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They believe that Islam is a complete religion which was revealed by Alla>h for the happiness of mankind. Hence, everything in Islam should be implemented in the various areas of life since there is no happiness without implementing the laws of Islam and having no need for the laws of the east or the west. Almighty Alla>h has said: eAnd whoever desires other than Islam as a religion, it will never be accepted from him and in the afterlife he will be amongst the losersf7 Also, in the traditions it is said: ‘That which Mu9ammad has declared lawful will remain lawful until the day of resurrection and that which he has declared unlawful will remain unlawful until the day of resurrection’8. They also believe that it is obligatory to unite the Muslims under one banner as Almighty Alla>h has ordered: eAnd hold on firmly to the rope of Alla>h and do not be disunitedf9 and eAnd do not dispute amongst yourselves so that you will fail and your power will gof10. They also believe that it is necessary to solve the differences that have arisen and caused disunity between Muslims, doing so in the light of the book of Alla>h and the authentic traditions (sunnah) far from different groupings and hateful and unwarranted partisanships and cliques. They also believe that any law which goes against Islam is unlawful and wrong and should not be acted upon, as Almighty Alla>h has said: eAnd whoever does not rule by what Alla>h has revealed, then they are the unbelieversf11. The top scholars of the Sunni school of thought have ruled that it is permissible to follow and adopt the Sh:!ite school of thought. They include Shaykh Ma9mYd ShaltYt the former rector of the University of al-Azhar in Cairo, Egypt and others. 4

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