Up4tin - planning the chance

Page 10

3.2 possible scenarios education


Compulsory schools scenarios

A two big schools 13 143 542 5454

number of students land used total costs operating expenses

compulsory schools

difficult to reach managing problems

professional schools

B four medium schools compromise solution, number of students not really satisfying land used total costs operating expenses


C thirteen small schools

standard used italian proposed total surface (mq) compulsory 20,3 professional 25 built surface (mq/student) compulsory 6,7 professional 4,9 open air surface (% of tot.) compulsory 66 % professional 66% access ray (m) compulsory 500 professional kindergartens 200


Group 12_Team B

7 8 7 8

number of students land used total costs operating expenses

higer costs, difficult to control, more expropriations

Scenario A

Scenario B

Scenario C

land rays of access

30% 25% 400 180

managing costs security quality control visual impact equipment costs Planning the Chance Social Services for Sustainable Development in El Fortin, Guayaquil

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