Green education e book

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The project Green Educationhas been funded with support from the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Table Of Contents Mojca Volk, Edward Dawidowski Editors' Introduction


Editors' Introduction The biosphere of our planet and our civilization are rapidly changing. Environmental pollution is one of the biggest challenges the world is facing today. Sustainable development in all areas of life is the only chance to preserve Earth for our descendants. People already know that everyone should take part in the Earth rescuing process, most of them just do not know how to do that or what steps to take. The education sector has a key role to play in addressing this challenge. Teaching and learning are crucial to inspire and educate citizens and equip them with the skills and knowledge to deal with these challenges. To achieve this, it is important to:  Make environmental education accessible to everyone.  Include the environmental perspective in programs that integrate people from different social groups.  Involve people in the debate and discussion about the environment, so that we all take a part of responsibility.  Take advantage of, and develop, the therapeutic value of learning about and caring for the environment.  Exchange experience. These facts lead us to create our project Green Education – Back to nature. The main idea of the project was to establish direct cooperation on the dissemination and communication of information related to education in the field of “green sciences approach” and to make green nature attractive and accessible to adult learners, especially to those from vulnerable groups, i.e. elderly people. We focused on four main topics, which have spread during the project:    

Biodiversity, soil and perception Healthy lifestyles and salubrious issues Renewable energy Climate changes.

In 2013, we joined in the partnership of 6 European countries: Slovenia – as a coordinator, Poland, Turkey, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. The project should provide an international group of educators and adult learners whose task would consist in sharing their experience allowing them to gain new skills. Joint actions should enable our partnership to produce a wide range of educational resources. It was planned that each of the partners would develop five educational "green" programmes, which would be tested in practice, improved, and then disseminated within the e-book. This would aspire to be a tutorial for other people whose principal aim would be to discover the "green face" of our planet. The project has also had a global scope by means of:  The contribution of 6 different countries has given us a common and a different perspective of contemporary alternative educational methods due to the huge geographical and cultural situation.

 Different experiences have enriched our common project since each partner has had valuable contributions in the different aspects to be considered: educative, environmental and social.  The project has given us not only a deeper knowledge about environmental and natural educational scope across the Europe, but also a deeper understanding and knowledge of our European partners’ culture, reinforced intercultural dialogue and the awareness of common European identity. Our common moto has been: ”You cannot appreciate something you do not know, you cannot love something you do not appreciate and you cannot preserve something you do not love.” The project has been funded by European Commission within the Lifelong Learning Programme, subprogramme Grundtvig, action type Grundtvig Learning Partnerships.

EXPERIENCES AND CASE STUDIES PARTNER No. 1 LJUDSKA UNIVERZA AJDOVŠČINA, SLOVENIA (CENTRE FOR ADULT EDUCATION, SLOVENIA) Ljudska univerza Ajdovščina (Centre for Adult Education) is the local information and counselling centre for adult education. It has 8 employees, and numerous external staff members. In addition, we collaborate with development agencies, the Employment service, social work centres, libraries, municipalities, chambers, tourist information centres, local communities, economic entities, etc. In fact, we work with all those willing to participate by offering programmes for raising the quality of life of local inhabitants. Our organization offers programmes for different vulnerable target groups, such as unemployed, elderly people, young people without finished primary or secondary school, and immigrants. Our programmes are oriented towards raising the level of literacy in general, as well as the levels of ICT literacy and digital literacy. Furthermore, they focus on lifelong learning, and intergenerational cooperation and learning. We try to create a collaborative learning environment where all the learners (elderly and young) can acquire and improve their skills, and seek the innovations and best practices by the means of lifelong learning, intergenerational learning, and e-learning. Our missions and visions are based on professionalism, individual approach, knowledge, good relations and orientation towards the future. We have considerable experience with the intergenerational learning, social inclusion, projects for rural population, integration of immigrants, etc. We have gained this experience by collaborating on national projects, which were co-financed by the European Social Fund, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, and the Ministry of the Interior. Moreover, through the Lifelong Learning programme, we participated in numerous international projects, such as Social Inclusion in Action, »Tandems go!« – Twinning the elderly and young people as a possibility of e-learning, Development of new VET programmes to improve competitiveness in the labour market, and Green Education – Back to nature. In Slovenian: Ljudska univerza Ajdovščina je informacijski in svetovalni center Zgornje Vipavske doline za izobraževanje odraslih. Imamo 8 zaposlenih, sodelujemo pa tudi s številnimi zunanjimi sodelavci. Med naše partnerje sodijo tudi razvojne agencije, zavod za zaposlovanje, centri za socialno delo, knjižnice, občine, zbornice, turistično informacijski centri, šole, krajevne skupnosti, gospodarski subjekti in še bi lahko naštevali – skratka sodelujemo z vsemi, ki so na to pripravljeni, in želijo z dobrimi programi prispevati k boljši ponudbi in kvalitetnejšemu življenju prebivalcev našega okolja. Programi, ki jih izvajamo na Ljudski univerzi Ajdovščina, so namenjeni različnim ciljnim skupinam, v zadnjem času predvsem brezposelnim, starejšim odraslim, osipnikom in priseljencem. Usmerjeni so v dvig ravni splošne, informacijsko komunikacijske in digitalne pismenosti, v vseživljenjsko učenje, medgeneracijsko sodelovanje ter učenje. Trudimo se, da ustvarjamo spodbudno učno okolje, v katerem lahko vsi učeči, tako mladi kot starejši, pridobivajo in nadgrajujejo svoja znanja in veščine s

pomočjo vseživljenjskega in medgeneracijskega učenja ter e-učenja. Naše usmeritve in vizije so profesionalni odnos, individualni pristop, znanje, dobri odnosi in orientiranost v prihodnost. Imamo veliko izkušenj z medgeneracijskim učenjem, socialnim vključevanjem, s projekti za podeželsko prebivalstvo, vključevanjem tujcev – priseljencev … Te izkušnje smo pridobivali preko nacionalnih projektov, ki jih je sofinancirali Evropski socialni sklad, Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport, Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti ter Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve. Preko programa Vseživljenjsko učenje pa smo bili vključeni tudi v več mednarodnih projektov: Social Inclusion in Action, »Tandems go!« – Twinning the elderly and young people as a possibility of elearning, Development of new VET programmes to improve competitiveness in the labour market in Green Education – Back to nature. CASE No. 1: 1. Name of the activity: COMBINING AND SEPARATING (ZDRUŽUJEM IN LOČUJEM) 2. Mentor: ANJA JAMŠEK FURLAN 3. Participants: 22 (participants of the programme Project Learning for Young Adults) 4. Duration: once per week for 4 hours, 2 school years 5. Goals: The project was based on the acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of ecology and recycling. Many things which at first glance seem like waste are in reality a valuable source of material that can be usefully utilized. It is important that young people learn to recycle properly, and above all, that they understand why recycling is important in the first place. That’s why the first phase consisted of lectures on the topic of recycling. The main objective of those lectures was teaching proper waste sorting and intensive recycling of waste in our program. In addition to proper waste sorting, this part of the project was particularly focused on collecting the waste which could later be used. The second part of the project involved practical workshops related to different topics. 6. Description: The topics were:  Plastic, how to usefully recycle it?  Do you sort waste?  What to do with waste?  How to handle waste in our program Project Learning for Young Adults?  Each footstep leaves a footprint in environment.  Climate changes - truth or hoax?  Wealth in front of our front porch.  What’s eco?  12 principles of permaculture.  Let’s go to the woods.  Without water there is no life.  Good for me - good for the environment.  Should I eat quickly or healthy? In Slovenian: Projekt je temeljil temelji na pridobivanju temeljnih znanj s področja ekologije in recikliranja. Veliko tega, kar se na prvi pogled zdi odpadek, je v resnici dragocen vir, material, ki ga lahko koristno uporabimo. Pomembno je, da se mladi seznanijo s tem, kako pravilno reciklirati, predvsem pa, zakaj

reciklirati. Tako je bila prva faza sestavljena iz predavanj na temo recikliranja, konkretni cilj pa je bil pravilno ločevanje in intenzivno recikliranje odpadkov v programu PUM. Poleg pravilnega ločevanja odpadkov, je bilo v tem delu projekta pomembno predvsem zbiranje odpadkov, ki smo jih kasneje uporabili pri nadaljevanju projekta. V drugem delu projekta smo uporabili metodo projektnega dela, in sicer smo s praktičnimi delavnicami preizkusili različne tematike. Teme so bile:             


CASE No.2 Name of the activity: LAVANDER (SIVKA) Mentor: NATAŠA MOHORČIČ Participants: 27 (intergenerational participation) Duration: once per month (18 month), 4 hours per meeting Goals: The main goal of the project was the exchange of knowledge among people who are big fans of nature, herbs, and healthy lifestyle. Older people have a wealth of experience and knowledge, which they inherited from their parents and grandparents. Tradition plays a big role in this – this is wealth worth preserving. On the other hand, younger participants, who have knowledge on the latest researches and approaches, introduce a breath of fresh air to the topics under discussion. 6. Description: Meetings take place in a very relaxed atmosphere. Every time we prepare a particular product and then discuss it thoroughly. So far, we have manufactured homemade soap, calendula ointment, natural facial cream, massage pad for after shower body care, etc. We have agreed that we will all be actively involved, so every time a few participants prepare a presentation of medicinal plants, or a certain natural product that they know best. We also exchange seeds of various plants that we grow at home, and instructions on handling of seeds, germination methods, maintenance, and other information related to seeds and plants. In spring and summer, our meetings take place outside in nature, and in an herb garden, where we learn how to recognize plants and study their characteristics in practice - how they look like, grow, bloom, smell, etc. So far, we have learned much from each other, and we will pursue our project in the future as well.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In Slovenian: Glavni cilj projekta je bila izmenjava znanj med ljudmi, ki so veliki ljubitelji narave, zdravilnih zelišč in zdravega načina življenja. Starejši imajo bogate izkušnje in znanje, ki so ga podedovali od svojih staršev in starih staršev. Tu igra tradicija veliko vlogo - to je bogastvo, ki ga velja ohraniti. Mlajši udeleženci pa z znanjem o novejših raziskavah in pristopih vnašajo svežino pri temah, ki jih obravnavamo. Srečanja potekajo v zelo sproščenem vzdušju. Vsakokrat izdelamo določen izdelek in se o njem temeljito pogovorimo. Tako smo izdelali že domače milo, ognjičevo mazilo, kremo za nego obraza, masažno ploščico za nego telesa po tuširanju. Dogovorili smo se, da bomo vsi aktivno sodelovali, zato vsakokrat nekaj udeležencev pripravi predstavitev zdravilne rastline ali pa določenega izdelka, ki ga najbolje pozna. Izmenjujemo si semena različnih vrst rastlin, ki jih pridelujemo doma skupaj z navodili o ravnanju s semeni, načini kalitve, vzdrževanja,…nasploh vseh informacij, ki so povezane s semeni in rastlinami. V spomladanskih in poletnih mesecih naša srečanja izvajamo v naravi in na zeliščnem vrtu, kjer prepoznavamo rastline in spoznavamo njihove značilnosti in zdravilne učinke v praksi - kako zgledajo, rastejo, cvetijo, dišijo … Do sedaj smo se že veliko naučili eden od drugega, zato bomo z našim projektom nadaljevali tudi v prihodnosti.

