The Great Gospel of John Book 2

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world’s worth correctly. Do not trade in the gold and pearls which you have now received from the Heavens for the foolishness of the world, then you will always have peace among you and see Heaven open before you. But if you will allow yourselves to be captivated by the attractions of the world, it will be your own fault if Heaven will keep becoming more firmly closed to you. And when in great distress you will be calling to Heaven for help, you will not get it, for it is not possible for a person who loves the world and is firmly attached to it to be at the same time in a blessed contact with Heaven. [17] Every human being is created and made in such a way that he could not bear evil and good, false and true in one and the same heart side by side. It has to be one or the other, but never both simultaneously. [18] He can and must indeed recognizes both in his mind, but in his heart there can dwell but one of them as life’s foundation. [19] Have you now understood and grasped this My advice?’ [20] Say all, ‘Yes, Lord and Master in all divine wisdom.’



ERE a Pharisee steps up closer to Me and says: ‘Lord and

Master, this all is very nice, good and true and not capable of contradiction. But if men do not gather all those materials which the Earth offers them so abundantly, to process them skillfully, then the Earth shall be like a desert and there shall be no sign of any culture. Do there not have to be dwellings and schools of all kinds? Take that away and mankind shall in the shortest time be reduced to a condition like animals. Therefore, the world cannot be set aside, so long as one is an inhabitant of matter?’ [2] I said: ‘Your schools are fit for killing all spirit in the tender feelings of children already and therefore their complete 176

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