting meaningful experiences, we trust that you’ll find value in the principles outlined within.

Your feedback and insights are invaluable to us, as we continually strive to refine and evolve our approach. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for entrusting us with a moment of your time. Together, let us embark on a journey towards a future where the human experience transcends expectations and transforms lives.



c: +1 (415) 806-5411


The Periodic Table of Human Experience Design comprises twenty key elements, broken down into five groups: Imperatives, Experience, Design, Standards, and Measurement - each representing a crucial aspect of human-centered design methodology.

CONTENTS 18 Redefining
12 Juggling Efficiency
Value 24 Conclusion 22 A Ten Step Process 04 The Periodic Table of HX Design: Redefining the Human Experience UNDERSTANDING THE ELEMENTS: BREAKING DOWN THE PERIODIC TABLE
Experience, One Industry at a Time
PG. 10 08 The Periodic Table of Human Experience 4 Xi Symbol Description M E A S U R E M E N T S T A N D A R D S D ES I G N E X P E R I E N C E Vi 20 KV 18 M 17 Dx 19 S 10 Hx 9 T 12 Pr 11 V 2 Vx 4 P Mx 3 Pl 6 Pe 5 Ou 8 Po 7 F 16 C 15 G 14 D 13 IM P E R A T I V E S The Periodic Table of Human Experience 4XICONSULTING.COM | 3
Hx 9

Transformingspacesintoplaces wherepeoplechoosetobe

measurement=KPI and VPIs


10 Step Process =NORTHP+V+Mx+Vx STAR

The Periodic Table of HX Design

Redefining the Human Experience

4xi Global Consulting’s Periodic Table of Human Experience Design revolutionizes human-centered design by guiding organizations through empathy-driven innovation, strategic alignment, iterative excellence, holistic integration, and ethical leadership. BY SIMON ELLIOT AND TONY JOHNSON


In the realm of human-centered design, where the fusion of technology, psychology, and innovation converge, 4xi Global Consulting stands as a pioneer. At the heart of its transformative approach lies the Periodic Table of Human Experience Design, a comprehensive framework encapsulating the essence of human interaction and transformation. Anchored by its Design4Life© practice, 4xi Global Consulting spearheads a methodology that revolutionizes the way we perceive and cultivate human experiences.


Unveiling the Methodology: How It Transforms Human Experiences

The Periodic Table of Human Experience Design serves as a compass, guiding organizations through the intricate landscape of human interaction and transformation. By embracing its elements, businesses unlock the power to reimagine, innovate, and elevate the human experience across diverse domains:

Empathy-Driven Innovation:

By delving into the personas (Pe) and understanding the nuances of human behavior, businesses gain profound insights into the needs, aspirations, and pain points of their audience. This empathetic approach fuels the creation of solutions (S) that resonate deeply with users, fostering loyalty and trust.

Strategic Alignment:

The alignment of purpose (P), vision (V), and mission (Mx) ensures that every initiative is rooted in a clear sense of direction and intent. Organizations articulate their values (Vx), establishing a moral compass that guides decision-making and shapes organizational culture.

Iterative Excellence:

Through the continuous evaluation of outcomes (Ou) and measurement (M), businesses iterate and refine their strategies, amplifying their impact and value delivery. Key performance and value performance indicators (KV) serve as beacons of progress, illuminating the path towards excellence.

Holistic Integration:

The integration of technology (T) and data (Dx) empowers businesses to harness the power of digital transformation, unlocking new frontiers of innovation and efficiency. Visibility (Vi) ensures that the measurements (M) of success are highly visible to drive accountability and impact.

Ethical Leadership:

Governance (G) and communication (C) foster transparency, accountability, and ethical leadership, cultivating trust and credibility within the ecosystem. Financial (F) considerations are balanced with social and environmental responsibilities, ensuring sustainable growth and progress.