CASE No. 3 1. Name of the activity: EDUCATION FOR GREEN & ECO TOURISM (IZOBRAŽEVANJE ZA RAZVOJ ZELENEGA TURIZMA) 2. Mentor: NIVES LIČEN 3. Participants: students of Andragogy participating in a course of Adult education planning, 12 participants 4. Duration: February – June 2014 5. Goals:  planning programmes for development of green tourism, especially those dedicated to vulnerable target groups;  raising awareness of the importance of education for sustainable development and encouraging critical reflection about sustainable development policy;  promoting the use of active knowledge transfer methods in programme planning;  encouraging cooperation between Ljudska univerza Ajdovščina in its role as an education provider and the Faculty of Arts as a research organisation. 6. Description: The group formed a seminar as part of the Adult education planning course within the framework of Andragogy studies at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts. They started by analysing the local/rural characteristics of different Slovene regions. In the scope of their studies, they also visited the premises of Ljudska univerza Ajdovščina and studied the educational needs of the local environment. Students were creating education programmes for the development of local tourism. Special emphasis was placed on sustainable development, conservation of the natural and cultural heritage, and organic food production, which can encourage the development of ecotourism. They relied on the concept of nanotourism, which is based on the principle “from the bottom up”, and they focused mainly on experiential methods. We established that, in addition to their basic programme, different providers of tourist services could organise workshops, allowing people to learn about the local environment (plants, animals, water sources), and about cultural practices which derive from local characteristics and cultural heritage (food, recreation, customs). Furthermore, they could raise awareness of the importance of changing habits in everyday life. During the seminar, the students created numerous workshops dedicated to different target groups (elderly, disabled/blind people, intergenerational groups). Workshops:  Green tourism for families (the programme is dedicated to families and aims at developing a centre for a family green tourism and a healthy life);  Natural thermal springs (an experience programme for tourists at health resorts);  Preserving the natural and cultural heritage (a programme for preserving traditional trades);  Viticulture for tourists (green tourism week and outdoor learning).

In Slovenian: Cilji:  oblikovati programe za razvoj zelenega turizma, predvsem za ranljive ciljne skupine,  ozaveščati o pomenu izobraževanja za trajnostni razvoj in razvijati kritično refleksijo o politiki trajnostnega razvoja,  spodbujati uporabo aktivnih metod za prenos znanja pri načrtovanju programov,  spodbujati sodelovanje med Ljudsko univerzo Ajdovščina kot ponudnikom izobraževanja in Filozofsko fakulteto kot raziskovalno organizacijo. Skupina je delovala kot seminar v sklopu študija andragogike na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani pri predmetu Načrtovanje izobraževanja odraslih. Izhajali smo iz lokalnih/ ruralnih značilnosti posameznih pokrajin v Sloveniji. Skupina je v sklopu svojega študija obiskala Ljudsko univerzo Ajdovščina in proučevala izobraževalne potrebe v lokalnem okolju. Študentje so razvijali izobraževalne programe za razvoj lokalnega turizma. Poudarek je bil na trajnostnem razvoju, ohranjanju naravne in kulturne dediščine, ekološki pridelavi hrane, kar je lahko spodbuda za razvoj eko-turizma. Uporabljali so koncept nanoturizma, ki sledi načelom »od spodaj navzgor«, poudarek je bil na doživljajskih metodah. Ugotovili smo, da lahko različni ponudniki turističnih storitev poleg osnovnega programa ponudijo tudi delavnice, ki omogočajo spoznavanje lokalnega okolja (rastline, živali, vode) in kulturnih praks, ki slonijo na lokalnih značilnostih in kulturni dediščini (prehrana, rekreacija, običaji) ter z delovanjem spodbujajo ozaveščanje o nujnosti spreminjanja navad v vsakdanjem življenju. V seminarju so študentke in študenti razvili več programov za delavnice za izbrane ciljne skupine (starejši, invalidi/slepi, medgeneracijske skupine). Naslovi delavnic so:  Zeleni turizem za družine (program je namenjen družinam, v lokalnem okolju razvija center za družinski zeleni turizem in zdravo življenje).  Naravni termalni vrelci (doživljajski program za turiste v zdravilišču).  Ohranimo naravno in kulturno dediščino (program za ohranjanje tradicionalnih obrti).  Vinogradništvo za turiste (teden zelenega turizma in doživljajsko učenje – outdoor learning). CASE No. 4 1. Name of the activity: METHODS IN EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND GREEN EDUCATION (METODE IZOBRAŽEVANJA ZA SPODBUJANJE TRAJNOSTNEGA RAZVOJA IN »ZELENGA IZOBRAŽEVANJA«) 2. Mentor: NIVES LIČEN 3. Participants: experts in the field of adult education, 8 participants 4. Duration: May 2014 – May 2015 5. Goals:  finding examples of good practice in the field of adult education for sustainable development in Slovenia;  finding adult education strategies which could be used in local/rural environment to encourage sustainable development;  preparing a journal/monograph describing the strategies and examples;  preparing a conference paper.

6. Description: Participating in this research study circle were experts in the field of adult education from different environments, such as primary schools, universities and local education networks. Their work was guided by the following principles: interdisciplinarity, innovation and exploration of practices. The research was based on previous work at Ljudska univerza Ajdovščina, which published a monograph on lifelong learning and sustainable development in 2011. (Ličen, N. & Bolčina, B. (eds.) (2011). Neformalno izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj : priročnik za delo v andragoških skupinah. Ajdovščina: Ljudska univerza; Furthermore, two studies were made on this topic: Tanja Pogačnik analysed different practices in non-formal education for sustainable development and Alja Šercelj researched communities of practice (CoP) as an example of learning in everyday life. We also started gathering examples of good practice, which will be described in an independent publication Green Education: Examples from Slovenia (Zeleno izobraževanje: primeri iz Slovenije). While researching good practice, we established that the development of innovative and interactive education calls for a better supply of didactic materials for creating non-formal education programmes dedicated to adults. Consequently, a guide for analysing educational needs was created. (Nives Ličen (2015). Proučevanje izobraževalnih potreb posameznika in okolja. Študijsko gradivo za delavnice.) The analysis of interdisciplinary approaches was presented at the annual conference Days of pedagogy and andragogy (Pedagoško andragoški dnevi) at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts. (Ličen, N. & Fakin Bajec, J. (2014) Interdisciplinarno raziskovanje in inovativno učenje: v povezavi z lokalno skupnostjo. V: Makovec, D. (ed.). Pedagogika in andragogika med bolonjo in preživetjem. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, http://www.pedagogika2014, str. 30-38.) Available on the following webpage: In Slovenian:  poiskati primere dobre prakse s področja izobraževanja odraslih za trajnostni razvoj v slovenskem okolju,  zbrati metode za izobraževanje odraslih, katere lahko uporabimo v lokalnem/ruralnem okolju za spodbujanje trajnostnega razvoja,  pripraviti zbornik z opisi metod in izbranih primerov,  pripraviti objavo/referat za konferenco. V raziskovalnem študijskem krožku so sodelovali strokovnjaki, ki se ukvarjajo z izobraževanjem odraslih v različnih okoljih, od osnovne šole do univerze in lokalnih izobraževalnih omrežij. Načela, ki so usmerjala delo, so bila: interdisciplinarnost, inovativnost, raziskovanje praks. V okviru raziskovalnega dela smo izhajali iz preteklega na dela na Ljudski univerzi Ajdovščina, ki je pripravila zbornik o vseživljenjskem učenju in trajnostnem razvoju že leta 2011 (Ličen, N. & Bolčina, B. (ur.) (2011). Neformalno izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj : priročnik za delo v andragoških skupinah. Ajdovščina: Ljudska univerza, dostopno na Nastali sta dve raziskavi, ki sta ju pripravili Tanja Pogačnik (Različne prakse v neformalnem izobraževanju za trajnostni razvoj ) in Alja Šercelj (Skupnosti prakse kot primer učenja v vsakdanjem življenju). Nato je sledilo zbiranje primerov dobrih praks. Opisi bodo izšli v samostojni publikaciji Zeleno izobraževanje: primeri iz Slovenije. Pri raziskovanju dobrih praks smo ugotovili, da bi za razvoj inovativnega in sodelovalnega učenja potrebovali tudi več strokovnega gradiva za načrtovanje neformalnih izobraževalnih programov za odrasle. Nastal je priročnik za analizo izobraževalnih potreb (Nives Ličen (2015). Proučevanje izobraževalnih potreb posameznika in okolja. Študijsko gradivo za delavnice.)

Analizo interdisciplinarnih pristopov za razvoj inovativnega učenja smo predstavili na letnem posvetu Pedagoško andragoški dnevi na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani (Ličen, N. & Fakin Bajec, J. (2014) Interdisciplinarno raziskovanje in inovativno učenje : v povezavi z lokalno skupnostjo. V: Makovec, D. (ur.). Pedagogika in andragogika med bolonjo in preživetjem. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2014, str. 30-38. Dostopno na

CASE No. 5 1. Name of the activity: CULTURAL HERITAGE – SOURCE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (KULTURNA DEDIŠČINA – VIR ZA TRAJNOSTNI RAZVOJ) 2. Mentor: JASNA FAKIN BAJEC 3. Participants: women aged 40 to 60, including unemployed women, 6 participants 4. Duration: October 2013 – May 2014 5. Goals:  to learn about the develpment potentials of cultural heritage  to create new innovative products which would represent our region  to find connection between history, present and future within the idea of sustainable development  to connect rural and urban way of life 6. Description: The global economic and social crisis, which countries of the European Union are handling in different ways, calls for a reflection on establishing new development potentials which would help citizens to lead a better and socially richer life. We acknowledge the fact that social progress is not only based on the development of high technology products but also on a creative environment with dedicated and compassionate people that know and appreciate the natural and cultural richness of their region. Therefore, the purpose of this study circle was to teach the participants about the development potentials of cultural heritage, and to create new and innovative products which would represent the Vipava Valley cultural heritage caught in between tradition and innovation. Their story

