New techniques of prediction

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Chapter VII

by Chistabo, A.D. 2012


some will have placed implicit faith (blind faith) as they are their family Purohits. You may prefer to consult an infant astrologer to a Purohit who may be relied upon only to get the ceremonials performed after the fixture is made. 

Chastity of a woman

4th house is supposed to indicate the chastity of a woman. But in my experience I have found that other houses also cause effect. 6th, 7th, 11th and 12th house also are indicators. Generally, Shukr is the chief indicator. Any sort of relationship of Shukr and Kuja is likely to affect the moral standard. Sixth house is the house of diseases. If one has to suffer from venereal diseases she should be immoral. Seventh being the house of partner and sexual union, she may elect an outsider. Eleventh house is the house of increase / profit and even second wife or husband. A planet of this house may cause her to join one for profit. Lastly, twelfth house is house of bed comforts - may be better bed comforts elsewhere. Then, why is fourth house singled out? It is a house of happiness and general conduct. If she feels for increased earthly happiness, she may go out of her good conduct or her happiness in life may go down due to her bad conduct. In my experience fourth house has not given me proper satisfactory clue as the other houses. May be that in ancient days sexual immorality being unthinkable; even slight bad character in a lady was construed very seriously. These days even high sexual immorality is not of much significance. Then what about the natural bad conduct of fourth house? While reading the chastity of a woman do not suddenly conclude merely looking at an afflicting planet. See if its Dasha or Bhukti operates. For, we have seen ladies remaining chaste till a distant age after which they have changed their conduct. Some who have been immoral in early ages have turned out a new leaf in their later ages. Such malefic planetary Dashas operating before attaining puberty will have practically no effects on them. All such considerations will have to be made before venturing to predict. Often it is questioned as to who will pre-decease. In my experience I have found it difficult to answer with the aid of astrology. So I prefer palmistry. For this reading look to the marriage line - short horizontal line or lines from the percussion lying on the Mount of Budh between the base of the little finger and heart line. If this marriage line bends down towards heart line you may readily declare that the partner will die first, else the native only. Thus whenever I feel that astrology does not give me assured positions I prefer palmistry. After all the two are sisters and allied subjects. So should female horoscopy to be scrutinized.

Chapter VII  

Bhava Phalams

(Results of houses)

(01) In this Chapter, I discuss Bhava Phalam in a new style but not transgressing the old dictums. There are books on this single subject written in great volumes but of no avail. What useful purpose would it serve by editing a book of thousands of planetary combinations? First of all it would be difficult to search in that long series our particular combination. Secondly, if perchance there be one such it may not give out satisfactory reading. Such publications are mere glamour. I warn the public not to be attracted by such glamour books. I really pity those that commenced such publications. What we really need is the enunciation of definite principles of judgment. If this be known anybody can himself coin even Lakhs of such combinations. In the delineation of particular effects of a Bhava or of the time of occurrence of the event etc., a lot of alternative tests are stated. You might have experienced utmost difficulty and bugbear in prediction if there is even one alternative test. If so, what would be one's fate with a number of alternatives? As far as possible we should try to minimize those alternatives or ambiguities. It is only then that the science becomes really a definite science. To do this you must research and not merely read. Having this in my view I have in fact dealt all my chapters of my publication in a lucid way. Where I have experienced doubts and ambiguities or even alternatives I have left them out. Only those that are definite and proved by practical application to be true have been inserted. Now to the subject proper; I take it for granted that the readers will have gone through the general rules laid down in texts on this subject. The common principles of judgment of Bhava Phalams must be properly digested to avoid confusion that may arise due to seeming contradictory dictums. It is said that for the progression or prosperity of a Bhava it needs the aspect of its Lord. This is just like the master of a house being present at head-quarters, controlling his family. An aspect should always be judged from Rasi chart. For strength of aspect you should look to the longitudinal differences between the aspector and the aspectee. Aspects include conjunction also for my purposes. So, whenever I mention the word "aspect" you may include conjunction also. All planets aspect the 7th sign and planets in the 7th sign from it. In addition there are some special aspects as follows: 4th and 8th for Kuja, 5th and 9th for Guru, 3rd and 10th for Shani, Rahu, and Ketu. Usually we confine to these aspects. It is only under the Tajak, western and in Parashara method of judging the page ~ 39 ~

New Techniques of Prediction – Book I

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