4 Xi 4XI CONSULTING Description of the element. Identifier Symbol Description Name D ES E X P E R I E N C E S SERVICES Identify the Services that you will deliver to advance the Human Experience 10 Hx HUMAN EXPERIENCE Identify the elements of the Human Experience 9 V VISION The impact you will create when you ultimately realize your Purpose 2 Vx 4 VALUES The principles and values that will accelerate your progress together PURPOSE P 1 Why you exist together, beyond financial gain Mx MISSION 3 An ambitious yet achievable position in the market or in your customers lives that recognizes your Purpose Pl PLACE Identify the opportunities and constraints of the physical environment 6 Pe PERSONAS Understanding what people do, and what they aspire to 5 Ou OUTCOMES How does the Experience contribute to the organization's strategic imperatives 8 Po POSSIBILITIES Challenging the status quo, what are the possibilities to advance the Human Experience 7 IM P E R A T I V E S The Periodic Human Experience 8 | THE PERIODIC TABLE OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE DESIGN

Periodic Table of Experience

Symbol Description M E A S U R E M E N T S T A N D A R D S ES I G N Vi VISIBILITY Identify the platforms on which you will create Visibility to Data, Performance, and Success 20 KV INDICATORS Identify not only the Pass/Fail Indicators but Value Performance Indicators too 18 MEASUREMENT Identify the measurements that you will use to track Performance M 17 Dx DATA Establish the specific Data you will gather to track and measure Performance 19 T TECHNOLOGY What Technology will you deploy to support the Services, Program, and Human Experience 12 Pr PROGRAM Beyond Services, identify what programming you create to activate the Human Experience 11 F FINANCIAL What are the resources required/committed to, to achieve the delivery of Services & Programs 16 C COMMUNICATION Create a Communication Plan including meetings, cadence, and agenda 15 G GOVERNANCE Create a Governance structure that optimizes success 14 D DEFINE 13 Define each of the Services and Programs, and the Standards of execution

Understanding the Elements: Breaking Down the

The Periodic Table of Human Experience Design comprises twenty key elements, broken down into five groups: Imperatives, Experience, Design, Standards, and Measurement - each representing a crucial aspect of human-centered design methodology:

1. Purpose (P): Establishing the fundamental why behind every endeavor.

2. Vision (V): Crafting a compelling picture of the desired future.

3. Mission (Mx): Defining the overarching goals and objectives.

4. Values (Vx): Setting the moral compass and guiding principles.

These four are the foundational elements of any organization, business, or activity, P+V+Mx+Vx become the North Star of all that you do. In this instance, align all your efforts, resources, and focus on advancing the human experience.