should reflect the sustainable development linked to the history of the Vipava Valley lifestyle, especially the harmony of the urban and rural life. Furthermore, the contents of the study circle tackled the social and development challenges related to addressing unemployment issues, and achieving gender equality, focusing especially on empowering women to take initiative and become more determined in achieving personal and social accomplishments. The study circle was organised around educational activities of the Ljudska univerza in Ajdovščina. The members met twice a week in two-hour sessions and were guided by an expert in ethnology and an expert in cultural anthropology. Together they were discussing and developing a product which would inform the Vipava Valley inhabitants about sustainable ways of using cultural heritage for quality development. Results: The members prepared a calendar with a modern graphic design and interesting stories which would encourage women to learn and appreciate their role in achieving sustainable development. The stories, which are categorised according to the main seasonal activities, present the history of the Vipava Valley and the methods of using and upgrading traditional skills with contemporary needs and desires. The stories relate to the following topics: January: woman – business woman; February: woman – sower; March: woman – mother; April: woman – person in charge of a clean and tidy home; May: woman – gardener; June: woman – herb gatherer; July: woman – fruit grower; August: woman – organiser of parties and village events; September: woman – teacher, cultural figure; October: woman – gatherer of autumn fruits; November: woman – craftswoman; December: woman – cook. We established that women have an important role in achieving sustainable policy for conserving natural wealth, ensuring economic development, establishing an integrated and compassionate community, and preserving cultural particularities. With their knowledge, empathy, and ability to understand the needs of different generations, they contribute considerably to quality development. Unfortunately, women’s potentials remain undervalued even though their position, role, and importance in our society have changed. In Slovenian: Namen in cilj izobraževanja: Nastala svetovna gospodarska in socialna kriza, s katero se države Evropske unije spopadajo različno, zahteva razmislek tudi o vzpostavljanju novih lokalnih razvojnih potencialov, ki bodo pripomogli k kvalitetnejšemu in socialno bogatejšemu življenju državljanov. Z zavedanjem, da napredek družbe ne zagotavlja le razvoj visokotehnoloških produktov, temveč tudi ustvarjalno okolje s povezanimi in sočutnimi ljudmi, ki poznajo in cenijo naravna in kulturna bogastva iz svojega okolja, je bil namen študijskega krožka ozavestiti udeležence o razvojnih potencialih kulturne dediščine in oblikovati nove,

inovativne produkte o Vipavski dolini, ki bodo predstavljali lokalno kulturno dediščino med tradicijo in inovacijo. Njihova zgodba naj bi izražala trajnostni razvoj povezan z zgodovino načina življenja v Vipavski dolini, zlasti sožitje urbanega načina življenja s podeželskim. Hkrati naj bi se z vsebinami krožka neposredno osredotočili na reševanje socialnih razvojnih izzivov, ki so povezani z reševanjem brezposelnosti in doseganjem politike enakosti spolov, predvsem opolnomočenje žensk za večjo samoiniciativnost in drznost pri doseganju osebnih in družbenih trajnostnih rezultatov. Študijski krožek je deloval v okviru izobraževalnih dejavnosti Ljudske univerze v Ajdovščini. Članice so se srečevale enkrat tedensko po dve šolski uri, kjer so pod strokovnim vodstvom etnologinje in kulturne antropologinje razmišljale in razvijale produkt, ki bi na inovativen način ozaveščal prebivalce Vipavske doline o trajnostnih vidikih rabe kulturne dediščine za kvalitetnejši razvoj. Rezultati: Članice so pripravile vsebino za koledar, ki bi z modernim grafičnim oblikovanjem in zanimivimi zgodbami ozaveščal in opogumljal ženke pri zavedanju in cenjenju svoje vloge pri doseganju politike trajnostnega razvoja. Zgodbe, ki predstavljajo preplet zgodovine Vipavske doline, načini uporabe in nadgradnje tradicionalnih znanj s sodobnimi potrebami in željami, so razvrščene glede na glavna sezonska dela. Vsebina zgodb se nanaša na naslednje teme: januar: ženska – podjetnica; februar: ženska – sejalka; marec: ženska – mati; april: ženska – skrbnica za čist in urejen dom; maj: ženska - vrtnarka; junij: ženska – nabiralka zeliščnih rastlin; julij: ženska – sadjarka; avgust: ženska – organizatorka zabav in vaških prireditev; september: ženska – učiteljica, kulturnica; oktober: ženska – obiralka jesenskih sadov; november: ženska – izvajalka ročnih del; december: ženska – kuharica. Ugotovili smo, da je ženska vloga pri doseganju, trajnostne politike, ki se nanaša na varovanje naravnega bogastva, razvijanje gospodarstva, vzpostavljanja povezane in sočutne skupnosti in ohranjanja kulturnih posebnosti, zelo pomembna, saj lahko ženske s svojim znanjem, energijo, zmožnostjo empatije in občutkom za potrebe različnih generacij pomembno prispevajo h kakovostnemu napredku. Čeprav so se položaj, vloga in pomen žensk v naši družbi spremenili, žal njihovi potenciali še vedno niso povsem pozitivno vrednoteni.

PARTNER No. 2 POWIAT MIKOŁOWSKI, POLAND (MIKOŁÓW COUNTY) Counting more than 90 thousand inhabitants, Mikołów County came into operation on the 1 January 1999, in Silesian Voivodeship in southern Poland. Mikołów County consists of five, dynamicallydeveloping communes which have recently undergone changes in post-communist period. That would be impossible if it had not been for resourcefulness and diligence of our county’s inhabitants. Each of five communes has its own history, tradition, peculiarity; even so, together they create one organism so called ‘Little Homeland’ . County University of the Third Age in Mikołów is common initiative of Head Office of Mikołów County, Association of Citizen Consultments “Dogma” and Silesian Academy of Physical Culture. First informative meeting was held in November 2007, where the first member declarations were given. Since that time about more than 500 persons declared their strong will to participate in the classes. During the meetings the most active participants established the initiative group, which accepts the applications of new persons and helps other with necessary information. Regularly the relaxation exercises are conducted for the persons over 50. The group of 150 people makes the circle of permanent listeners of these classes. Besides physical exercises, the psychological workshops are in the next focus of interest. The topics, among all, concern the ways, how the elderly people could improve their self-esteem and make their maturity more healthy and happy. Moreover, the series of different lectures are offered for the listeners, who are unexpectedly interested in most of them (astronomy, healthy lifestyles, cosmetology workshops, sociology, ethnology etc.) All the classes proposed for the listeners, are based on the idea of ensuring elderly persons the possibility of steady and multilateral development, adult education, activity and integration. The goal of the various projects run by Mikołów County on behalf of its students, is activation of people aged over 45, awakening their creative potential in this matter. Using the web requires the active seeking of information, learning, interaction. Thanks to acquired skills they could become more independent, to improve their self-esteem, to raise their qualification through participation in courses and studies offered in the large scale in digital way. Online education gives a range of greater capacities, enables independent choice of preferred format of knowledge supply, as well as pace of its communication In Polish: Liczący ponad 90 tysięcy mieszkańców, Powiat Mikołowski rozpoczął swoje istnienie w dniu 1 stycznia 1999 roku, w województwie śląskim w południowej Polsce. Powiat mikołowski składa się z pięciu dynamicznie rozwijających się gmin, które ostatnio przeszły zmiany w okresie postkomunistycznym. To byłoby niemożliwe, gdyby nie zaradność i pracowitość mieszkańców naszego powiatu. Każda z pięciu gmin ma własną historię, tradycję, specyfikę; wtem, razem tworzą jeden organizm zwany "Małą Ojczyzną". Powiatowy Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku w Mikołowie jest wspólną inicjatywą Starostwa Powiatowego w Mikołowie, Stowarzyszenia na rzecz Poradnictwa Obywatelskiego "Dogma" i Śląskiej Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego. Pierwsze spotkanie informacyjne odbyło się w listopadzie 2007 roku, na którym zostały wydane pierwsze deklaracje członkowskie. Od tego czasu o ponad 500 osób zadeklarowało swoją wolę do udziału w zajęciach. Podczas spotkań najbardziej

aktywni uczestnicy założyli grupę inicjatywną, która przyjmuje wnioski o nowych osób i udziela niezbędnych informacji. Regularne ćwiczenia relaksacyjne prowadzone są dla osób powyżej 50 roku życia, a grupa 150 osób stanowi grono stałych słuchaczy. Oprócz ćwiczeń fizycznych, w stały program zajęć są włączone warsztaty psychologiczne. Poruszane tematy dotyczą sposobów, jak osoby starsze mogłyby poprawić poczucie własnej wartości i stać się bardziej zdrowymi i szczęśliwymi. Ponadto, na rzecz słuchaczy jest oferowana seria różnych wykładów, które są zgodne z zainteresowaniami większości z nich (astronomia, zdrowy styl życia, warsztaty kosmetologiczne, socjologia, etnografia etc.) Wszystkie proponowane zajęcia dla słuchaczy, oparte są na idei zapewnienia osobom starszym możliwości stałego i wielostronnego rozwoju, kształcenia, aktywności i integracji. Celem różnych projektów prowadzonych przez Powiat Mikołowski w imieniu swoich uczniów, jest aktywizacja osób w wieku powyżej 45 lat, budząc ich twórczy potencjał w tym zakresie. Korzystanie z sieci internetowej wymaga aktywnego poszukiwania informacji, uczenia się, interakcji. Dzięki nabytym umiejętnościom mogą stać się oni bardziej niezależni w celu poprawy ich poczucia własnej wartości tak, aby podnieść swoje kwalifikacje poprzez uczestnictwo w kursach i studiach oferowanych w dużej skali w formie elektronicznej. Edukacja w formie elektronicznej daje szereg większych możliwości, umożliwia niezależny wybór preferowanego formatu dostarczania wiedzy, a także zwiększa tempo komunikacji. CASE No. 1: 1. Name of the activity: SEASON FOR THE MUSHROOMS THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE YEAR 2. Mentor: ŁUKASZ FUGLEWICZ 3. Participants: 17 4. Duration: 8 hrs 5. Goals: Main objectives: 1) Make environmental education accessible for everyone. 2) Include the environmental perspective to integrate the people from vulnerable groups, especially those with disabilities and elderly. 3) Take advantage of, and develop the therapeutic value of learning about and caring for the environment. Specific objectives: • The preparation, implementation and dissemination of new learning opportunities for adult learners as “green” lectures and workshops of »Season for the mushrooms throughout the whole year« course • Development and implementation of methodology accessible for everyone. Increasing efficiency in the use of new ways of working and new ways to reach consumers of »Season for the mushrooms throughout the whole year« Programme • Implementation of the evaluation strategy that will include analysis of the quality standards of this concrete educational product and its adaptation to the target group of beneficiaries 6. Description: The classes are presented common species of mushrooms (such that we can find in our area), together with their seasonal appearance. Interestingly mushrooms were so-called winter and year-

round. As the purpose of the presentation the author has set himself an approximation, not only the consumer but also other potential uses of mushrooms; their diverse characteristics responsible for biodiversity. An important point of the classes was to discuss the environmental occurrence of mushrooms, their needs and their role in the environment. Following was the inspiration in the form of stories and picture show of mushrooms; suggested conducting a home cultivation of mushrooms. At the end, participants were acquainted with mushrooms protected and those that have been admitted to trading (of course, as the approved species). In Polish: Temat: Sezon na grzyby przez cały rok Na zajęciach przedstawione zostały popularne gatunki grzybów (takie które możemy znaleźć w naszej okolicy) wraz z sezonowym ich pojawianiem się. Ciekawostkę stanowiły tak zwane grzyby zimowe i całoroczne. Jako cel autor kursu postawił sobie przybliżenie nie tylko wartości konsumpcyjnej ale również innych potencjalnych sposobów użytkowania grzybów; ich różnorodnych cech odpowiadających za bioróżnorodność. Ważnym punktem wykładów było omówienie środowiska występowania grzybów, ich wymagań i roli w środowisku. Po przeprowadzonej inspiracji w postaci opowieści i pokazu zdjęć grzybów prowadzący zaproponował domową uprawę grzybów. Na koniec uczestnicy zostali zapoznani z grzybami chronionymi oraz tymi które zostały dopuszczone do handlu (oczywiście jako grzyby atestowane).

