Extraordinary Families Annual Report 2017

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labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et




labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et the daily accusam Transform et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita gubergren, lives ofkasd children and no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum families in child welfare dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit with innovative amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod invidunt strategies andtempor visionary ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam policy reforms. erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et



Ensure the safety, health, and well-being of children

Every child and family in child welfare has the same opportunities, hopes and prospects that all children and families deserve.

Table of Contents

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit M e ssa g e f r o m t h e C EO ....................................... 4 amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor C o m p a n y H i s t o r y ................................................... 5 invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam Pr o g r e ss Re p o r t ...................................................... erat, sed diam voluptua. At 6vero eos et Ye a r i n Re v i e w ........................................................... 7 Re u n i t i n g Fa m ili e s.................................................. 8 F i n d i n g Fa m ili e s...................................................... 9 S u p p o r t i n g Yo u t h ................................................... 10 S y s t e m - w i d e C h a n g e .......................................... 11 S u c c e ss S t o r i e s........................................................ 12 O u t c o m e s................................................................... 16 F i n a n c i a l S u m m a r y ............................................... 17 Bo a r d o f D i r e c t o r s................................................. 18 L e a d e r sh i p & S t a f f ................................................ 19 D o n o r s......................................................................... 21 M o v i n g Fo r w a r d ..................................................... 24 G e t In v o lv e d ............................................................. 25

Promote and champion the value of diversity


The success of children depends on healthy relationships between birth and resource families

Support transitionage foster youth with the services they need to achieve their greatest potential

MESSAGETOTHECOMMUNITY Dear Fr iend s, As we end our 23rd year of ser ving child ren, yout h, and fam ilies im p acted by t he child welfare system , we rem ain d r iven by our m ission t o im p rove t heir d aily lives and long -ter m out com es, a com m it m ent t hat has shaped our p ract ice since d ay one. I am hum b led and honored t o b e lead ing an or g anizat ion t hat is filled wit h p assionate, ded icated staff and com p assionate, com m itted resource fam ilies and volunteer s.

Message from theCEO

It has b een an excit ing year at Extraord inar y Fam ilies, and we w ant t o t hank all of our p arent s, d onor s, p ar t ner s, and volunteer s for your g enerous sup p or t . Your p ar t ner ship is w hat m akes our w or k p ossib le, and t his p ast year w as no excep t ion. Because of you, we were ab le t o relocate t o a b eaut iful new b uild ing ; p rovide im p roved technolog y t o our staff; b uild innovat ive outreach and recr uit m ent effor t s; deepen our sup p or t s t o resource

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea ptakimata sanctus arent s by p rovidest ingLorem ipsum tarsit g eted , clinical dolor amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit inter vent ions;sadipscing exp and our amet, consetetur elitr, sed UP4 Yout h p rog ram aim edinvidunt at diam nonumy eirmod tempor im p roving out com es for ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam ion-ag e yout h;Atand erat,transit sed diam voluptua. vero eos et cont inue p rovid ing t he hig hest q ualit y ser vices t o child ren and yout h in foster care. Please take t he t im e t o review t his annual rep or t t o lear n m ore ab out w hat we have accom plished t og et her, and our excit ing plans for t he year ahead . In 20 18, Extraord inar y Fam ilies looks for w ard t o b uild ing on our strong found at ion of excellent ser vice, and p roact ively resp ond ing t o recent sweeping p olicy refor m t o b etter ser ve especially vulnerab le p op ulat ions in child welfare. All of us t og et her ? our staff, resource p arent s, ind ivid ual d onor s, refer ral sources, cor p orate and p ub lic funder s, and p r ivate found at ions, are w or king hard t o help child ren and fam ilies t hr ive and t o m ake Los Ang eles Count y a strong er com m unit y. On b ehalf of t he Board of Direct or s and staff of Extraord inar y Fam ilies, please accep t our m ost sincere t hanks!

SarahBoone Chief Executi ve Officer




- Sylvia Fogelman puts her vision of providing foster children with safe, loving homes to action and founds Southern California Foster Family Agency. - 1999 - Obtain a license to also provide adoption services, becoming Southern California Foster Family & Adoption Agency (SCFFAA).

