eBox manual 1.4

Page 47


eBox set automatically the authoritative name server for the configured domains to ns host name. If none is set, then is set as authoritative name server for those domains. If you want to configure the authoritative name server manually for your domains (NS records), go to name servers and choose one of the configured host names for that domain or set a custom one. In a typical scenario, you may configure a ns host name using as IP address one of the configured in Network → Interfaces section.

As an additional feature, e-mail server names can be added through mail exchangers by selecting a name for the domains in which eBox is the authority or an external one. Furthermore, a preference can be given, the lowest value of which gives highest priority, i.e. an e-mail client will first try the server with the lowest preference number.

For a more in-depth look into the operation of the DNS, let us see what happens depending on the query made through the dig diagnosis tool located in Network → Diagnosis. If a query is made for one of the domains added, eBox will reply with the appropriate answer immediately. Otherwise, the DNS server will query the root DNS servers and will reply to the user as


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