CASE No. 2 1. Name of the activity: OUR TREES (LECTURE AND OUTDOOR WORKSHOPS) 2. Mentor: KINGA BRZESZCZ 3. Participants: 29 4. Duration: 16 hrs 5. Goals: Main objectives: 1) Make environmental education accessible for everyone. 2) Include the environmental perspective to integrate the people from vulnerable groups, especially those with disabilities and elderly. 3) Take advantage of, and develop the therapeutic value of learning about and caring for the environment. Specific objectives: • The preparation, implementation and dissemination of new learning opportunities for adult learners as “green” lectures and workshops of ethnobotany • Development and implementation of methodology accessible for everyone. Increasing efficiency in the use of new ways of working and new ways to reach consumers of »Our Trees« Programme

• Implementation of the evaluation strategy that will include analysis of the quality standards of this concrete educational product and its adaptation to the target group of beneficiaries 6. Description: Introduction of the topic, its nature and purpose; • Presentation of the importance of etnobotany in education and the value it brings into the concept; • Presentation of interesting and inspiring books; • Walk around the grounds of the municipal park in Ornontowice with the recognition of native species of trees and shrubs: field observation and getting acquainted with the characteristics of species such as willow, alder, aspen; oak, red oak, hornbeam, birch, ash, chestnut, linden, elder, elm, black locust, European larch; • Presentation of the environmental requirements of the listed species (soil, humidity, state of the atmosphere, etc.). • Presentation of the importance of these species in nature and their impact on the conservation of biodiversity of the country; • Presentation of the functional characteristics of these species, their use in various industries (furniture, sculpture, medicine, etc..) •

Presentation of selected beliefs and legends associated with the learned kinds of plants;

• Paying attention to the alien species and invasive ones (black locust, red oak, chestnut, etc..) in terms of their impact on native flora and fauna; • Understanding with the characteristics of monumental trees and their role in natural conservation. In Polish: Temat: „Nasze drzewa”

• Przybliżenie tematu zajęć, jego charakteru i celu; • Przedstawienie znaczenia etnobotaniki w edukacji oraz wartości jakie ze sobą niesie to pojęcie; • Przedstawienie ciekawych i inspirujących publikacji książkowych; • Spacer po terenie gminnego parku w Ornontowicach wraz z rozpoznawaniem rodzimych gatunków drzew i krzewów: o Obserwacja w terenie oraz zapoznanie się z cechami charakterystycznymi takich gatunków jak: wierzba, olsza czarna, topola osika; dąb szypułkowy, dąb czerwony, grab, brzoza, jesion, kasztanowiec, lipa, bez czarny, wiąz, robinia akacjowa, modrzew europejski; o Przedstawienie wymagań środowiskowych wymienionych gatunków (gleba, wilgoć, stan atmosfery itp.);

o Przedstawienie znaczenia wymienionych gatunków w przyrodzie i ich wpływie na zachowanie bioróżnorodności kraju; o Przedstawienie cech użytkowych wymienionych gatunków, ich zastosowania w różnych gałęziach przemysłu (meble, rzeźba, produkty lecznicze itp.) o Przedstawienie wybranych wierzeń oraz legend związanych z poznanymi gatunkami roślin; o Zwrócenie uwagi na gatunki obce i inwazyjne (robinia akacjowa, dąb czerwony, kasztanowiec itp.) pod kątem ich wpływu na rodzimą florę i faunę; Zapoznanie się z cechami drzew pomnikowych i ich znaczenia w ochronie przyrody.

CASE No. 3 1. Name of the activity: "FASCINATING BUTTERFLIES" 2. Mentor: ŁUKASZ FUGLEWICZ 3. Participants: 13 4. Duration: 8 hrs 5. Goals: Main objectives: 1) Make environmental education accessible for everyone. 2) Include the environmental perspective to integrate the people from vulnerable groups, especially those with disabilities and elderly.

3) Take advantage of, and develop the therapeutic value of learning about and caring for the environment. Specific objectives: • The preparation, implementation and dissemination of new learning opportunities for adult learners as lectures and workshops of lepidopterology • Development and implementation of methodology accessible for everyone. Increasing efficiency in the use of new ways of working and new ways to reach consumers of »Fascinating Butterflies« Programme • Implementation of the evaluation strategy that will include analysis of the quality standards of this concrete educational product and its adaptation to the target group of beneficiaries 6. Description: • Discussing the life cycle of butterflies; year in the life of butterflies / day in the life of butterflies • Introduction to general biology and an overview of native species • Presentation of the interdependence of butterflies and plants and to familiarize with the design of gardens friendly butterflies • Presentation of curiosities; test methods (workshops) comment: Many participants have terraces and balconies - the topic of butterfly plants was a contribution to the discussions on plants and their properties af attractiveness. After the meeting, several people have mentioned their meetings with butterflies, i.e. “dead head” etc. In Polish: Temat: „Fascynujące motyle” • Omówienie cyklu życia motyli; rok z życia motyli/ dzień z życia motyli • Zapoznanie z ogólna biologią i przegląd gatunków krajowych • Przedstawienie współzależności motyli i roślin oraz zapoznanie z projektem ogrodów przyjaznych motylom • Prezentacja ciekawostek; metod badania (warsztat) Komentarz: Wielu uczestników ma ogródki i balkony – temat roślin motylich był przyczynkiem do rozmów nad roślinami i ich właściwościami jako powabnie. Po spotkaniu kilka osób wspominało swoje spotkania z motylami m. in. z zawisakiem Trupią główką.

CASE No. 4 1. Name of the activity: THE MYSTERIOUS WORLD OF BATS 2. Mentor: ŁUKASZ FUGLEWICZ 3. Participants: 15 4. Duration: 8 hrs 5. Goals: Main objectives: 1) Make environmental education accessible for everyone. 2) Include the environmental perspective to integrate the people from vulnerable groups, especially those with disabilities and elderly. 3) Take advantage of, and develop the therapeutic value of learning about and caring for the environment. Specific objectives: • The preparation, implementation and dissemination of new learning opportunities for adult learners as lectures and workshops of chiropterology • Development and implementation of methodology accessible for everyone. Increasing efficiency in the use of new ways of working and new ways to reach consumers of »The mysterious world of bats« Programme

• Implementation of the evaluation strategy that will include analysis of the quality standards of this concrete educational product and its adaptation to the target group of beneficiaries 6. Description: Subjects completed during the classes: • Characteristics of bats species: native and worldwide - special features; adaptation to life • Discuss the life cycle of bats • The acquaintance of the participants with the role that bats play in nature • Presentation of the outline of the research on bats with proposals how to engage in the protection of these mammals comment: Participants listened with great interest and actively participated in the discussion. Some people who had direct contact with bats, therefore these classes brought back their memories. The classes had a positive effect on the audience- therefore they notice the bats as an important part of the ecosystem. In Polish: Temat: »Tajemniczy świat nietoperzy« • Charakterystyka nietoperzy krajowych i świata – cechy szczególne; przystosowania do życia • Omówienie cyklu życiowego nietoperzy • Zapoznanie uczestników z rolą jaką nietoperze pełnią w przyrodzie • Przedstawienie zarysu badań nad nietoperzami z propozycjami włączenia się w ochronę tych ssaków Komentarz: Uczestnicy słuchali z wielkim zaciekawieniem i żywo uczestniczyli w dyskusji. Część osób miała bezpośrednią styczność z nietoperzami dlatego też wykład przywołał ich wspomnienia. Prowadzący miał poczucie, że spotkanie wpłynęło pozytywnie na słuchaczy i postrzegają obecnie nietoperze jako istotny element ekosystemu.

CASE No. 5 1. Name of the activity: MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE - TRADITION, HEALTH, CULTURE 2. Mentor: AGNIESZKA ŻURAWICKA 3. Participants: 15 4. Duration: 16 hrs 5. Goals: Main objectives: 1) Make environmental education accessible for everyone. 2) Include the environmental perspective to integrate the people from vulnerable groups, especially those with disabilities and elderly. 3) Take advantage of, and develop the therapeutic value of learning about and caring for the environment. Specific objectives: • The preparation, implementation and dissemination of new learning opportunities for adult learners as “green” lectures and workshops of healthy lifestyles • Development and implementation of methodology accessible for everyone. Increasing efficiency in the use of new ways of working and new ways to reach consumers of »Mediterranean cuisine - tradition, health, culture« Programme

• Getting familiar with the traditions of Mediterranean cuisine; • great heroes of Mediterranean cuisine, which is why Mediterranean cuisine is the healthiest cuisine in the world; • approximation of cuisine and typical dishes of some Mediterranean countries (Cyprus cuisine, Cretan, Greek, Turkish, Arabic and Italian); • presentation of curiosities and legends about the creation of olive oil, pasta and tomatoes; • pizza before - the first pizza and its common traits with the flag of Italy; • pizza today - the position and its importance in Europe (European Commission certified TSG); • wine and wineries - a unique taste and aroma, and health in one; • provide practical advice related to the way the choice of good and nutritious olive oil and how it is stored; • tasting different kinds of olive oil In Polish: Temat: „Kuchnia śródziemnomorska – tradycja, zdrowie, kultura” • zapoznanie z tradycjami kuchni śródziemnomorskiej; • wielcy bohaterowie kuchni śródziemnomorskiej, czyli dlaczego kuchnia śródziemnomorska jest najzdrowszą kuchnią świata; • przybliżenie kuchni oraz charakterystycznych potraw niektórych państw basenu Morza Śródziemnego (kuchnia cypryjska, kreteńska, grecka, turecka, arabska i włoska); • przedstawienie ciekawostek i legend dotyczących powstania oliwy z oliwek, makaronu oraz pomidorów; • pizza dawniej – pierwsza pizza, pierwsza pizzeria, a także co ma wspólnego to danie z flagą Włoch; • pizza dziś – pozycja i jej znaczenie w Europie (certyfikat Komisji Europejskiej TSG) ; • wino i winiarnie – niepowtarzalny smak i aromat oraz zdrowie w jednym; • podanie praktycznych rad związanych ze sposobem wyboru dobrej i wartościowej oliwy z oliwek oraz sposoby jej przechowywania; • degustacja różnych rodzajów oliwy z oliwek