- Receive the ?All Children-All Families? seal from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, recognizing the agency as a leader in supporting and serving LGBTQ families. - Begin providing services to transition-age youth.


- Upon the retirement of Sylvia Fogelman, SCFFAA successfully merges with the policy and advocacy group, Child Welfare Initiative (CWI), becoming Extraordinary Families under the leadership of CWI founder Andrew Bridge. - 2015 - Sarah Boone appointed CEO. - 2016 - Restructure transition-age youth program as Unlimited Possibilities for Youth.

- Launch Family Recruitment Model, including Ambassador Program.



- Launch Family Support Model. - Relocate to a larger and better equipped facility to best meet the needs of our children, youth, families, and staff.

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et

Company History

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam duo dolores result et ofjusto t his plan, we are et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd tgubergren, no pleased t o share hat we sea recr takimata estnum Lorem uited sanctus a record b er ipsum of dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum interested new resourcedolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, fam ilies, and ap p roved m oresed diam nonumypeirmod resource arent s ttempor han t heinvidunt ut labore dolore magna aliquyam year petr ior. Notew or t hy is t he erat,increase sed diaminvoluptua. At vero resource p arenteos s et

Year in Review

for t he hig hest need p op ulat ion of older yout h and teens.

Buildingfamilies throughfoster careand adoption,andsupporting youthinbecoming successful adults. Extraord inar y Fam ilies kicked off 20 17 on t he coattails of a m om ent ous and successful year -end ap peal, sett ing t he stag e for yet anot her excit ing year. In resp onse t o t he p assag e of Cont inuum of Care Refor m (AB 4 0 3) and t he sig nificant shor tag e of availab le fam ilies in Los Ang eles Count y t o care for t he t housand s of child ren in it s foster care system , Extraord inar y Fam ilies launched an innovat ive plan t o exp and our effor t s t o recr uit , train, and sup p or t resource p arent s in 20 17, and b eyond . The plan includes t w o specialized staff, a recr uit m ent specialist and a fam ily sup p or t specialist , as well as a foster p arent am b assad or p rog ram , a fam ily sup p or t m odel, and tar g eted recr uit m ent and m ar ket ing cam p aig ns. As a


In t he Sp r ing , we invited t he com m unit y t o celeb rate wit h us at our annual aw ard s Gala. Honorees included t he hit NBC ser ies This Is Us, for b r ing ing attent ion t o t he issue of ad op t ion in a realist ic and p rofound w ay; renow ned w r iter, d irect or, and p rod ucer, Lee Daniels, for exp osing t he d ifficult realit ies of t he foster care system t hroug h his p oig nant w or k; leg end ar y m usic m anag er How ard Kaufm an, a g enerous p hilant hropist and ded icated sup p or ter of Extraord inar y Fam ilies; and one of our extraord inar y resource fam ilies, Kim Kop p and Lisa McFann, w ho have fostered five child ren and ad op ted t w o over t he p ast five year s. Our UP4 Yout h p rog ram saw sig nificant g row t h in 20 17, m ore t han d oub ling it s yout h p ar t icip ant s and m ent or s. We solid ified p ar t ner ship s wit h several em plo yer s for yout h, includ ing Hilt on LAX, w ho hosted a per sonalized job fair for our yout h, introd ucing t hem t o t he var iet y of job s and related resp onsib ilit ies availab le t hroug h t he com p any, p rovid ing w or k

op p or t unit ies and an invaluab le lear ning exper ience. In Aug ust , we relocated t o an up g raded , sp acious, and alt og et her ideal office sp ace t o accom m od ate our p ost -m er g er g row t h. At our new locat ion, we are t he sole occup ant s of t he sp acious b uild ing , w hich feat ures a lar g e room for resource fam ily or ientat ion, training , and cont inuing ed ucat ion classes; a ded icated com p uter lab and w or ksp ace for our g rowing UP4 Yout h p rog ram ; a resource p arent w ait ing room ; a Board room ; an on-site enclosed p ar king lot wit h am ple free p ar king ; and t he How ard Kaufm an Visitat ion Center, w hich includes five fully eq uip ped fam ily room s, each wit h an ar ray of ag e-specific t o ys and hom e-like fur nishing s. This w as t he fir st -ever m ove for t he ag ency since opening our d oor s in 1994 . We are deeply g rateful t o t he Kaufm an fam ily, Ahm anson Found at ion, and t he W.M. Keck Found at ion, w hose g enerous sup p or t m ade our m ove and all of t he essent ial up g rades p ossib le. This p ast year we consulted and ap peared as content exper t s for realit y, p ub lic b road cast ing , and d ram a television p rog ram s t o ed ucate and raise aw areness ab out foster care and ad op t ion. We said farewell t o our 7