4 Xi 4XI CONSULTING Description of the element. Identifier Symbol Description Name M E A S U R E M E N T S T A N D A R D S D ES I G N E X P E R I E N C E Vi VISIBIL TY Ident fy the p atforms on wh ch you will create V s bi ty to Data Performance and Success 20 KV INDICATORS Ident fy not on y the Pass/Fail ndicators but Va ue Performance ndicators too 18 MEASUREMENT dent fy the measurements that you wil use to track Performance M 17 Dx DATA Estab sh the spec fic Data you will gather to track and measure Performance 19 S SERVICES Ident fy the Services that you w ll de ver to advance the Human Experience 10 Hx HUMAN EXPERIENCE Ident fy the e ements of the Human Experience 9 T TECHNOLOGY What Techno ogy will you dep oy to support the Services Program, and Human Experience 12 Pr PROGRAM Beyond Serv ces ident fy what programm ng you create to activate the Human Experience 11 V VISION mpact you will create you u timate y rea ze your Purpose Vx VALUES princ p es and values wi acce erate your progress together PURPOSE P y you ex st together, yond financial ga n Mx MISSION mb t ous yet achievable ion n the market or n ur customers ves cognizes your Purpose Pl PLACE Ident fy the opportun ties and constra nts of the physica environment 6 Pe PERSONAS Understand ng what people do and what they asp re to 5 Ou OUTCOMES How does the Exper ence contr bute to the organizat on s strategic mperat ves 8 Po POSSIBILITIES Cha enging the status quo what are the poss b l t es to advance the Human Exper ence 7 F FINANCIAL What are the resources requ red/comm tted to to achieve the delivery of Serv ces & Programs 16 C COMMUNICATION Create a Commun cat on Plan nc uding meetings cadence and agenda 15 G GOVERNANCE Create a Governance structure that opt m zes success 14 D DEFINE 13 Define each of the Services and Programs and the Standards of execution P E R A T I V E S The Periodic Table of Human Experience
Periodic Table Then, how do you identify the experience itself, and what people actually want, and what will move the needle. 5. Personas (Pe): Creating avatars of target consumers for empathy-driven design. 6. Place (Pl): Contextualizing experiences within physical and digital environments. 7. Possibilities (Po): Exploring the realms of innovation and imagination. 8. Outcomes (Ou): Envisioning the desired results and impact. IMPERATIVES EXPERIENCE 4 Xi 4XI CONSULTING Description of the element. Identifier Symbol Description Name M E A S U R E M E N T S T A N D A R D S D ES I G N E X P E R I E N C E Vi VISIBIL TY dent fy the p atforms on wh ch you will create V s bi ty to Data Performance and Success 20 KV IND CATORS Ident fy not on y the Pass/Fail ndicators but Value Perfo mance ndicators too 18 MEASUREMENT dentify the measurements that you wil use to track Performance M 17 Dx DATA Estab ish the spec fic Data you w ll gather to track and measure Per ormance 19 S SERVICES Ident fy the Services that you w ll de ver to advance the Human Exper ence 10 Hx HUMAN EXPERIENCE dent fy the e ements of the Human Experience 9 T TECHNOLOGY What Techno ogy wil you dep oy to support the Serv ces Program, and Human Exper ence 12 Pr PROGRAM Beyond Serv ces ident fy what programm ng you create to activate the Human Experience 11 V V S ON The mpact you wil create when you u t mate y rea ize your Purpose 2 Vx 4 VALUES The princip es and va ues that wi acce erate your progress together PURPOSE P 1 Why you exist together, beyond financ a gain Mx MISSION 3 An ambit ous yet ach evab e pos tion n the market or n your customers l ves that recognizes your Purpose Pl PLACE Ident fy the opportunit es and constraints of the physical environment 6 Pe PERSONAS Understand ng what peop e do and what they asp re to 5 Ou OUTCOMES How does the Experience contr bute to the organizat on s strateg c mpera ives 8 Po POSSIBILIT ES Cha lenging the status quo what are the possib it es to advance the Human Experience 7 F FINANCIAL What are the resources required/comm tted to to achieve the de ivery of Serv ces & Programs 16 C COMMUNICATION Create a Communicat on Plan nc uding meet ngs cadence and agenda 15 G GOVERNANCE Create a Governance structure that opt m zes success 14 D DEFINE 13 Define each of the Services and Programs and the Standards of execut on IM P E R A T I V E S The Periodic Table of Human Experience 4 Xi 4XI CONSULTING Description of the element. Identifier Symbol Description Name M E A S U R E M E N T S T A N D A R D S D ES I G N E X P E R I E N C E Vi VISIBIL TY Ident fy the p atforms on wh ch you will create V s bi ty to Data Performance and Success 20 KV IND CATORS Ident fy not on y the Pass/Fail ndicators but Va ue Per ormance ndicators too 18 MEASUREMENT denti y the measurements that you wil use to track Per ormance M 17 Dx DATA Estab ish the spec fic Data you w ll gather to track and measure Performance 19 S SERVICES Ident fy the Services that you w ll de ver to advance the Human Exper ence 10 Hx HUMAN EXPERIENCE dent fy the e ements of the Human Experience 9 T TECHNOLOGY What Techno ogy wil you dep oy to support the Services Program, and Human Exper ence 12 Pr PROGRAM Beyond Serv ces ident fy what programm ng you create to activate the Human Experience 11 V V S ON The mpact you wil create when you u t mately rea ize your Purpose 2 Vx 4 VALUES The pr ncip es and va ues that wi acce erate your progress together PURPOSE P 1 Why you exist together, beyond financ a ga n Mx MISSION 3 An ambit ous yet ach evab e pos t on n the market or n your customers ives that recognizes your Purpose Pl PLACE Identify the opportunit es and constraints of the physical env ronment 6 Pe PERSONAS Understand ng what peop e do and what they asp re to 5 Ou OUTCOMES How does the Experience contribute to the organizat on s strateg c mperatives 8 Po POSSIBILIT ES Cha enging the status quo what are the possib it es to advance the Human Experience 7 F FINANCIAL What are the resources required/committed to to achieve the de ivery of Serv ces & Programs 16 C COMMUNICATION Create a Communication Plan nc uding meet ngs cadence and agenda 15 G GOVERNANCE Create a Governance structure that opt m zes success 14 D DEFINE 13 Define each of the Serv ces and Programs and the Standards of execut on IM P E R A T I V E S The Periodic Table of Human Experience 10 | THE PERIODIC TABLE OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE DESIGN

