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Case Roles: this section lists the types of people who are involved in the case in some way. Roles listed here will be automatically created when the case is opened. One role is marked as creator. T his role is automatically assigned to the person who created the case. After the case is opened, users with access to the case can assign the remaining roles to contacts as appropriate. You may also mark one of the roles as the case manager. T he case manager's name will be displayed prominently in case listings and reports. Here's a simple example of case roles for a Housing Support case: <CaseRoles> <RelationshipType> <name>Homeless Services Coordinator</name> <creator>1</creator> <manager>1</manager> </RelationshipType> <RelationshipType> <name>Health Services Coordinator</name> </RelationshipType> <RelationshipType> <name>Benefits Specialist</name> </RelationshipType> </CaseRoles>

In this example there are three case roles. T he Homeless Service Coordinator is both the creator and manager of these cases. In addition, a Health Services Coordinator and a Benefits Specialist role are created when the case is opened. Refer to the detailed configuration documentation on the wiki for more detailed explanations of each element in the XML file: http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/x/UIC9AQ Create a separate XML file for each of your case types. Your file names should match the case type name with spaces removed and the first letter of each word in upper case. For example, if the case type is Housing Support, the filename would be "HousingSupport.xml". A good approach is to use a copy of one of the sample configuration files that are included in the distribution as a starting point, and edit it to meet your requirements.

3. CiviCase Drupal permissions This section applies to Drupal installations only. In order for users to add and manage cases, you will need to configure CiviCase-related permissions in Drupal (Administer > Users > Permissions). You may want to create case management-specific Drupal user roles for staff, based on their responsibilities within your organisation. You can assign permissions to users in order to control whether or not they have access to the CiviCase component, as well as what case data they can see (Administer > Users > Permissions). T he following is a list of the CiviCase-related permissions: Access my cases and activities: allows a user to create new cases, add activities to the cases they've created and edit those activities. Users with this permission can NOT see cases or activities created by others. If you need to restrict certain users to ONLY seeing case data (i.e. hide all other contact information from them), assign "access my cases and activities" permission WIT HOUT "edit and view contacts" permission. T his permissioning model is useful for users who are external to your organisation and who should not be allowed to see contact details. Access all cases and activities: allows a user to create new cases, as well as view and add activities to any case (regardless of who initially created the case). Delete in CiviCase: allows a user to mark cases or case activities as deleted. Cases and activities are never physically deleted from your database, but only hidden when you mark them as deleted.


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