PARTNER No. 3: NECMETTIN ERBAKAN UNIVERSITY, TURKEY (NECMETTIN ERBAKAN ÜNIVERSITESI) Necmettin Erbakan University, School of Foreign Languages is responsible for offering; At preparatory programs, a one year preparatory language program which aims at assisting the students who have failed the Language Proficiency Exam in developing the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to effectively use and further improve the target language throughout their academic studies and in work-related and social environments. At Modern Langauges programs, a selection of both must and elective language courses to the students of the university so that they can develop the necessary language skills that will enable them to function productively and efficiently during their academic studies and in their professional lives following graduation. In view of the existing demand due to its multiple practical applications, the study of foreign languages is gaining lots of importance in the academic studies, and the demand is growing continuously. The School works in collaboration with other Schools of the University to develop manpower for a number of sectors, like foreign language requirements for scientists, agricultural experts and trade specialists. We also meet the language teaching demands of other schools within the university. The reason why we want to take place in this project is we have students from the department of environmental engeneering and they would like to take an active role in leading and training adults in the community in order to improve the positive awareness against the environment. In Turkish: Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu; Hazırlık programlarında, bir yıllık yabancı dil hazırlık programıyla, Yabancı Dil Yeterlilik sınavında başarısız olmuş öğrencilere, gerekli bilgi, beceri ve etkin kullanım için kendine güveni geliştirmelerinde ve akademik çalışmaları esnasında, meslek hayatları ve sosyal çevrelerinde ihtiyaç duyacakları hedef dillerini geliştirmelerinde onlara yardımcı olmayı amaçlamaktadır. Modern Diller Programlarında, seçmeli ve zorunlu yabancı dil dersleriyle, üniversite öğrencilerinin akademik çalışmaları süresince ve mezuniyet sonrası mesleki yaşamları için gerekli olan dil becerilerini geliştirmelerinde, üretken ve etkin bir şekilde kullanmalarında yardımcı olmaktadır. Çok sayıda pratik uygulamalar yüzündenm mevcut talep nedeniyle, yabancı diller üzerine yapılan çalışmalar akademik çalışmalarda önem kazanmakta olup bu talep sürekli büyümektedir.. Yüksekokulumuz, bilimadamlarınıni tarım uzmanlarının ticaret uzmanlarının yabandı dil gereksinimlerini karşılayarak, farklı sektörlerin insangücünü geliştirmelerinde yardımcı olmak üzere, Üniversitemizin diğer bölümleri ile ile işbirliğiyapmaktadır. Biz aynı zamanda üniversite içindeki diğer okulların dil öğretimi taleplerini karşılamaktayız.. Bu projede yer almak istememizin nedeni Çevre

Mühendisliği Bölümü öğrenclerimizin olması ve onların buprojede aktif rol almak istemeleri ve çevreye karşı pozitif farkındağin oluşturulması için toplumdaki yetişkinleri eğitmek ve yönlendirmek istememizdir. CASE No. 1: 1. Name of the activity: A SEMİNAR: ENVİRONMENTAL PROBLEMS İN TURKEY AND KONYA 2. Mentor: ASST. PROF. DR. FATMA BEDUK, LECTURER CAHİT GÜLER 3. Participants: 500 people including students and faculty staff. 4. Duration: 2 sessions 5. Goals: To define the environmental problems in our city and country, advice necessary precautions. Main objectives:    

Point out the environmental problems in our country and city. Train adults for protecting the environment and reserving it for future generations. Create a public opinion on environmental issues. Presenting clues to have a clean habitat for present and future generations

6. Description: The Students and faculty staff of Necmettin Erbakan University as well as local adults from the neighbourhood were invited to the lecture. It was a two-session seminar and there were over 500 participants. The seminar was given by Asst. Prof. Dr. Fatma BEDUK, from the Environmental Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty. She mentioned about Turkey’s location and climate differences in different regions. The figures and current situation of Turkey and its use of natural resources and its rank within the list of developed countries were shown. Environmental Problems in Turkey were laid out and defined as follows; Air Pollution, Climate Change Effects, Water Pollution and Scarcity, Soil Pollution, Food Contamination, Solid Wastes. In the second session of the lecture; the participants were presented with necessary and easy precautions to take in order to reserve natural resources and a habitable clean world for the future generation In Turkish: Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi öğretim üyeleri, öğrencileri, aynı zamanda yerel çevre sakinlerinden yetişkinler katıldığı bir seminer düzenlenmiştir. İki oturumluk bir seminer olup 500 den fazla katılımcıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Seminer Mühendislik Fakültemiz, Çevre Mühendisliği bölümünden Yrd. Doç. Dr. Fatma BEDUK tarafından verilmiştir. Seminerde ilk olarak Türkiye’nin konumu ve farklı bölgelerdeki iklim çeşitliliğinden bahsedilmiştir. Ayrıca, Türkiye’nin doğal kaynaklar ve kullanımları acısından gelişmiş ülkeler arasındaki güncel yeri gösterilerek rakamlarla izah edilmiştir.

Türkiye’deki Çevre sorunları ele alınmış ve şu şekilde belirlenmiştir; Hava kirliliği, İklim değişikliği Etkileri, Su Kirliliği ve Su Kıtlığı, Toprak Kirliliği, Gıda Zehirlemeleri ve Katı Atıklar. Seminerin ikinci oturumunda ise, katılımcılara gelecek nesillere temiz ve yaşanabilir bir dünya bırakmak için alınabilecek kolay ve gerekli önlemler üzerine bilgi verilmiştir.

CASE No. 2 1. Name of the activity: PLANTİNG TREES İN KARAPİNAR (AN OUTDOOR ACTİVİTY) 2. Mentor: ASST. PROF. DR. ECE SARIGÜL 3. Participants: 38 People 4. Duration: 8 hours 5. Goals: to teach the importance of trees. To give information about erosion. To Plant trees Main objectives:  To include adults in Environmental workshops  To plant trees in a dessert area outside the city of Konya  To Create a public awareness about the struggle with the erosion

6. Description: Karapinar can be considered as Turkey's only desert land. The Lake Meke – A volcanic lake is located in this district. Karapinar has a chalky soil structure by up to 60%. There are many sinkholes available in the district. The are a is famous for it’s the lake Meke, The lake Acıgöl, The lake Meyil and other famous underground lakes, such as the Cirali. There are also many underground cities in the area. The most important feature of the area is that it is accepted as the world’s largest wind erosion prevention area. The project was started by the Soil and Water General Directorate in 1962, included 13.000 hectares and was completed in 1999. This project has been accepted as one of the top 10 projects implemented on earth. The TEMA Foundation, (The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats). It is a Turkish non-profit organization, which was established 1992. Its mission is to create effective and conscious public opinion on environmental problems, specifically soil erosion, deforestation, desertification, climate change and biodiversity loss in Turkey for the benefit of future generations. As a project activity, we organized a tree planting activity tour to Karapinar, with the collaboration of the Tema Foundation. The Young Tema group of our university planted over 350 seedlings in Karapınar which is the only desert area located in the southeast of the Konya 100km outside the city and which is quite an arid land in the Central Anatolia Region. In other words; 350 seedlings were sent back to the nature. In Turkish: Karapınar, Türkiye'nin tek çöl arazisi olarak kabul edilebilir. Meke Gölü - Bir volkanik göl, bu bölgede yer almaktadır. Karapinar % 60'a kadar kireçli bir toprak yapısına sahiptir. Bölgesinde birçok obruk bulunmaktadır. Bölge, Meke Gölü, Acıgöl, Meyil Gölü ve Çıralı gibi diğer ünlü yeraltı gölleri ile ünlüdür. Ayrıca bölgede birçok yeraltı şehirleri de bulunmaktadır. Bölgenin en önemli özelliği dünyanın en büyük rüzgâr erozyonu önleme bölgesi olarak kabul edilmiş olmasıdır. Proje, 1962 yılında Toprak ve Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından başlatmış 13.1 ktarlık alanı kapsamaktadır ve 1999 yılında tamamlanmıştır. Bu proje yeryüzünde uygulanan ilk 10 projeden biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. TEMA Vakfı 1992 yılında kurulmuş kâr amacı gütmeyen bir Türk kuruluşudur. Misyonu; gelecek nesillerin yararı için, çevre sorunları, Türkiye'de özellikle toprak erozyonu, ormansızlaşma, çölleşme, iklim değişikliği ve biyolojik çeşitlilik kaybı üzerine etkili ve bilinçli kamuoyu yaratmaktır. Bir proje faaliyeti olarak, biz Tema Vakfı işbirliği ile Karapınar’a bir ağaç dikme etkinliği turu düzenledik. Üniversitemiz Genç Tema grubumuz tarafından, Orta Anadolu Bölgesi'nde yer alan Konya ilimizin 100km güneydoğusunda yer alan tek çöl alanı Karapınar'da 350 fidan dikildi. Diğer bir deyişle; 350 fidan doğaya geri gönderildi.

CASE No. 3 1. Name of the activity: HEALTHY NUTRİTİON AND NUTRİTİON ECOLOGY 2. Mentor: ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR NAZAN AKTAŞ, INSRUCTOR NESLİHAN KÖK 3. Participants: 30 people 4. Duration:2 sessions 5. Goals: To teach healhy food. To look into nutrition habits in different countries. Main and Specific Objectives  Explaining the importance of the “Healthy Nutrition and Nutrition Ecology”  Increasing the awareness of “Healthy Nutrition” by society in Turkey and in the World  Increasing the awareness and the importance of the factors that effect the healthy nutrition  Explaining the food choices and diet-related behaviours  Explaining the policies, suggestions, changes and alternaitves in food habits for different local and state level  Explaining the relationship between natural sources and nutrition 6. Description: Nutrition ecology is an interdisciplinary scientific discipline that encompasses the entire nutrition system, with special consideration of the effects of nutrition on health, the environment, society, and the economy. It involves all components of the food chain, including production, harvesting, preservation, storage, transport, processing, packaging, trade, distribution, preparation, composition, and consumption of food, as well as disposal of waste materials. Nutrition ecology has numerous origins, some of which go back to antiquity. The introduction of industrialized

