SFHA-HCV-RAB_ Minutes_032012

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Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked if on page 30 when referring to elderly/disabled, does that means an elderly disabled person or elderly and disabled. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked if a client has several deductions, do clients get all deductions they are eligible for or just one. Ms. Hayes referred to page 35. Mrs. Kennedy answered that your deductions come off at your annual recertification and you get whatever applies to you. Mr. Abramson, RAB, asked how you find out who your worker is. Mr. Abramson, RAB, asked if anyone can go back to school to get the tax credit. Ms. Taylor, RAB, asked how the SFHA determines a near elderly person. Ms. Taylor asked when you have kids, how is being “nearly elderly” affected. Gary Schlotterbeck, RAB, referred to page 83 and asked if once you are given a 30 day notice and then a 15 day notice, does that mean 45 days in total. Mr. Schlotterbeck, RAB, asked if a family is in a SRO and are called out of town, how can they keep track of what is going on with their housing. Mr. Schlotterbeck also asked whether there were advocate groups that could speak on a client’s behalf. Mr. Abramson, RAB, asked if a person does not accept a Project Base Voucher, what happens. Ms. Hayes, RAB, asked if the SFHA notifies applicants when they are going to purge the waiting list. Rosa Martinez, RAB, asked what happens if you never get the letter and what can an applicant do. Ms. Hayes and Mr. Battipaglia both suggested that SFHA should put in there policy that applicants should check their status every 6 months. Ms. Hayes asked how far HUD lets SFHA modify the Federal law. Mr. Battipaglia asked how SFHA determines utility allowances. Ms. Smith asked how much the utility allowance is. Ms. Smith asked how much can a person get deducted for prescription drugs and how is it deducted.


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