Oakwood 2016

Page 33


that television on and keep an eye out for any

could hear it in the background noise of the

updates. A lot can happen in a few minutes.”

news and outside their house as well. Their

“Or absolutely nothing at all.” Bart muttered

neighbors scrambled back and forth trying

under his breath. Muriel threw the remote

to figure out what they could do in the few

onto his belly and huffed at her husband’s

minutes they had left to live. The Johnsons

stubbornness. Bart recovered the remote

sounded like they were packing up and leaving

and placed it back on the stand beside him.

town. They argued rather loudly about what

Knowing she wouldn’t talk to him the rest of

luxuries to bring and if they should leave their

the week if they left the conversation there, he

precious poodle behind. Bart prayed they

tried to end things on a less sour note. “Muriel,

wouldn’t leave Mr. Jingles here. The dog’s

why are you wearing your coat?” He asked.

incessant barking kept him up at all hours of

His jittery wife hugged the thick navy wool

the night and he would hate to finally get his

material around herself and shied away.

hands dirty and call animal control.

“Oh you would just think I’m being unreasonable if I told you.” She refused. Bart rolled his eyes and sat up straighter.

Somewhere down the street, the Greys’ fourteen-year-old son was drag-racing against someone else. Causing trouble as per usual.

“Fine, if you don’t want to tell me…” He

Bart knew it was him because he’d been

baited her. Muriel slumped her shoulders and

caught doing it before. Bart always thought of

wrapped the coat tighter.

the boy as the hooligan of the neighborhood.

“Well if you must know,” She began, “Since

It’d be good riddance the day he finally gets

the sun is burning out, there will be nothing to

arrested and carted off to suffer in the pathetic

keep us warm anymore. And though I know

excuse America has of a legal system. Oh,

it won’t do much, it makes me feel better to

and was that Jason outside their porch on his

put an extra layer on in preparation for our

tricycle? Yes, it had to be. Nobody else had a

impending doom.”

bell attached to their bike around here. Where

Miranda Schwanke

Bart did his best to disguise a snicker. “You’re right.” He admitted.

were his parents? Regardless if the world was actually ending or not, now is not the time for a

“I am?” Muriel asked surprised.

defenseless six year old to be lollygagging out

“Yes, I do believe you’re being

in the streets. How irresponsible of them.

unreasonable.” Bart scoffed. Muriel let go of

"Oh Bart, look at it all.” Muriel said in

her jacket in defeat. With nothing else to do,

dismay, regaining her husband’s attention.

she then slumped into the rocking chair next to

“Are we really going to just sit here for the rest

her husband and turned her attention towards

of our lives?”

the news. “You never could take anything seriously.” She mumbled under her breath. 3 Minutes, 56 Seconds… There was no change in the state of the world other than a rise in panic. The elderly couple

Bart thought about it. “No, you could make us a sandwich. Then we can eat our last meal.” He partially joked. All the chaos was starting to make him hungry. “Will it kill you to take this seriously for a moment?” Muriel nagged. “I want us to go

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