agriculture and mass animal production gave rise to various negative influences on the environment and health. Food quality is determined in part by the quality of the environment. The environment, in turn, is influenced by food consumption habits. In order to protect the environment and hinder the wrong consumption of food, the governments produced some new policies for different local and state levels. All those formations and practices are explained in detail. Nearly 30 people have been attended to the seminar which is presented by Associate Professor Nazan Aktaş from the Institute of Health Science, Necmettin Erbakan University. There were some students and instructors and some local people among the participants. In the seminar, as aimed, the importance of being healthy, healthy nutrition, nutrition ecology and their relationships. Some tables and visuals are shown in order the participants to recognize the links between heath and environment-ecology. The participants are encouraged to become a more sensitive and alert consumer and is tried to raise awareness in conscious consuming. After a twohour presentation with great interest of participants, some questions are answered by Aktaş. In this seminar, the mentor, Associate Professor Nazan AKTAŞ, gave information about the following:  Explanation of the definitions and the importance of the “Healthy Nutrition and Nutrition Ecology”  Giving information about the important factors that effect the healthy nutrition  Giving information about the relationship social and environmental determinants in food choices and diet-related behaviours  Giving information about the choices of food in detail  Explaining the policies, suggestions, changes and alternatives in food habits for different local and state level (at home, at school, at work…etc)  Showing the participants lots of photos of ecologic chain tables about food consuming and food habits in Turkey and the World. In Turkish: Beslenme ekolojisi, disiplinler arası olup beslenmenin sağlığa, doğaya, topluma ve ekonomiye olan etkilerini özellikle irdeleyen, tüm beslenme sistemlerini içine alan bir bilimdir. Beslenme ekolojisi üretimden, hasata, korunmasına, depolanıp, iletimine, ürünün elde edilmesi, paketlenmesi, ticareti, dağıtımı, hazırlanmasından tüketimi ve hatta atık malzeme olarak geri dönüştürmeye kadar beslenme zinciriyle iligli tüm öğeleri içerir. Beslenme ekolojisinin antic döneme uzanan pek çok kökeni vardır. Endüstriyel tarımın ve yoğun hayvan üretiminin tanıtılmasının çevreye ve sağlığa büyük zararı vardır. Yiyeceğin kalitesi bir açıdan yetiştiği çevrenin kalitesiyle belirleniyor. Bu durumda çevre, yiyecek tüketimi alışanlıklarından da büyük ölçüde etkileniyor. Çevreyi korumak ve yiyeceklerin bilinçsiz tüketimini önlemek için hükümetler yerel ve ulusal boyutta yeni politikalar üretmişlerdir. Tüm bu yapılanmalar ve uygulamalar detaylı bir şekilde açıklanmıştır. Yaklaşık 30 kişinin katıldığı bu semineri, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi sağlık bilimleri enstitusünden Yrd.Doç.Dr.Nazan Aktaş sunmuştur. Katılımcılar arasında üniversite öğrenci ve öğretim elemanları ile yerel halktan bazı dinleyiciler bulunmaktaydı. Seminerde öncelikle amacına uygun bir şekilde; katılımcılara sağlıklı olmanın, sağlıklı beslenmenin, besin ekolojisinin önemi ve tümünün birbirleriyle olan ilişkileri anlatılmıştır. Sağlık, çevre ve ekolojinin aralarındaki bağı daha iyi tanımlamak için bazı tablolar ve görseller de kullanılmıştır. Kişler daha duyarlı ve uyanık tüketici olmaları hususnda teşvik edilerek tüketici bilinci uyandırılmaya çalışılmıştır.. Katılımcıların bütük ilgi gösterdiği bu iki saatlik sunumdan sonra Aktaş soruları cevaplamıştır.

CASE No. 4 1. Name of the activity: A QUESTİONAİRE ON THE USE OF LİVİNG ANİMALS İN EDUCATİON 2. Mentor: 3. Participants: University students, (350 participants) 4. Duration: 1 hour 5. Goals: Main and Specific Objectives  Explaining the goal of the activity  Exoplaining the importance of animals and plants  Increasing the awareness and the importance of the protection of nature for future generations 6. Description: The term “living animals” is a crucial part of nature and it arises many arguments about the use of living animals in laboratories fort he sake of practice and education. One of the aims of this study was to maket he students be aware of the laws for protecting nature and animals. As the main focus was on their ideas about the use of living animals in experiments, their age,sex,and their beliefs were not taken into account. We started by explaining the goals and importance of conducting this activity. We gave information about the living animals in Turkey and in the world. As a result of the study, we had some concludings as follows: We realized that students do not have sufficient information about the importance of animals and plants They did not have enough information about the use of the living animals in education The majority of the students think that people do not give enough importance to nature and animals.

There should be classes at schools to teach the importance of nature for human being and the ways to protect nature and animals In Turkish: Canlı hayvan kavramı doğanın önemli bir parçasıdır ve eğitim için laboratuarlarda canlı hayvan kullanılması tartışmalara konu olmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amaçlarından birisi de öğrencilerin doğayı ve hayvanları koruma ile ilgili farkındalıklarının artırılması idi. Ana önceliğimiz onların bu konuda ne düşündükleri olduğu için yaşları,cinsiyetleri ve kişisel duyguları dikkate alınmadı. Çalışmanın sonucunda, öğrencilerin bitkilerin ve canlı hayvanların önemi ile ilgili yeterli bilgiye sahip olmadıklarını gördük. Öğrencilerin çoğunluğu doğaya ve hayvanlara yeterli önemin verilmediğini belirttiler ve okullarda hayvanlar ve doğayı ve bunları korumanın önemini anlatacak dersler olması gerektiğini belirttiler. CASE No. 5 1. Name of the activity: A SEMINAR ON ECO-TOURISM 2. Mentor: ASSIST. PROF. DR.ABDURRAHMAN DINC (Tourism Faculty of Necmettin Erbakan University) 3. Participants: University students, several people from Konya city, and teaching and administrative staff of the university. (100 participants) 4. Duration: 2 Hours 5. Goals: Main and Specific Objectives  Explaining the importance of the “Eco Tourism”  Increasing the awareness of carrying out “Eco Tourism Activities” by society in Turkey and in the World  Increasing the awareness and the importance of the protection of nature for future generations  Explaining the contribution of “Eco Tourism” to the welfare of the country  Explaining the contribution of “Eco Tourism” to financial position of the country  Explaining the natural sources of “Eco Tourism” 6. Description: The term eco tourism has beeen popular and used during the last years with emerge of the arguments about the relationships between the environment and tourism.Eco tourism is a highly important activity more than just visiting touristical places. It is the unity of environmental ,social and economical relations.Eco tourism; is generally defined ; as a rational tourism policy which has respect for life and nature with the feelings of social responsibility.It aims to increase the transformation of recreational natural resources to the next generations by means of increasing awareness and respect for the nature and life. It also helps to increase the unity and welfare of the local people. The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) has declared “2002” as the “Eco Tourism Year” and given the reponsibility of it to the “World Tourism Organization”. In this seminar, the mentor, Assist.Prof Dr.Abdurrahman Dinc, gave information about the following:  Explanation of the definition and importance of “Eco Tourism”

 Explanation of the components of “Eco Tourism” in detail  Giving information about the eco touristic places in Turkey and the World.  Giving information about the contribution of carrying out Eco Touristic Activities to the nature and welfare of the country  Giving information about the protected areas in Turkey and the ways of supporting the protection of them ( parks,mountains ,rivers etc)  Showing the participants lots of photos of Eco Touristic places in Turkey and the World. In Turkish: Eko turizm kavramı, turizm çevre ilişkilerinin önem kazanması ve sürdürülebilirlik tartışmaları ile birlikte gündeme gelip popüler olmuş, son yıllarda sıkça kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Eko turizm doğa severler ve çevre duyarlılığı olan turistlerin hareketlerinden daha geniş kapsamlı bir konudur. Gerçekte bu olgu, çevresel, ekonomik ve sosyal ilişkiler bütünüdür. Çevreye saygı ve duyarlılığın artırılması yoluyla, rekreasyonel turizm kaynaklarının gelecek nesillere aktarımını ve bu sırada yerel halkın refahını ve bütünlüğünü geliştirmeyi hedefleyen, sosyal sorumluluk duygusu içerisinde ölçülü, çevreye duyarlı, yaşama saygılı ve akılcı bir turizm politikası olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Birleşmiş Milletler Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Komisyonu 2002 yılını Uluslararası Eko Turizm Yılı ilan etmiş ve bu konuyla ilgili olarak Dünya Turizm Örgütünü görevlendirmiştir. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesinden Yrd.Doç.Dr.Abdurrahman Dinç tarafından verilen ve eko turizmin önemini anlatan bu seminere yaklaşık 100 kişi katılmıştır. Katılımcılar arasında üniversite öğrenci ve öğretim elemanları ile yerel halktan bazı dinleyiciler bulunmaktaydı.Seminerde öncelikle amacına uygun bir şekilde; katılımcılara öncelikle eko turizmin tanımı yapılmış ve eko turizmin doğaya ,çevreye ve ülke ekonomisine olan katkıları konusunda bilgi verilmiştir. Türkiye’deki ve dünyadaki önemli eko turistik ve koruma altındaki yerler resimlerle detaylı bir şekilde anlatılmıştır.Kişler eko turistic faaliyetler yapmaya teşfik edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Katılımcılar tarafından oldukça ilgi gören seminerden sonra sorular cevaplanmıştır.Seminer yaklaşık 2 saat sürmüştür.Seminerin bitiminde ise katılımcılara seminer veren kişi tarafından yazılan doğa eğitimi ile ilgili kitap dağıtılmıştır.


PARTNER No. 4: S.E.Y.F. SOUTH EUROPE YOUTH FORUM, ITALY S.E.Y.F. South Europe Youth Forum is a non-profit organization based in 2 European countries – Italy and Malta. The italian base of SEYF takes place in the Province of Lecce (Apulia Region) and coordinates an international web network called "SEYF.EU" (on which brings together organizations, associations and public government agencies. The purpose of this network is to promote cooperation at international level and to facilitate access to opportunities at European level, as well as learning mobility and European cooperation. The innovation of SEYF network consists not only in its capacity to be collector and prompter of contacts but in its making itself a social network for the promotion of relations among individuals participants and organizations in a logic of communication in step with the times. Today SEYF gather in a strong cooperation more than 30 organizations from different countries. The main goal shared by all partners is to work for social and human development, to help in bringing forward positive change and social cohesion in a world that respects human rights and democratically involves all human beings in their personal development. SEYF seeks to achieve the proposed aims through the implementation of various activities, including: •

education and training activities for young people and adults (workshops, training courses, workshops and school)

Awareness raising

Seminars and conferences

Mobility for learning and for young adults (cultural exchange, voluntary work abroad, courses and workshops abroad)

Capacity building The intervention strategy of SEYF is based on the education and training approach of the recognized "learning by doing", an approch that can be applied to common actions that consequently become applicable to more elaborates actions as training courses, workshops and creative labs. Moreover, the SEYF approach is based on networking and cooperation at local and international level with the belief to exchange good practices and knowledge among organizations cooperating within the SEYF network. Building partnerships is one of the basic elements for change and construction of a culture based on peace and solidarity. In Italian: SEYF è nato nel 2010 e si propone di sviluppare azioni di promozione della cittadinanza attiva e inclusione sociale attraverso la cooperazione con organizzazioni locali, europee e dei paesi confinanti. SEYF gestisce uno strumento concreto che facilita il perseguimento dei propri fini: una rete telematica che interfaccia giovani attori sociali, italiani ed esteri, per l'elaborazione sinergica di azioni

giovanili. SEYF rintraccia supporto economico nello sviluppo di programmi di cofinanziamento che offre consulenza per pianificazione, attuazione e coordinamento di programmi di lavoro in cui tempi e temi sono condivisi. I nostri obiettivi:  Migliorare l'accesso dei giovani alla società rafforzando la partecipazione attiva alla vita civica  delle comunità locali;  Sviluppare standard qualitativi d'eccellenza nel garantire informazione costante e completa sulle opportunità nazionali ed europee di cui i giovani possono usufruire;  Organizzare un centro di coordinamento per l'incoming e l'outgoing del Servizio Volontario Europeo;  Aumentare occasioni di discussione e confronto tra le associazioni giovanili con sede in differenti paesi dell'Unione Europea e del mondo;  Creare opportunità d'occupazione programmando azioni a supporto di creatività e imprenditorialità. COSA FACCIAMO Il lavoro di SEYF associazione e di SEYF network contribuisce a: 1. intercettare fondi locali, nazionali ed europei da distribuire sul territorio; 2. supportare l'imprenditoria giovanile con la messa in rete di attività scelte tra un target innovativo e giovane che hanno intrapreso un'attività commerciale; 3. favorire la visibilità internazionale del territorio; 4. offrire opportunità di informazione e formazione di giovani ed adulti ed estendere l'applicazione dell'apprendimento non formale; 5. alfabetizzare i giovani al linguaggio della Comunità Europea: uno strumento telematico stimolerà ed i partecipanti di SEYF.EU a instaurare relazioni internazionali attraverso una lingua comune. 6. destagionalizzare i flussi di incoming; 7. Capacity building. CASE No. 1 1. Name of the activity: ECO DESIGN LABS 2. Mentor: SANDRO SALVATORE ACCOGLI 3. Participants: 10 4. Duration: 10 workshops, 30 hours 5. Goals: to have a better understanding of recycling and re-using; to be more aware of the meaning and value of the sustainable development; learn new artistic skills through the reusing of old material; express themselves through innovative and non-formal methods 6. Description: SEYF implemented several workshops of eco-design in order to stimulate young people involved in the project Green Education to:

 have a better understanding of recycling and re-using be more aware of the meaning and value of the sustainable development;  learn new artistic skills through the re-using of old material;  express themselves through innovative and non-formal methods The eco-design labs has been implemented in partnership with local non profit organizations and with the cooperation of volunteer and professors from the University of Art of Lecce. The activities has been developed through 10 different workshops. The methodologies used during the workshop were based on the exchange of knowledge and experience, mainly focused on non-formal education: in this way, the beneficiaries were able to learn from the others with a peer-to-peer approach. Moreover, the artistic transformation of old, useless objects facilitated a process of expression in the beneficiaries. In Italian: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Nome dell'attività: LABORATORI DI ECO-DESIGN Responsabile: SANDRO SALVATORE ACCOGLI Partecipanti: 10 Durata: 10 workshops, 30 ore Obiettivi: una maggiore comprensione delle dinamiche di riciclo e riuso; una maggiore consapevolezza del valore dello sviluppo sostenibile; una maggiore comprensione della valenza del riuso di materiale attraverso l'espressione artistica; l'espressione di sé attraverso metodologie innovative e non formali.

6. Descrizione: SEYF ha realizzato diversi workshops odi eco-design a fine di stimolare un target giovanile di età compresa tra i 18 e i 25 anni coinvolti nella Green Education. I laboratori di eco-design sono stati sviluppati in partenariato con organizzazioni locali e in cooperazione con professori e volontari dell'Accademia di belle Arti di Lecce. Le attività sono state sviluppate attraverso 10 workshop differenti. Le metodologie utilizzate sono state basate sullo scambio di conoscenze ed esperienze, in particolar modo attraverso l'uso dell'educazione non formale: in questo modo, i partecipanti sono stati capaci di apprendere dai loro pari attraverso un approccio peer-to-peer. Inoltre, la trasformazione artistica di vmateriale vecchio e inutilizzato ha facilitato un processo di espressione artistica. CASE No. 2 1. Name of the activity: GREEN WORKS 2. Mentor: DILETTA DE MATTEIS 3. Participants: 120 young people between 18-25 4. Duration: 8 meetings, 16 hours 5. Goals:  have a better understanding on the field of sustainable development and green occupation;  be more aware on the state of art on the sustainable field;  have a deeper knowledge on the opportunities at their disposal, in line with the EU strategy ‘20/20/20’;

 be more equipped and skilled in order to build up a professional career more suitable for their vocation and studies. 6. Description: The activities implemented during the workshop were aimed at creating and stimulating a deeper knowledge on the type of works that deal with environment, the so-called “Green Works”. The workhops have foreseen infodays on the different types of opportunities and they have been developed in cooperation with University (economy faculty), Employment agencies, local NGOs and experts. The beneficiaries of the action (target group) has been identified in the target group of young people between 18 and 25 years old that have finished their studies (high schools) and are not sure about their future. In Italian: Nome dell'attività: GREEN WORKS Responsabile: DILETTA DE MATTEIS Partecipanti: 120 giovani tra i 18 e i 25 anni Durata: 8 incontri, 16 ore Obiettivi: * una maggiore comprensione dei settori dello svilupo sostenibile e dei cosiddetti ‘lavori verdi’: *maggiore conoscenza dello stato dell’arte del settore relativo al sostenibile; una conoscenza più ampia delle opportunità messe a disposizione per i cittadini UE, in linea con la strategia ‘20/20/20’; * una maggiore capacità e conoscenza per la costruzione di carriere professionali nei lavori verdi. 6. Descrizione: Le attività realizzate durante i workshop hanno creato e stimolato una maggiore conoscenza delle tipologie di lavoro che hanno a che vedere coi cosiddetti 'lavori verdi'.I workshop hanno previsto infoday sulle diverse opportunità a disposizione, in collaborazione con l'Università, Centri per l'impiego, organizzazioni locali ed esperti del settore. I beneficiari sono stati giovani tra i 18 e i 25 anni che hanno appena concluso o stavano per concludere il primo ciclo di studi ed erano pertanto incerti sul loro futuro accademico e professionale.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

CASE No. 3 1. Name of the activity: YOUTH AND THE TERRITORY 2. Responsabile: VINCENZO LOTITO 3. Partecipanti: 60 4. Durata: 6 sessioni outdoor 5. Obiettivi: L'educazione outdoor è apprendimento attivo che permette un ampliamento delle capacità personali e della squadra a contatto con la natura, attraverso un potenziamento delle abilità di relazione, spirito di squadra, senso di fiducia e risoluzione dei problemi. 6. Descrizione: L'azione ha avuto l'obiettivo di equipaggiare i giovani con nuove competenze, abilità, know how e conoscenze per produrre progetti e azioni effettivamente capaci di generare uno sviluppo sostenibile del territorio. Ciò è avvenuto attraverso l'implementazione di attività basate sull'educazione outdoor e sull'applicazione del ciclo esperienziale, a contatto con la natura (attività di warm-up; team building; ciclo della fiducia; dialogo interculturale; problem solving).

In Italian: 1. Nome dell'attività: GIOVANI E TERRITORIO 2. Mentor: VINCENZO LOTITO 3. Participants: 60 4. Duration: 6 outdoor sessions 5. Goals: Outdoor Learning is active learning in the outdoors which is structured ad an active learning in the outdoors; Outdoor Learning broadens horizons and stimulates new interests; Outdoor Learning restablish a new and deeper contact with the NATURE; through a perr to peer approach based on the deveopment of relation, team building, trust and problem solving skills. 6. Description: The action has been aimed at equipping young people with skills, know how and knowledge on the possibility to produce effective projects for a sustainable development of the territory. The objectives of the activity have been implemented through the application of OUTDOOR EDUCATION. It has been implemented through a cycle of activities (warm up – team building – trust cycle – intercultural dialogue; problem solving) mainly realized outdoor. CASE No. 4 1. Name of the activity: OUTDOOR EVENTS 2. Mentor: SANDRO SALVATORE ACCOGLI 3. Participants: 30 young people aged 18-35 4. Duration: 8 events. 5. Goals:  to have a better knowledge on the local natural heritage;  to have more information on biodiversity and geodiversity existing in the territory;  to be more aware about the environmental value of the territory. 6. Description: Events of discovery, exploration and survey of the natural environment of the territory, in cooperation with Local Natural Parks. We involved young people from our network aged 18 -35 for giving them the opportunity to discover a new green side of our territory:  Visit to natural parks: Punta Palascià where you can see the first sunshine of Italy. Here a guide let us discover the rare and protected species of flowers in the Natural Park "OtrantoLeuca" and the caves on the coast.  Natural Local Enterprises: We went visiting local businesses which produce local products naturally, such us a honeybee farm at Montelupo (Diso).  Traditional works: We experimented the traditional creation of old products, such us old 'panari', typical local handmade wicker baskets.  Coasts discovery: Salento is a peninsula, surrounded by Adriatic and Ionian Sea. Young people discovered both sides of the territory and the geograhical differences. In Italian: 1. Nome dell'attività: OUTDOOR EVENTS 2. Responsabile: SANDRO SALVATORE ACCOGLI 3. Partecipanti: 30 giovani tra 18-35 anni 4. Durata: 8 eventi.

5. Obiettivi:  sviluppare una maggiore conoscenza dell'eredità ambientale locale;  avere una maggiore conoscenza circa la biodiversità e la geodiversità esistente sul territorio;  una maggiore consapevolezza sul valore ambientale del territorio. 6. Descrizione: Eventi di scoperta dell'ambiente naturale locale, in cooperazione coi parchi naturali locali. Sono stati coinvolti giovani di età tra i 18 e i 35 anni al fine di dare loro l'opportunità di scoprire il lato verde del loro territorio:  Viste a Parchi Naturali: Sono stati realizzati tour e visite nei parchi naturali nella Provincia di Lecce "Otranto-Santa Maria di Leuca e Bosco di Tricase ": in particolare è stato visitato il faro di Punta Palascìa con visite guidate per scoprire e riconoscere le specie floreali all'interno del Parco.  Visite a imprese naturali locali: abbiamo scoperto aziende locali che producono prodotti interamente naturali (Azienda del Miele presso l'apiario di Montelupo).  Lavori tradizionali: abbiamo sperimentato la creazione di antichi manufatti, come i 'panari', tipici cestini realizzati a mano in vimini.  Scoperta della Costa: i giovani hanno riscoperto la penisola salentina, bagnata dal mare da ionio e Adriatico, al fine di scoprire differenze geografiche e di biodiversità. CASE No. 5 1. Name of the activity: ECONTEST 2. Mentor: VINCENZO LOTITO 3. Participants: 20 4. Duration: 2 months 5. Goals:  to increase awareness on the themes of sustainability and art through the involvement of young local artists;  to stimulate creativity and artistic skills;  to stimulate a wider knowledge about green themes through artisitc expression. 6. Description: The contest is developed through the organization of live painting happening of young local aristits, who paints only on the theme of sustainability and on natural issues. The activity is developed in the Castle of Andrano, within 3 days of activities, togehter with other local events (seminar on agriculture and food, theatre) and with the patronage of the Municipality of Andrano. In Italian: 1. Nome dell'attività: ECONTEST 2. Responsabile: VINCENZO LOTITO 3. Partecipanti: 20 4. Durata: 2 mesi 5. Obiettivi: * aumentare la consapevolezza sui temi della sostenibilità ambientale e dell'arte attraverso il coinvolgimento di giovani artisti locali; * stimolare la creatività e le abilità artistiche; * stimolare una maggiore conoscenza dei temi verdi attraverso l'espressione artistica.

1. Descrizione: Il contest è stato sviluppato attraverso l'organizzazione di estemporanee di pittura sui temi della sostenibiltà con il coiinvolgimento di giovani artisti locali, che si ono cimentati nella pittura di soggetti incentrati sui temi della sostenibilità e della natura. L'attività è stata realizzata all'interno del Castello di Andrano, durante tre giorni di estemporanea, in contemporanea con eventi sui temi della sostenibilità (seminari su agricoltura e cibo, teatro) con il patrocinio del Comune di Andrano.

