Gif (final)

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Group - T he Group ID. Find this integer value by checking the gid= value in the Members link for the group (from Manage Groups) T ag - T he T ag ID. Find this integer value by checking the id= value in the Edit link from Administer CiviCRM Âť T ags State - Either the full state name (e.g. 'California') OR the state_province ID (e.g. 1004). Find the ID by viewing the HT ML source for the State select field while editing a contact. Country - Either the full exact country name as stored in the CiviCRM database (e.g. 'United States') OR the country ID (e.g. 1228). Find the ID by viewing the HT ML source for the Country select field while editing a contact. Dates - Use YYYYMMDD format. Example: Enter August 18, 2006 as 20060818 Yes/No Checkboxes - T his covers fields like DO NOT EMAIL, IS DECEASED, etc. Use a 1 for Yes and a 0 for No Multiple Choice Custom Fields - Use the Option Value you assigned when creating the Multiple Choice selections. T his may not be the same as the displayed value - as the Option Label is displayed in select fields and when viewing the contact record. You can search for matches on multiple Groups, T ags or other ID values using the IN operator. For example, if you want to find contacts who are members of either the Newsletter Subscribers group (Group ID=1) or the Advisory Board group (Group ID=3), you could enter: Individuals -> Group(s) -> IN -> (1,3) Remember to Surround your set of values with parentheses, and do NOT use spaces between the comma-separated values. Just like other searches, you can save your Search Builder search as a Smart Group. For more information on Smart Groups, see the Groups and T ags chapter.

custom search Custom searches are designed to answer specific questions that can't be easily answered using Advanced Search or Search Builder Go to Search > Custom Search in the navigation menu and look at the list of available custom searches. T hese customised searches have been written by members of the CiviCRM community to meet their own needs, and then contributed back to the community to share with others who need the same or similar custom searches. It's worth spending some time exploring these searches as some may be useful to you, and they will give you an idea of the sorts of things that are possible. A good example is the Include/Exclude Contacts in a Group/Tag. By combining Include and Exclude options, you can find contacts who are in one group but remove just the group members who fit another criterion. For example, you may want to find all the contacts who are Newsletter Subscribers but exclude members of Advisory Board, perhaps to create a new mailing list to receive a message targeted at the most external circle of your constituents.


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