Periodic Table of Experience


Then, as we turn to designing the human experience:

9. Human Experience (Hx): Understanding the holistic journey of individuals.

10. Services (S): Designing solutions and experiences that cater to human needs.

11. Program (Pr): Structuring initiatives and activities for seamless execution.

12. Technology (T): Leveraging tools and platforms to enhance experiences.

And what standards are you going to judge the execution of the experience:

13. Define (D): Clarifying objectives, requirements, and scope.

14. Governance (G): Establishing frameworks for decision-making and accountability.

15. Communication (C): Fostering dialogue and collaboration across stakeholders.

16. Financial (F): Managing resources and investments strategically.


Then finally, what does success look like, and how do you measure it:

17. Measurement (M): Evaluating performance and results through data-driven insights.

18. KPIs and VPIs (KV): Identifying compliance and value metrics for success.

19. Data (Dx): Harnessing information to drive insight based decision-making.

20. Visibility (Vi): Cultivating awareness and accessibility to results.

Fundamentally what this periodic table does is help ensure we dig in on the four foundational elements of experience delivery: people, place, product, and process. – Simon Elliot Xi 4XI CONSULTING Description of the element. Symbol Description Name M E A S U R E M E N T S T A N D A R D S D ES I G N R I E N C E Vi VISIBILITY dent fy the p atforms on which you will create Visib ity to Data Performance and Success 20 KV INDICATORS dent fy not on y the Pass/Fail Ind cators but Value Performance Ind cators too 18 dentify the measurements that you wil use to track Performance Dx DATA Establ sh the specific Data you w ll gather to track and measure Performance 19 S SERVICES denti y the Serv ces that you will deliver to advance the Human Exper ence 10 Hx HUMAN EXPERIENCE dentify the elements of the Human Exper ence 9 T TECHNOLOGY What Technology wil you deploy to support the Serv ces Program, and Human Exper ence 12 Pr PROGRAM Beyond Serv ces dentify what programming you create to act vate the Human Exper ence 11 Ou OUTCOMES How does the Experience contribute to the organ zat on s strateg c imperatives 8 Po POSSIBILIT ES Cha eng ng the status quo what are the possib it es to advance the Human Experience 7 F F NANCIAL What are the resources required/comm tted to to ach eve the de very of Services & Programs 16 C COMMUNICAT ON Create a Commun cation Plan inc ud ng meet ngs cadence and agenda 15 G GOVERNANCE Create a Governance structure that optimizes success 14 D DEFINE 13 Define each of the Serv ces and Programs and the Standards of execut on Symbol Description M E A S U R E M E N T S T A N D A R D S ES I G N Vi V SIB LITY dentify the platforms on wh ch you will create V s b l ty to Data Performance and Success 20 KV NDICATORS dentify not only the Pass/Fail Ind cators but Va ue Performance Ind cators too 18 MEASUREMENT Ident fy the measurements that you wil use to track Performance M 17 Dx DATA Estab sh the spec fic Data you will gather to track and measure Performance 19 T TECHNOLOGY What Techno ogy wil you dep oy to support the Services Program, and Human Exper ence 12 Pr PROGRAM Beyond Serv ces ident fy what programm ng you create to activate the Human Experience 11 F FINANCIAL What are the resources requ red/committed to to ach eve the de ivery of Serv ces & Programs 16 C COMMUNICATION Create a Communication Plan nc ud ng meet ngs cadence and agenda 15 G GOVERNANCE Create a Governance structure that opt m zes success 14 D DEFINE 13 Define each of the Services and Programs and the Standards of execut on
M E A S U R E M E N T D A R D S Vi VISIBILITY denti y the p atforms on which you will create Visib ity to Data Performance and Success 20 KV INDICATORS dent fy not on y the Pass/Fail Ind cators but Va ue Performance Ind cators too 18 MEASUREMENT Ident fy the measurements that you will use to track Performance M 17 Dx DATA Establ sh the spec fic Data you w ll gathe to track and measure Performance 19 F F NANCIAL What are the resources required/comm tted to to ach eve the de very of Services & Programs 16 C COMMUNICATION Create a Commun cat on Plan includ ng meetings cadence and agenda 15 Table of Experience M E A S U R E M E N T S T A N D A R D S Vi VISIBILITY Ident fy the p atforms on wh ch you will create V s bi ty to Data Per ormance and Success 20 KV INDICATORS Ident fy not only the Pass/Fail nd cators but Va ue Performance ndicators too 18 MEASUREMENT dent fy the measurements that you wil use to track Performance M 17 Dx DATA Estab ish the spec fic Data you w ll gather to track and measure Performance 19 F FINANCIAL What are the resources requ red/committed to to achieve the de ivery of Serv ces & Programs 16 C COMMUNICATION Create a Communication Plan nc uding meet ngs cadence and agenda 15 G GOVERNANCE Create a Governance structure that opt m zes success 14 D DEFINE 13 Define each of the Serv ces and Programs and the Standards o execut on Periodic Table of Experience 4XICONSULTING.COM | 11

