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Chapter 8: Digging In to Landscape Projects perfect plants for each spot, and they can tell you how to get the fastest growth with fertilizers and water scheduling. In general, you want evergreens for winter windbreaks, but your options for summer are wide open. Keep your plants on a water schedule. For about $20, you can get a battery-powered digitally programmed valve that works great anywhere you have a hose. You can automatically water a number of trees for $40, including the drippers and tubes. Trees and shrubs grow like mad if you feed and water them properly, but they don’t grow much at all if you don’t. Making water automatic is a wise investment. Evergreens break wind on northwest, block winter winds

Broad, short trees on the west shield afternoon solar heat

N Tall deciduous on the south side gives summer shade and winter sun.

Prevailing Wind Figure 8-2: Planting trees to change the breeze patterns in and around your house.

Prevailing Wind

Planting trees like this maximize breezes in house

This minimizes wind


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