February 2018

Page 40

Vinod Kumar


y what method can you get sharpeners of attention? To sharpen your attention, breathing techniques and meditation is essential.

1. The mind is exposed to many activities. And all those activities etch impression of your minds. 2. From within the mind, there are surges of thoughts. Is that not your experiences? 3. And then the mind is full of conditions and principles that have been taught to you. 4. And the fourth type of impressions, are those that you inferred, derived and concluded as you dealt with many situations. We are compelled to be in activities. So, begin to make your list of “Things to do�. Many times, there is no clarity on why or what, must be your achievements for the day. You may not have method to segregate and categorise those things that you want to do. So, learn to get organised. Simply write down, about fifteen things that you must accomplish for this day. Once you write them down, then put numbers to them, in the margin. Your thoughts have now, begun to be visible, to you, in the paper. And then, that there are numbers to them. Index the items in this list by way of priority: Urgency, Emergency, Necessity and Need. Then is hobby and other low on returns,



Now, you got some order and discipline. You are going to get organised. Your brain must cooperate with you. To get the cooperation of your brain, then do breathing technique practices and meditation.

indulgences. After you make a list of, things to do, in ascending or descending order, then write down the methods to make such achievements. Now, you got some order and discipline. You are going to get organised. Your brain must cooperate with you. To get the cooperation of your brain, then do breathing technique practices and meditation. You have to repeatedly decide on the flavour of icecream to chose, or even the kind of food to eat, or the clothes to wear. The place to buy the house or even the career. So, to make correct choices, do you not need to get orderly? So, your wardrobe, shelves and cupboards, are all awaiting to get organised inside. Your brain must get into an organised mode. Your banking, finances and payment of taxes on time will happen, only when you decide, to get orderly. Get the rationale and understanding, on how to get immersed into, a culture of compliances. When many goals overlap, then too, you are confused. Then insert into your daily routine, a ten minutes body stretches programme. May be called as yoga stretches, for your body. This is to practically ensure that you can cut into, the realm of confusion. Much of your inhibitions may be founded on things that are taught to you by socially or in the industry. Has your mind, used to be confined to specific and predictable behaviour patterns? You must get some flexibility for your rigid

and crystalised understanding. You have to imagine new possibilities, fresh configurations of permutation and combinations. In short, get committed to get out of the beaten path. Cut through. Construct and fabricate, actionable solutions. Circumvent and surpass the obstacles and blocks in your nervous system. At any cost, get the expertise on mental skills. By what method, will you reinvent your learnings? Scratch upon the conclusions that you made in the past. Seek updated and upgraded inputs. It is inevitable. Many times your management and transactory doctrines will not correspond with, that which is operational. Your criterions and estimate may not match up with that, what is already in function. So, for workabilities, your wisdom must allow you to relent, to the latest and trendy realities. You can compel yourself to bid goodbye, to the fixations on your past experiences. Move on to progress and forward. Profits and gains are not necessarily, the only indicator of success. Your colleagues choosing to stay together and work together, through times of recession and deficits, can be considered as matters of a healthy company. Ability to collaborate will win, only when you reach out and establish variety of relationships. Business men also need to relate to change in transactions, within the industry. Open up to new methods to say hello, to

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