Juggling Efficiency and Value

Seamlessly Managing Projects and Expectations

Discover how two specialized offices within organizations ensure not only efficient project completion but also lasting value and satisfaction for all involved. BY WHITNEY GOULISH


Project Management Office (PMO) and the lesserknown Value Management Office (VMO) both play crucial roles in ensuring the success of projects and overall business objectives. However, they have distinct focuses and methodologies that differentiate their approach to project success and value delivery.

Every project and circumstance are unique, and the selection of KPIs and VPIs should be purposeful and deliberate – remember that the selection of your measurements of success will drive behaviors and these should be aligned to the overall strategic imperatives of the relationship identified during the Partnership Summit and documented in the Partnership Charter.


Project Management Office (PMO)

A PMO is responsible for overseeing the planning, execution, and completion of projects within an organization. Its primary focus is on ensuring that projects are completed on-time, on-scope, and on-budget. The PMO acts as a central hub for project management processes, standardizing methods, and providing governance to ensure consistency across projects.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are commonly used by PMOs to measure project success. KPI metrics typically involve hard data and measurable outcomes, such as:

∙ On-time delivery: Whether the project/activity meets its targets and deadlines.

∙ Scope compliance: Whether the project/ activity meets its defined scope.

∙ Budget adherence: Whether the project/ activity remains within the allocated budget.

KPIs also extend to areas like compliance, health and safety, quality, and financial performance. They provide a clear yes/no, pass/fail indication of project success and are often used to make quick decisions about project adjustments and prioritization.

Value Management Office (VMO)

A VMO, on the other hand, focuses on delivering value to stakeholders, including customers, employees, and the community. It goes beyond the traditional measures of success and considers the broader impact on the organization and its stakeholders. The VMO’s role is to ensure that all parties involved in a business relationship extract the agreed and expected value from it.

Value Performance Indicators (VPIs) are used to measure softer, but equally important, metrics that reflect the broader impact of a business relationship. These metrics may include:

∙ Customer satisfaction: How happy customers are with the outcomes.

∙ Staff turnover: Employee retention rates.

∙ MW(V)BE spend: with minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned businesses.

∙ Local spend: The extent to which projects support local economies.

