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Rule #1:

KnoW your enemy. Spring iS not your enemy. Pollen is.

We know pollen.

And we know how to fight it. Zahler® AllergEase™ contains a unique combination of allergy fighting herbs and nutrients that help alleviate allergic symptoms, so that you can finally be at ease — no matter what the pollen count may be this season.

Fast-acting + Long Lasting ReLieF

AVAILABLE now At A HeAltH store neAr You

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Every vitamin developed by Zahler® goes through rigorous testing and is manufactured and bottled in a state-of-the-art GMP, nnFA FA & nsF® certified facility. These statements have not been evaluated by the food & drug administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. AllergEase™ is a trademark of Advanced Nutrition by Zahler®.


April 18, ’12




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