The Protocols of Zion - Freedom and Liberty

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xxxvii. Alma 61:12-15,21 Chief Governor Pahoran (KOL) tells Captain Moroni (KOL) that: he desires for Moroni‘s help with the rising rebellion (SUMW) of the country; he refuses to submit (LOC) to the bondage of the enemy (MOL); he insists on resisting evil both by word (WOG) (SUMR) and by sword (SUMW); he stands fast in Gods decreed liberty (WOG) xxxviii. Alma 62:3-5 Moroni (KOL) marched his army toward the land of Gideon raising the 'standard of liberty' (COLG); thousands flocked (LOC) to his flag of liberty, taking up their swords (SUMW) to defend freedom (COLG) and to prevent bondage (GAC) from Pachus (MOL) xxxix. Helaman 3:28-30 Mormon (KOL) reasons that the gate of Heaven is open unto all who believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God (EG); all can lay hold upon the Word of God (WOG) which is powerful to divide asunder the cunning (MOL), the snares (money, lies, bondage, evils) (GAC), and the wiles of the devil (MOD); all can land their soul to sit down at the right hand of God with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the holy fathers to go no more out (GPOR) xl. 4 Nephi 1:3-17 Mormon (KOL) summarizes that the people established COLG according to the laws of God (WOG) resulting in liberty and freedom; they began; to have ATIC (the Law of Consecration) (COLG); to have no rich, no poor, no bondage (ATIC), all were free to partake of the heavenly gifts of the earth freely (ATIC); to build cities; to multiply (GPOR); to have no war or crime only peace (ATIC) xli. Mormon 8:10-16 Moroni (KOL) explains that no people upon the land know the true God save the disciples of Jesus (KOL); Moroni hides this record, the plates (The Book of Mormon), unto the Lord; this record will shine forth out of darkness (GAC) into light (COLG) by the power of God xlii. Ether 1:3 Moroni (KOL) indicates that the golden Plates of Ether (WOG) contain the record of the creation of the world, of Adam (KOL), and continues down until the Tower of Babel xliii. Ether 2:7-12 The Brother of Jared (KOL) is told by God of his decree upon the promised land (the Americas): the land has been preserved for the righteous (GRM) to be a land free from bondage and captivity (ATIC) (GPOR) if the people serve Christ (COLG) the only true God; God swore to the Brother of Jared that if the people do not serve him (GAC), they will be swept of the land by the fullness of his wrath when the people are ripe in iniquity (GCOW)  Go to: Table of Contents | Acronym & Abbreviation Key | Simple Definitions

III. Used then by one's party to crush the party in authority: GAC Alma 60:25-27 Captain Moroni (KOL) warns Chief Governor Pahoran (KOL) that he will come stir up insurrections (SUMW) among the freemen (KOL) until those usurping power and authority (GAC) are extinct (GCOW)

a. KOD King-men: Party Goal = to build GAC, to gain power by domination and force i. ii.

iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi.

If GAC then: the government = MOL(agent 1) or MOL(agent 2); it most likely is not: the government = KOL or MOL King-men Action Logic Chain: DIM  LOC(power)  GAC(usurp plot(SUMW(violence/force)))  GAC(SS anarchy plot(MOL liberalism(party power wars(cunning laws))))  GAC(bondage plot(class wars(freedom idea(gold/money/tax(make-believe))))) Rights Logic Chain: devil (GAC(make-believe))  law of nature  right (force)  LOC  power: voice of the people  GAC Watch Video: Petty PASSIONS, Paltry Beliefs and Traditions, Sentimental Theorems Watch Video: Ridiculous SEEDS of Anarchy - The Slackening Reins of Liberalism Watch Video: The MULES Watch Video: The WHORE of the Earth: The Great and Abominable Church See: B.2.I government results - obtained by violence and terrorism not rational discussion – DIM See: B.3.I irrational man - power and domination is goal - GAC See: B.4.I.a violence - SUMW - brutal and blind force See: B.4.II.a cunning laws - MOL - force only disguised as law See: B.5.I.a war and destruction- SUMW - fact of real life - not freedom – GAC See: B.5.V.a.i catch slackening reigns- MOL (liberalism) - corrupt laws - force See: B.5.V.b.i catch slackening reigns- 'daily guidance'  B.4.I.a violence- war; B.4.II.a cunning- law; B.4.III.a make-believe- lies See: B.5.V.c.i catch slackening reigns- MOL (liberalism) - new authority (MOL) fits into old glove (KOL) See: B.6.I.a freedom (war) cannot be used with moderation by irrational men


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