∙ Distribution: monitoring spend to optimize supply chain and the impacts of distribution.

∙ Community support: How the activity positively impacts the local community.

VPIs provide a more nuanced view of success, focusing on longer-term relationships and outcomes. They help ensure that projects not only meet their goals but exceed them by delivering tangible benefits to all stakeholders.


Key Performance Indicators vs Value Performance Indicators: A quick guide defining metrics for goal setting and


Key Performance Indicator


A defined and highly measurable expression of the outcomes compared with a desired level of results.

KPI Examples


▪ Investment ($)

▪ Occurrences (#)


▪ Time (Days/Hours)

▪ Frequency (#)


▪ Completion (%)

▪ Satisfaction (%)


▪ Achieved (%)

▪ Results (%)

What is to be achieved?

How is it measured?

What is success?

How long should it take?

Value Performance Indicator


Where KPIs are around YES/NO outcomes, VPIs measure desirable outcomes that still impact the business.

VPI Examples

Who is accountable?

Sustainability Philanthropy Community Employee Experience
Example KPIs Example VPIs COMMON METRICS BREAKDOWN: KPI vs. VPI FAIL <49% 50%-74% 75%-89% 90%-100% PASS GOOD BETTER BEST FOCUS CLEARLY DEFINED IMPROVE BALANCED CLARITY RELEVANT GOALS % Minority Business Spend % Attrition Rate $ Attrition Rate $ Local Community Spend # Volunteer Hours # Supply Chain Miles CSAT Customer Experience ESAT Employee Experience ESG Sustainablity Goals % Participation % Labor Vs. Sales % Food Cost Vs. Sales % Expenses Vs. Sales $ Average Check $ Sales Per Labor Hour $ Cost Per User Per Day $ Total Cost Of Service # Transactions PLH

PMO vs. VMO: The Key Difference

The PMO and VMO complement each other but serve different purposes. The PMO is primarily concerned with “getting the tasks at hand complete” by managing the project or activity in hand through established processes and ensuring compliance with key metrics. It aims to deliver projects efficiently, focusing on meeting predefined targets related to time, scope, and budget.

The VMO, in contrast, emphasizes ensuring that the projects and business relationships create value for stakeholders. It looks at the broader

picture and assesses success in terms of customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and community impact. While the PMO focuses on the execution of tasks, the VMO ensures that the outcome aligns with stakeholder expectations and business goals, ultimately contributing to sustainable success.

Together, the PMO and VMO create a comprehensive framework that balances efficient project management with long-term value creation, supporting the overall growth and success of the business relationship and long-term, mutual success.


Redefining Experience, One Industry at a Time


Creating welcoming, loyalty building experiences for people continues to be rocket fuel for growth in all industries. To do that, organizations must create fundamental frameworks and tools that are easy to understand and to act upon at every level of the organization. So often buzzwords and corporate jargon get in the way of what really matters – people caring for people with empathy and understanding. Fundamentally, this helps us dial in on the foundations of amazing hospitality and experiences. At Evolving Experiences, powered by 4xi, we believe that keeping people at the center of everything we do is where amazing things are possible, and how we ensure that we can continue to elevate experiences for customers, guests, and consumers in all industries. After all, regardless of the industry, there is a person at the end of every service chain who is counting on a business to deliver excellence.

Foundationally, when it comes to building customer and employee loyalty and value, you must focus on the holistic experience.
– Tony Johnson

As the digital age propels us forward into an era defined by connectivity and innovation, the human experience takes center stage across various domains. At 4xi Global Consulting, the Periodic Table of Human Experience Design serves as a transformative framework, reshaping interactions and redefining excellence across diverse industries. From the workplace to higher education, healthcare, senior living, and leisure, let us explore how this comprehensive methodology revolutionizes human experiences.

Transforming the Workplace:

In the dynamic landscape of the modern workplace, employee engagement and satisfaction are paramount. By integrating the elements of the Periodic Table, organizations foster inclusive cultures (Va), design collaborative spaces (Pl), and prioritize well-being (Hx). Services (S) are tailored to empower employees, while governance (G) ensures transparent decision-making. The result is a workplace where innovation thrives, and individuals feel valued, motivated, and empowered to contribute their best.


