Durham Magazine Dec/Jan 16 issue

Page 53

h e a l t h

c a r e

h e r o e s

Dr. Alessandra Ritter 501 Eastowne Drive, Suite 155, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919) 403-5000 t Ritter Endodontics, our priority is to deliver high-quality dental care and to educate patients in a pleasant and convenient setting. Each staff member is dedicated to our patients’ comfort and to making sure their needs are met with the highest level of professionalism. Our goal is to keep our patients healthy and ensure an outstanding experience.


Dr. Alessandra Ritter is an experienced and caring dentist and endodontist who has more than 25 years of training and practice in the field of endodontics (root canals). Originally from Brazil, she moved to North Carolina after practicing dentistry for 10 years. Dr. Ritter has a D.D.S Degree and a Master’s Degree in endodontics from UNC-Chapel Hill and also two certificates in endodontics. Dr. Ritter is a member of the American Dental Association and the American Association of Endodontists.


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Tim installs the winter Little WORLD at Duke Children’s Hospital. The displays often change with the seasons, and while it doesn’t take long to swap them out, Tim has spent close to 50 hours building each scene.

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