PARTNER No. 4: AYUNTAMIENTO DE ARANJUEZ, SPAIN (ARANJUEZ MUNICIPALITY), Aranjuez is a town located in the south of the Community of Madrid, Spain, which currently has 58,909 inhabitants. In 2001, our city was declared a World Heritage Cultural Landscape by UNESCO and it is for this reason that the city of Aranjuez has a special sensitivity to the environmental and cultural dimension of our city. In recent years, we have developed in the Municipality several educational programs aimed to different groups, with the purpose of providing a thorough understanding the values of our cultural and natural heritage, which have made us worthy of being included in the UNESCO World heritage List. These initiatives have been launched from the conviction that only through knowledge our outstanding universal value can be preserved and maintained for future generations. While we are already actively working with young people from schools, this Grundtvig project on Green Education offers us a unique opportunity to give content and integrity to some actions that have already been carried out by the elderly in our town, but now they acquire a European dimension that allows us, on the one hand, to achieve our goal of approaching elderly people to our natural and cultural environment, to our cultural landscape, and on the other hand, to share our experiences and transmit them to citizens of other countries, while we learn from them too. To this end, the City has several specific facilities for elderly people, especially adapted for disabled people, which can offer a range of indoor and outdoor activities that would be the framework for this project on Green Education. From our experience in previous work with the elderly, we found that, mostly, this is an especially motivated group, eager to learn, and actively participating in programs that are specifically designed for them. This working line with Elderly People is a priority for the city of Aranjuez and it is aimed to reach to new technologies, basic approach to English language, deep knowledge of our historical, cultural and environmental value, promoting a direct contact with our historic gardens and groves; active and healthy aging, to foster exchange and understanding of other cultures and other European citizens, to implement other experiences carried out in neighboring countries. In Spanish: Aranjuez es un municipio situado en el sur de la Comunidad de Madrid, que actualmente cuenta con 58.909 habitantes. En 2001, nuestra ciudad fue declarada Paisaje Cultural Patrimonio Mundial por La UNESCO y es por este motivo que el Ayuntamiento de Aranjuez tiene una especial sensibilidad respecto a la dimensi贸n medioambiental y cultural de nuestro entorno pr贸ximo. En estos 煤ltimos a帽os, se han desarrollado desde la iniciativa municipal varios programas educativos dirigidos a diferentes colectivos, con el objetivo de dar a conocer en profundidad los valores de nuestro Patrimonio cultural y natural, que nos han hecho merecedores de estar incluidos en la lista del patrimonio Mundial de UNESCO.

Estas iniciativas se han puesto en marcha desde la convicción de que solo desde el conocimiento se podrá preservar y mantener nuestro valor excepcional para generaciones futuras. Si bien ya se está trabajando activamente con los jóvenes, desde los centros educativos, este proyecto Grundtvig sobre Green Education nos ofrece una posibilidad única de dar entidad e integridad a acciones que ya se venían desarrollando con los mayores en nuestra localidad pero que, ahora, adquieren una dimensión europea que nos permite por un lado, alcanzar nuestro objetivo de aproximar al mayor a nuestro entorno natural y cultural, a nuestro Paisaje Cultural, y por otro lado, poder compartir y trasmitir nuestras experiencias a ciudadanos de otros países . Para ello, el Ayuntamiento cuenta con varios equipamientos destinados específicamente a personas mayores, especialmente adaptadas para personas con discapacidad, que ofertan una serie de actividades, dentro y fuera de las instalaciones, que constituyen el marco para el desarrollo de este proyecto sobre Green Education. Por la experiencia en trabajos previos con los mayores, hemos detectado que, en su mayoría, éste es un colectivo especialmente motivado, con muchas ganas de aprender, y que participan activamente en programas que específicamente sean diseñados para ellos. Ésta es una línea de acción prioritaria para trabajar con los Mayores desde el Ayuntamiento de Aranjuez: pretende poner a su alcance las nuevas tecnologías, el conocimiento básico del inglés, aproximarles al conocimiento riguroso del valor histórico, cultural y medioambiental de su entorno, favoreciendo un contacto directo con nuestros jardines y sotos históricos; fomentar el envejecimiento activo y saludable, propiciar el intercambio y conocimiento de otras culturas y otros ciudadanos europeos, poner en marcha otras experiencias llevadas a cabo en países vecinos. CASE No. 1 1. Name of the activity: RAISING AWARENESS AND UNDERSTANDING OUR CULTURAL LANDSCAPE 2. Mentor: MARÍA DEL POZO, JOSÉ MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ, AND OTHER EVENTUAL EXPERTS COOPERATING IN THE PROJECT 3. Participants: 20 elderly people from 60 to 70 years old 4. Duration: several visits carried out during the project 5. Goals:  Raising awareness about Aranjuez Cultural Landscape and its cultural and environmental values  Understanding the necessity of preserving our heritage 6. Description: Theoretical sessions and field visits around different areas of Aranjuez Cultural Landscape, aimed to understand its historical evolution and its heritage and natural values. Some of these visits have been to:  Historical orchards and groves of Tagus and Jarama Rivers  Royal Palace  Island Garden  Prince Garden  Ontígola Lagoon  Azuda de la Montaña

   

Tagus River and Raso de la Estrella Urban disign at Doce Calles Casa de la Monta y Sotomayor Historical centre of the city

In Spanish: 1. Name of the activity: CONOCIMIENTO DEL PAISAJE CULTURAL DE ARANJUEZ 2. Mentor: MARÍA DEL POZO, JOSÉ MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ Y OTROS EXPERTOS CON PARTICIPACIÓN PUNTUAL 3. Participants: 20 personas de edades comprendidas entre 60 y 70 años 4. Duration: Varias visitas durante todo el programa 5. Goals:  Conocer el Paisaje Cultural de Aranjuez y sus valores patrimoniales y medioambientales  Concienciar sobre la necesidad de preservar nuestro patrimonio histórico próximo 7. Description: Se realizan sesiones teóricas y visitas sobre el terreno de los distintos emplazamientos que componen el Paisaje Cultural de Aranjuez, con el objetivo de conocer su evolución histórica y su importancia tanto patrimonial como medioambiental Se han realizado visitas a:  Sotos y huertos históricos – Pico Tajo y Legamarejo  Palacio Real  Jardín de la Isla  Jardín del Príncipe  Mar de Ontígola  Azuda de la Montaña  Rio Tajo y Raso de la Estrella  Doce Calles  Casa de la Monta y Sotomayor  Casco histórico Urbano  Cerro de los Frailes y Monte del Parnaso CASE No. 2 1. Name of the activity: ENGLISH CLASSES 2. Mentor: MARÍA DEL POZO 3. Participants: 20 elderly people from 60 to 70 years old

4. 5.  

Duration: Weekly sessions during the project Goals: Basical approach to English language European citizenship awareness

6.        

Description: Units: Introducing yourself Greetings. Daily habits Free time, leisure and sports outdoors and indoors Food and clothes Likes and dislikes: cities and countryside, History, Heritage, our environment. Traveling abroad. Europe: nationalities and culture

In Spanish: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Name of the activity: CLASES DE INGLÉS Mentor: MARÍA DEL POZO Participants: 20 personas de edades comprendidas entre 60 y 70 años Duration: Una sesión semanal durante todo el proyecto Goals:  Conocimiento básico del idioma inglés  Conciencia europea

6.    

Description: Las unidades didácticas realizadas son las siguientes: Identificación personal. Saludos, presentaciones y despedidas. Hábitos cotidianos Tiempo libre, ocio y deportes: Aficiones, intereses, actividades de ocio y deportes. Actividades al aire libre

 Alimentación: comidas y bebidas habituales  Nuestro entorno: ciudades, pueblos, el campo, la historia, el Patrimonio, el Medioambiente, La montaña, la playa…  Viajes: Lugares, información turística y objetos de viaje.  Europa: nacionalidades y culturas

CASE No. 3 1. Name of the activity: BASIC APPROACH TO TIC’S 2. Mentor: JOSÉ MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ 3. Participants: 20 elderly people from 60 to 70 years old 4. Duration: Weekly sessions during the project 5. Goals: basic use of a computer 6. Description: Units:  Knowing about windows  Basic use of internet, e-mail and social networks  Word  Power Point

In Spanish: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.    

Name of the activity: CLASES DE INFORMÁTICA Mentor: JOSÉ MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ Participants: 20 personas de edades comprendidas entre 60 y 70 años Duration: Una sesión semanal durante todo el programa Goals: Conocimiento básico del manejo de un ordenador personal Description: Las unidades didácticas realizadas Conocimiento de un sistema operativo Windows Configuración de ordenador y programas accesorios Internet, correo electrónico y redes sociales Power Point

CASE No. 4 1. Name of the activity: SPORTS ACTIVITIES TO BOOST HEALTHY LIVING HABITS 2. Mentor: MARÍA DEL POZO, JOSÉ MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ AND SOME OTHER EVENTUAL EXPERTS PARTICIPATING IN THE PROJECT 3. Participants: 20 elderly people from 60 to 70 years old 4. Duration: several sessions carried out during the project 5. Goals: • Promote indoors and outdoors physical activities in our cultural landscape

• 6.    

Knowing local agriculture and and using local products

Description: Sessions in outdoors and indoors gyms Sessions in the swimming pool Trekking sessions Healthy habits conferences : food, medical advice, adapted sports outdoors

In Spanish: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Name of the activity: Actividades deportivas y fomento de hábitos de vida saludable Mentor: María del Pozo, José Manuel Fernández y otros expertos con participación puntual Participants: 20 personas de edades comprendidas entre 60 y 70 años Duration: Varias sesiones durante todo el programa Goals:

 Promover la actividad física tanto en el interior como en el exterior como medio para favoreces una vida saludable  Utilización de productos alimenticios autóctonos 6.    

Description: Sesiones de ejercicio físico dentro de gimnasios Sesiones de ejercicio físico en piscina Sesiones de senderismo Sesiones sobre alimentación saludable

CASE No. 5 1. Name of the activity: PHOTO CONTEST ABOUT ARANJUEZ CULTURAL LANDSCAPE 2. Mentor: MARÍA DEL POZO Y JOSÉ MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ 3. Participants: 20 elderly people from 60 to 70 years old 4. Duration: several sessions outdoors and exhibition 5. Goals:  Knowing more about our cultural landscape  Understanding the need of preserving our Historical and Cultural Heritage  Elderly perception of the values of our landscape and its cultural scope through photograph 6. Description: Participating in a photo contest that shows the visión of elderly people about Aranjuez Cultural Landscape

In Spanish: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  

Name of the activity: CONCURSO DE FOTOGRAFÍA Mentor: MARÍA DEL POZO Y JOSÉ MANUEL FERNÁNDEZ Participants: 20 personas de edades comprendidas entre 60 y 70 años Duration: varias Sesiones Goals: Conocimiento del Paisaje Cultural de Aranjuez Concienciar sobre la necesidad de preservar nuestro Patrimonio Histórico más próximo

 Percepción de los valores paisajísticos y culturales de nuestro entorno a través de la fotografía 6. Description: Participación en un concurso de fotografía con el objeto de conocer la visión que tiene las personas mayores de Aranjuez sobre nuestro paisaje cultural.

Ajdovščina Slovenia

Mikołów County Poland

Aranjuez County Spain

Konya Turkey

Andrano - Lecce Italy

London United Kingdom

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