S&V Issue 3 July 2009

Page 17

Endangered Species Act by Devin Drover She messages me all hours of the night and I answer her array of flashing orange pixels. I don't know why she messaged me – and I'm not quite sure she knows either. She then proceeds to tell me what’s on her mind without giving me a chance to ask her. She laughs at things I don't find funny and has a tendency to keep my up to date with all the latest teenage slang. She won't let me ignore her and showcases a series of cute little pictures from her “cam-whore” collection to make me stay. However, after a series of confusions and precautions, I come to realize that I'm the daily victim so I play just as she wants me to. I doll myself up for disappointment - prepare myself up for cold hearted rejection. I pop the question – I try to make some plans. But I was right - it fails. She slurs out drunken-like excuses and I close out my window in satisfaction. The conversation is over now and I'm rocking out to black flag – secretly crumbling in defeat. She does her job well. I'm left to sorrow when she is out crushing the heart of another endangered species. How can an expected rejection cause an instant of heartache?

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