Dream codes magazine 2nd Issue August 2013

Page 28

Chakras The Bodies Vital Energy Centres By Kelly Peacey 'Chakra' is fast becoming a recognized term amongst most people. So what is a chakra well firstly ‘Chakra’ is a Sanskrit word translating as wheel or vortex and this gives us an indication as to how they appear and function. Many clairvoyants report seeing them as spinning vortices of energy, and they are thought to transduce the Universal Life Force/Prana/Chi that exists in the whole of the Universe and feed it into the body feeding specific organs, body systems, endocrine glands and nerve plexus’s. They also relate to psychological and spiritual states of consciousness development. The ancient Tantric tradition located 7 major chakras or energy points running from our head to the base of our spine, although they also listed many more all over the body some believing in excess of 300! The chakras are formed at the junction of three connected energy shafts that ascend the spine, one on each side of the central channel, the Shushumna. The two lesser channels of energy are; the Pingala on the right and Ida on the left running parallel to the spine. The Kundalini energy many yogis report that helps them attain enlightenment rises up through the 7 major chakras from 28

the base of the spine to the crown, giving them ecstatic moments of supreme bliss,

understandings of how the Universe functions, and feelings of interconnectedness beyond normal comprehension. Each major chakra has a colour, tone, fragrance, planet, crystal and angel associated with it, all of which are thought to bring it back into harmony. If one or more of the chakras is perceived to be malfunctioning in that it may be spinning too

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