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Activity Types: this is a list of all activity types that are valid for this type of case. Several activity types will be needed for any type of case. Be sure to include them in this listing: Open Case, Change Case Status, Change Case T ype, Follow up. You will use Change Case Status to close a case. Follow up is a useful general activity type for most case settings. You can optionally specify the maximum occurrences of this activity type in a case using the max_instances element. Generally you'll want to set max_instances to 1 for the Open Case activity type, but you can also use this to limit recurrence of other types of interactions or processes. Activity Sets: groups of activity types which define a sequence of interactions. You must include at least one activity set in the configuration file which defines the standard timeline (plan). T he activities in the standard timeline set are automatically created when you open a case of this type. You can control the scheduling of each activity relative to the date the case is opened OR relative to another activity using the reference activity and reference offset elements. Offsets are expressed in days. Here's a simple timeline example for a Housing Support case: <ActivitySet> <name>standard_timeline</name> <label>Standard Timeline</label> <timeline>true</timeline> <ActivityTypes> <ActivityType> <name>O pen Case</name> <status>Completed</status> </ActivityType> <ActivityType> <name>M edical evaluation</name> <reference_activity>O pen Case</reference_activity> <reference_offset>1</reference_offset> <reference_select>newest</reference_select> </ActivityType> <ActivityType> <name>M ental health evaluation</name> <reference_activity>O pen Case</reference_activity> <reference_offset>1</reference_offset> <reference_select>newest</reference_select> </ActivityType> <ActivityType> <name>Secure temporary housing</name> <reference_activity>O pen Case</reference_activity> <reference_offset>2</reference_offset> <reference_select>newest</reference_select> </ActivityType> <ActivityType> <name>Follow up</name> <reference_activity>O pen Case</reference_activity> <reference_offset>3</reference_offset> <reference_select>newest</reference_select> </ActivityType> <ActivityType> <name>Income and benefits stabilization</name> <reference_activity>O pen Case</reference_activity> <reference_offset>7</reference_offset> <reference_select>newest</reference_select> </ActivityType> <ActivityType> <name>Long-term housing plan</name> <reference_activity>O pen Case</reference_activity> <reference_offset>14</reference_offset> <reference_select>newest</reference_select> </ActivityType> <ActivityType> <name>Follow up</name> <reference_activity>O pen Case</reference_activity> <reference_offset>21</reference_offset> <reference_select>newest</reference_select> </ActivityType> </ActivityTypes> </ActivitySet>

In this example, the Open Case activity is marked as Completed when the case is opened. T hree additional activities are automatically scheduled when the case is opened. A medical evaluation is scheduled for the following day (reference offset is 1); then secure temporary housing (reference offset 2); and finally a follow-up three days later.


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