The Great Gospel of John Book 11

Page 48

same time almighty, divine entity? The dogma of theists and theosophists (religious people and god-wise people) is known all too well. Look at the earth, its mountains, fields, seas, lakes and rivers, and all the countless creatures that live on it! All these indicate the existence of higher deities! Or, as is the case with the blind Jews, only one god, which is by a hair more reasonable and at the same time more convenient than having so many invisible masters, since one will obviously make an enemy of one of these gods by paying homage and bringing sacrifices to another. I want to meet the one who at the same time gets on well with Juno and Venus, or with Mars and Janus, or with Apollo and Pluto! [10] The Jews are in this case again better off by a hair because they have Jehovah, who is a master over their Pluto, whom they call ‘Satan’. But the Jews’ Pluto is a most foolish scoundrel because instead of honoring and rewarding his servants he mistreats them viciously; because of that no honest Jew loses any sleep over deeply scorning his lord Pluto as much as possible, and to Jehovah he will appear more agreeable the more energetically he scorns the Jewish Pluto and acts against his will, which I do not want to advise any real Roman or Greek to do! Whoever did this, would be all the most malicious Pluto priests needed. That means offering as good sacrifices to Pluto as to Zeus, otherwise dear Pluto will breathe down some poor sinner’s neck, and Zeus cannot by right do anything against Pluto; because suum cuique (to each his own) stands paramount as a principle of fate, against which not even Zeus can pass judgment without exposing himself to the danger of coming into conflict with all the other gods.”


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