Revista Sampa

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na Rede Globo. Ao participar de muitos eventos, feiras e festassuabelezanuncapassoudespercebida,ecomissofoi agregandoexperiênciaedesenvolturaemsuasmaisdiversas participações,comomusaoumodelo.Conscientedequeé precisoterumasegundaprofissão,Tatiformou-senoanode 2007 em comissária de bordo. “A gente precisa se preparar paraavida”,diz,convicta.Incansável,ocursodeinglêséoutro compromissoquetemlugarnaagenda.Apesardeprivilegiada pela natureza, ela não descuida dos cuidados com o corpo: malha o ano inteiro com a personal trainer Vanessa Lopes e mantémumaalimentaçãobalanceada,evitandoumaperdição – os doces. Com o incentivo do esposo, o produtor musical Marcelo Galático, Tati já dá início a uma nova carreira – a de cantoradefunk.“Desdesetembroestoutrabalhandonaárea musical.Nossaequipeécompostademaisduasdançarinase umDJ”.ComshowsmarcadosportodooBrasil,Tatitemcomo músicasdetrabalho(aquelasquesãolançadasprimeironas rádios)“Bemdevagarinho“e“Numpiquefenomenal”.Elanão esconde a gratidão por quem a ajuda. “A Valesca Popozuda medeuváriostoquessobreofunk”,comentasobreacolega que desfila na escola coirmã Águia de Ouro. “Sou muito grata à Gaviões da Fiel. Represento toda acomunidade,etenhomuitoorgulhodisso”,finaliza.Depois do carnaval, o grupo Tati e as Galáticas viajam para Miami e Orlando, e depois, Paris.

program Passarela do Samba. In 2006, she was the school representative on the TV program Caldeirão do Hulk and shewas praisedfor her beauty. Inthebeginning of 2007she WecandefineTatianeMineratoassurprise.Thesweet represented the samba school in a TV Globo Program. young girl with a soft voice was born in the neighborhood Sheisloyaltoherbelovedsambaschool,in2008,theyinvited of Imirim, north of São Paulo city, become different when hertobetheComposers’Muse,andIn2011,sheparticipated the matter is carnival or soccer; the passions related one intheprogramHypertensão,inRedeGlobochannel.Shehas to another. “I’m from a family of Corinthians supporters. been acting in many events, fairs, festivals, and because of Corinthians is everything to me, “she says, the eyes shining. that, she gets experience in her various roles as muse or She is 23 years old, Tati, as she is called, is a ‘veteran’ of model. She is aware of the need to have a second job, Tati the São Paulo Carnival since she has paraded for 15 years graduated in a flight attendant. “We must be prepared for life, “she says, firmly. always defendingtheflagofGremioGaviõesdaFielTorcida An English course is another commitment in her agenda. Thelinkbetween soccerandsamba, ishereditaryespecially Although privileged bynature,shedoesnotneglectthebodycare with the samba school .Her mother Silvia Regina Minerato paraded before the baby girl was born. “She said she only sheworksoutduringtheyearwithapersonaltrainerVanessa stopped during the pregnancy,” says Tati. When she was 8, Lopesandshehasabalanceddiet,avoidingtheevil:candies. the queen have their first moments in the samba school - at HerhusbandthemusicproducerMarceloGalacticoencourages the time, she and her sister Ana Paula participated in the Ala her; she has already begun a new career - a funk vocalist. “I das Crianças . In 2005, she was Pholia Girl (the traditional have been working in the music since September. TherearetwodancersandaDJinourgroup.“Wehave carnivalinPholiaFaria,andPholiaMemorialInthesameyear shows scheduledthroughoutBrazil,Tatianeisverygrateful she was elected The number One Blonde Girl10 in the TV to the ones that have helped.” Valesca popozuda gave me Tatiane Marchezini, Marcelo Galático, Robson de Oliveira, Sheila Pereira severaltipsaboutfunkrhythm,”shesaidabouthercolleague Tatiane Minerato, Leandro Reis, Gislaine Vicente, Sandro Farias who parades in another Samba School Aguia de Ouro. “I am very grateful to the Gaviões da Fiel. I represent the wholecommunity,andIamveryproudofit.,“sheconcludes. The group Tati and the Galatics are going to travel to Miami, Orlando, and Paris,after de carnival.


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