Innovating Post-Secondary Education:

Institutions of higher education, including colleges, universities, and trade schools, are embracing human-centered design to redefine the learning journey. By understanding student personas (Pe) and aspirations, they craft immersive learning experiences (Hx) that transcend traditional boundaries. Technology (T) augments teaching methodologies, while data (Dx) informs personalized interventions and support systems. This all starts with the goals of the learning in mind, aligned with market needs, to prepare students with skills that are rewarding and in demand.

Through effective communication (C) and visibility (Vi), students and educators alike engage in meaningful dialogue, fostering a culture of lifelong learning and growth.

Humanizing Healthcare:

In the realm of healthcare, empathy and compassion are the cornerstones of exemplary service delivery. The Periodic Table guides healthcare providers in understanding patient journeys (Hx), designing empathetic care experiences (S), and leveraging technology (T) to enhance the patient experience. Data-driven insights (D) inform proactive scheduling, while governance (G) ensures all stakeholders are focused on the imperatives. By prioritizing outcomes (Ou) and measurement (M), healthcare organizations optimize service pathways, leading to improved patient experiences. But it goes beyond a mere formula to ensure a focus on people, information sharing, and quality of life throughout the healthcare industry.

Elevating Senior Living:

As our population ages, the demand for dignified and enriching senior living experiences grows exponentially. Through the lens of the Periodic Table, senior living communities prioritize purposeful engagement (P), holistic well-being (Hx), and inclusive environments (Pl). Person-centered programming and services (Pe) ensures that individual needs and preferences are honored, while technology (T) enhances connectivity and safety. Financial sustainability (F) and governance (G) underpin operational excellence, fostering vibrant communities where seniors thrive and flourish.

Re-imagining Leisure Experiences:

Leisure and entertainment venues are embracing human-centered design to create memorable experiences that resonate deeply with patrons. By exploring the realm of possibilities (Po) and understanding visitor personas (Pe), leisure destinations craft immersive environments (Pl) that captivate the senses. Services (S) are curated to delight and engage, while technology (T) enhances convenience and interactivity. Through effective communication (C) and visibility (Vi), leisure providers cultivate loyal audiences and foster lasting memories.



This 10 Step Process lays out a road map for selecting the best fit for your next amenities or site services partner to transform the human experience.


Portfolio Review

Conduct a comprehensive review of your portfolio, assessing the range of amenities and services you offer today, service quality, vendor contracts, budget allocations, and overall satisfaction levels. This will help you understand where you are today in the context of your goals and aspirations for the future.


Site Visits

Get out into the business. Conduct site visits to key locations across your portfolio. Recommend at least 2 visits per current provider, and across different types of locations, headquarters, regional, call centers etc.


Purpose, Vision, Mission, Values Workshop

Understanding future strategy and direction, and engaging with internal stakeholders, 4xi’s TRUE NORTH© process defines, refines, and uncovers the Purpose, Vision, Mission, and Values relating to the Why and the What in terms of the future of your human experience proposition and the employee work experience proposition.


Creation and Issue of RF(X)

You may need to explore your RF(X) strategy and once determined, develop and issue a Request for Information (RFI), or Request for Proposals (RFP), or both to the selected participants.

5 Responses, Level Setting, and Presentations

Your portfolio, if a substantial portfolio, will take time for the bidders to review the RF(X), visit sites, formulate their response and proposals. These responses will be evaluated, and presentations will be conducted to facilitate negotiation and selection of the best-fit partner(s) to meet your strategic goals.



Senior Management Approval Process

Amenities are a very important part of the employee value proposition and workplace experience. Internal alignment is crucial throughout the process, ensuring visibility along the way from the intent to review, involvement with and sign off of the P+V+Mx+Vx, and the shortlisting, selection, and award steps of the journey.


Negotiations and Award

A substantial portfolio will get a lot of attention from the market, and the opportunity to not only get the best-in-class service you seek, but to obtain advantageous terms. You will likely need multi-stakeholder support and resources to help you through negotiation, the terms and conditions, and then award.


