Architecture Portfolio for GSD

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To meet complex social needs,the library have to combine two different kinds of space atomsphere.We lift reading area up into second floor,leaving the ground floor an open space.The second floor becomes spirituality and the ground floor with some activity rooms become a free and public space for culture activities and communication.

Two concrete columns in the ground floor turning into four stelel columns in first floor forms a structure units.Void formed by V-shaped structure can be used for equipments and pipelines.Units connected to each other to resistant horizontal force. Second floor obtains ordered and peaceful atomosphere.The void allowing the first floor to descend partly lead to abundant types of reading space.Ground floor obtains open and free atomosphere by arranging the direction of units.V-shaped structure makes first floor above seemes lighter.

STRUCTURE PROTOTYPES To combine two different kinds of space in ground floor and first floor,a special structure system is needed.When structure directly intervenes into site and forms space and atomosphere,materiality of architectue can be presented.We tried various structure prototypes with different combination and finally chose one.

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