Engaging Space | Masters Thesis Book

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Robinson identifies the belief that the downfall in creativity and innovation, to have begun just after industrialism. Coincidentally during the same time Maria Montessori (who I will speak upon later) began implementing her

line process of teaching that could

Figure 3: Typical Classroom in the 1950’s (http://www.topfoto.co.uk/gallery/ClassicStock/ ppages/ppage25.html)

accommodate the massive increase

As education itself developed standards, so did

new teaching methods. This was when education began its own assembly Figure 1: Portrait of Sir Ken Robinson (Google image results)

in attending students. The curriculum

So many adults today do not understand what their true capabilities are and nor do they understand their true talents . High school gears its

at this time only focused on subjects that were most relevant to working life : Math, Language and Science. It was the beginning of prioritizing subject

students for college, which is then

matter and as a result the creative arts

supposed to prepare the student for their professional career. Sir Ken Robinson (figure 1), one of the most

such as painting, theatre, music, and performance art all fell to the wayside.

the spaces in which they lectured in. Desks all facing the front of the room where everyone was instructed to only listen to the teacher. As the population of students increased this “formal” classroom setting had to grow much larger at the university level. By doing so it mearly maintained its original standard and simply extrapolated on it. In higher education,

influential leaders in the current

It has been Sir Robinson’s assertion

this could be applied in a similar way that

educational crisis, is an author, speaker

that education is currently on a “fast

office workstations are currently arranged in an

and international advisor on education.

food” model ; meaning that education

open environment but are enclosed enough

He has claimed that the current

currently guarantees a level of poor

to protect from noise and visual disturbances.

quality, 100% of the time and is

Another excellent example of a well done

aimed at delivering this guarantee

academic space is the “Plug & Show Computer

for rapid production. Due to this

Presentation Seminar Rooms” (figure 6) which

model, Sir Robinson states that, “a

are an adaptable space driven by technology for

time of revolution is when things are

a medium sized lecture.

educational systems have failed at assisting every individual in finding their true capabilities, by not allowing for the individual’s creative spirit to develop and flourish. It is not the curriculum which will allow this spirit to develop but the vehicle in which the student is taking that should promote an environment which assists

happening that upset all the things we take for granted.” Resulting in the idea that education needs a revolution rather than mere reform.

The built environment can be a primary contributor to the educational institutions around the world, by allowing its students to explore learning in a multitude of ways suited to

and facilities in the development of

the individual’s needs. This cannot occur merely

the individuals creative spirit. Due

at the elementary levels but throughout the

to the college graduate inflation, Sir

entire educational journey, no matter what age.

Ken Robinson theorizes that a “college

Architects can add value to education through

degree is no longer a passport to a job;

their buildings which can assist in facilitating and

at best it’s a visa.” Due to this crisis of

influencing change and personal growth for the

a de-valued education, Architecture

creative spirit to develop.

should be serving as a means for adding value back into the educational institutions. INNOVATION

400 Person Lecture Hall 1996 (Academic Design : sharing lessons learned by William Ammentorp)

Over the last 50 years education has tried to adapt itself to accommodate and prepare its students for the changes in various professions. Robinson suggests that the small educational shifts in curriculum are not adequate in creating


Educational system started during industrialism(focus on math, english and sciences) Human EcologyUnknown future to prepare forFast Food modelCREATIVITY Revolution not reformLife is not linear but organic3yr old does not = 1/2 of a 6yr oldtradition = conformity-

a better learning process for students to grow. It is the delivery and receptiveness of the material that education provides, that is critical for the student to flourish.

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