MSA, SOWs, Transition Plans

The devil is in the detail, and post award, you will need to work with the selected partner(s) to finalize Statements of Work (SOWs), Master Service Agreements (MSAs), and any Transition Plans required to ensure a smooth and seamless transition and opening of site services.


Partnership Charter

4xi’s TRUE NORTH© builds on the P+V+Mx+Vx work in the creation of a Partnership Charter. We know that business relationships work best when the parties are literally on the same page. The Partnership Charter memorializes the foundations for the future and becomes the cornerstone of mutual success.


Transition and Opening

Resources will be required to ensure a successful transition and opening. These resources should be made be available to address any issues or concerns and provide guidance during the initial stages of operation, including a 60-day pre-launch and 60-day post-launch support period.



Elevating Experience, One Element at a Time

In a world where connection and empathy reign supreme, the Periodic Table of Human Experience Design emerges as a beacon of transformation and excellence. At 4xi Global Consulting, it serves as more than a framework—it’s a philosophy, a mindset, and a commitment to shaping a world where human experiences are celebrated, cherished, and elevated to their fullest potential.

As you embark on your journey of human-centered design, let the Periodic Table be your guiding light, illuminating the path toward innovation, empathy, and purposedriven excellence. For in the alchemy of human experience lies the essence of true transformation—the power to redefine, reimagine, and reshape the world we live in.


About the Authors:

Simon Elliot

Managing Partner & Co-Founder

is Managing Partner and Co-founder of boutique advisory firm 4xi Global Consulting. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Directors, and Chair of WORKTECH Academy in North America. Simon has traversed the globe working with some of the most progressive organizations leading the design of the human experience for people away from home, at work, in education, healthcare, and leisure.

Tony Johnson

Chief Experience Officer (CXO)

Tony Johnson is Chief Experience Officer in Residence at 4xi. Renowned globally as a leader in CX (Customer Experience), Tony is not only a keynote speaker and author but also a strategic visionary. At 4xi, he spearheads the Evolving Experiences© practice, dedicated to enhancing the human experience through innovation and insight. With his expertise and passion, Tony Johnson is at the forefront of shaping the future of experience, inspiring organizations to prioritize customer and employee-centric approaches.

4xi Global Consulting & Solutions

4xi is a boutique advisory and consulting firm focused on the Human Experience (HX) in the Away from Home markets – people at work, in education, at rest, and at leisure. 4xi is a unique collective of senior industry leaders from both the client-side and operator-side of the business supporting Client Organizations, Service Providers, Innovators, and Accelerators transforming their experience offering and making a greater impact through a people-first approach to service and business.


4xi Global Consulting


Simon Elliot

Managing Partner & Co-Founder

Barbara Boden

Managing Partner & Co-Founder

Tony Johnson

Leadership Advisory Council Chief Experience Officer (CXO)


Hannah Spearman

Graphic Design & Creative Services

This publication was published by 4xi Consulting. For more information about 4xi Consulting, please visit us at, email us at All rights reserved 2024©


Start the conversation: | w: e: 4xi Global Consulting & Solutions is a boutique advisory firm focused on a people-first approach to changing experiences for GOOD. Whether for people at work, in education, at rest, or at leisure, 4xi leverages the tenets of a hospitality focus to drive impact, facilitate change, and make a real difference. SPx: Strategic Consulting & Special Projects | HQ: Fractional Expertise On-Demand | Design4Life©: Environmental & Experiential Design | Evolving Experiences©: EX and CX | Sustainability Simplified© | TRUE NORTH© Strategic Partnerships Learning Academy | Explorers Innovation Directory & Lab Design4Life© PURPOSE | PEOPLE | PLACE | POSSIBILITIES Transforming spaces into places where people choose to be Our Design4Life© team helps organizations transform spaces into places where they choose to be. Amenities strategies, design, execution, operationalization, coaching, and support. Learn more about what we do: 26 | THE PERIODIC TABLE OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE DESIGN

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