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national nurses week



Florence Nightingale was born May 12, 1820, in Florence, Italy, and was named for the city in which she was born. Her parents were from England, and they were on a tour of Europe when Florence was born. Florence was expected to follow the path of other young, wealthy English women and marry, have children, and focus on a home life and a social life. But Florence was extremely bright and had a strong passion for helping others. She decided the best way she could do that would to be a nurse. In 1851, her dream was achieved, and she went off to nursing school in Germany. When the Crimean War broke out, Nightingale heard about the horrible, unsanitary conditions of the hospitals on the front, and of all the wounded and sick soldiers who were in desperate need of better medical care. When she was offered a position as a nurse at Scutari, a military hospital in Turkey, she set off to help.

CC • Wednesday, April 30, 2014 • • Suburban Life

Florence Nightingale While Nightingale was at Scutari, she organized the hospital to ensure better care for the soldiers. She kept detailed records and statistics, and she discovered that the cleaner and more sanitized the conditions of the hospital were, the more people lived. She knew she had discovered something that could change hospitals and health care for the better. When she returned home to England, she helped open a professional school of nursing for women, where a new generation of nurses were trained in her own theories of health care, sanitation and nursing. Her inluence started to spread, as nurses trained in her tradition were practicing her theories and training other nurses. Nightingale continued to write to spread her ideas, and she died after a long life at the age of 90. To this day, Nightingale is remembered as a reformer and nursing pioneer. — Anne Raih, MCN

Think about it, write about it Florence Nightingale is remembered for the lasting impact she had on nursing. during the same time, across the sea in america, another influential nurse — clara Barton — was founding the american Red cross. For National Nurses Week, which begins on may 6, find out more about Clara Barton. Visit the library to find a biography of Barton, or do research on the internet. Write a short biography on what you find.

Florence Nightingale was born on May 12, 1820. She is remembered as a nursing pioneer. Wikimedia commons photos

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