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea long est stand ing social rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no w or ker, Ber yl Var ner, w ho sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum ser ved t he ag ency for 17 dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit year s b efore ret ir ing , b ut alsoamet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed welcom ed new faces t o our diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt g rowing team , includ ing six ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam new m em b er s t o our Board oferat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et Direct or s. We are t hr illed t o have an incred ib le staff and Board help us ad vance our m ission as we b eg in a new year. To sustain our g row t h, we w or ked d ilig ent ly t o for t ify our financial stand ing . We ad ded sig nificant found at ion p ar t ner ship s, and sub stant ially b roadened our b ase of ind ivid ual d onor s. Our 20 17 year -end ap peal exceeded it s g oal, and we saw an increase of over 18% in revenue at our annual Aw ard s Gala. We deeply ap p reciate all of our d onor s and sup p or ter s w ho m ade t hese successes p ossib le. As we b eg in a new year, we look for w ard t o cont inuing our g row t h, ser ving m ore child ren, yout h, and fam ilies t han ever b efore and deepening t he im p act we m ake in t he g reater Los Ang eles com m unit y.

Year in Review

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et


The p r im ar y per m anency g oal of child welfare is t o safely reunify child ren wit h t heir fam ilies of or ig in. Unt il t hen, resource p arent s p rovide t he stab ilit y and care child ren need . Throug h a contract and p ar t ner ship wit h LA Count y Dep ar t m ent of Child ren and Fam ily Ser vices, EF recr uit s, trains, ap p roves, and sup p or t s resource fam ilies t o care for child ren w ho have exper ienced ab use or neg lect and are in need of safe, nur t ur ing tem p orar y foster or per m anent ad op t ive hom es.


Goinknowingthebest thingfor thisbabyistobe reunitedwithahealthybirth parent,andgivingall the loveyoucanpossiblygive along thejourney." - Tina G. EF Resource Parent



labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et


If, after spend ing t im e in foster care, child ren cannot ret ur n t o t heir b ir t h fam ily, ad op t ion b ecom es t he g oal. Next t o reunificat ion, ad op t ion is t he b est p ossib le out com e as it p rovides a child wit h t he b asic need s ever y child deser ves: leg al stat us, social stat us, and a loving , sup p or t ive forever fam ily.


labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et


Transit ioning int o ad ult hood is a challeng e for any ad olescent . For yout h w ho have spent year s in foster care or w ho are ?ag ing out ? of t he system wit hout having secured a safe and per m anent hom e, t he r isks are sub stant ial. Our Unlim ited Possib ilit ies for Yout h (UP4 Yout h) Prog ram help s t hese yout h for g e t heir fut ures t hroug h ed ucat ion planning , em plo ym ent ser vices, resource coord inat ion, and connect ing t hem wit h m ent or s t o help sup p or t t hem on t heir p at h t o b ecom ing self-sufficient ad ult s.











* Education opportunities: GED services, high school, postsecondary education, and vocational skills training * Employment opportunities: subsidized and unsubsidized employment * Resources: Food bank, therapy, clothing, housing, etc.


labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et

Adaptingour agencytobemost responsivetothe community

Throug h strateg ic init iat ives and ad vocacy, EF p ur sues op p or t unit ies t o infor m and im p act system -wide im p rovem ent s in child welfare. Recent init iat ives focus on resp ond ing t o new sweeping child welfare leg islat ion, Assem b ly Bill 4 0 3, t he Cont inuum of Care Refor m (CCR). The new law req uires a shift from g roup care sett ing s t o fam ily b ased care, and increases t he need for m ore resource hom es, am ong ot her child -focused m and ates. In 20 17, EF's ad vocacy team w or ked d ilig ent ly on ad ap t ing our ag ency t o b e m ost resp onsive t o t he com m unit y now t hat CCR is a realit y, and com ing up wit h innovat ive solut ions t o t he challeng es p resented . This included creat ing a new fam ily recr uit m ent m odel, hir ing a desig nated Fam ily Recr uit m ent Specialist , developing and im plem ent ing a fam ily am b assad or p rog ram , and under g oing a rob ust m ar ket ing analysis t o develop a com p rehensive recr uit m ent strateg y t o increase our recr uit m ent of fam ilies for t hose m ost im p acted by t he new law - older yout h and child ren wit h m ental or b ehavioral healt h need s.


labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et


Success Stories

We are pleased t o share t he exper ience of one of our resource fam ilies, Rob in and Joe. After com plet ing our resource fam ily training cour se, hom e st ud y and ap plicat ion p rocess, t he couple were ap p roved in June 20 16. Less t han one m ont h later, t hey welcom ed 7-d ay-old Baby Paul int o t heir hom e. The couple developed and nur t ured a relat ionship wit h Baby Paul's m ot her, event ually m onit or ing her visit s wit h Baby Paul. After t he successful com plet ion of her treat m ent plan, t he cour t ordered t hat Baby Paul reunify wit h his m ot her. Alt houg h Rob in and Joe felt sad dened by t heir ow n loss, t hey celeb rated t heir t im e p rovid ing Baby Paul wit h a safe and loving hom e, and were g rateful t hat t hey could assist him in a hap py transit ion b ack t o his fam ily. One m ont h later, Rob in and Joe accep ted placem ent of Baby Ty, w ho w as b or n p rem at urely, out side of a hospital, and d r ug -exp osed . Rat her t han p ass jud g m ent


on his b ir t h m ot her, t he couple ag ain em b raced Baby Ty's fam ily and recog nized t he im p or tance of sup p or t ing reunificat ion. In J anuar y 20 17, Baby Ty's m ot her successfully com pleted her cour t -ordered treat m ent plan and Baby Ty w as reunified wit h his m ot her. Despite feeling s of yet anot her deep loss, Rob in and Joe were ab le t o celeb rate t his m onum ental accom plishm ent of a fam ily com ing t og et her. They held a reunificat ion cerem ony and exchang ed contact infor m at ion wit h Baby Ty's m ot her. Rob in and Joe look for w ard t o cont inuing on as p ar t of Baby Ty's "team " t hroug hout his life. Rob in and Joe rem ain com m itted t o helping child ren in foster care, and t o one d ay ad op t t hroug h t he system . They b elieve t hey are cap ab le of m aking a d ifference in a child ?s life by p rovid ing cr it ical care in t he ear ly stag es, and helping child ren attain per m anency, reg ard less of t he event ual out com e for t hem per sonally.

UP4YOUTH Em m a, a 22-year -old young m ot her, w anted a b etter life. Like m any of her peer s im p acted by t he foster care system , she w as unem plo yed and wit hout a hig h school d iplom a. She w as refer red t o UP4 Yout h by t he transit ional p rog ram she lives in wit h her t od d ler. At t he t im e, her g oals were t o secure em plo ym ent , independent housing , and t o b e ab le t o p rovide for her d aug hter. Em m a created an Ind ivid ual Success Plan wit h UP4 Yout h staff t hat out lines t he step s she need s t o take t o accom plish t hem . Having alw ays str ug g led wit h school d ue t o a lear ning d isab ilit y, UP4 Yout h staff connected her wit h a GED p rog ram w here she received t he level of sup p or t she needed t o successfully ear n her GED. Deter m ined t o sup p or t her self, Em m a also secured em plo ym ent as a cashier at a fast -food estab lishm ent . She w as ner vous w hen fir st lear ning how t o use t he reg ister, b ut now feels confident in her


labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum role after w or king wit h dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit p rog ram staff on amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed self-confidence and diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt self-asser t ion t hroug h coaching and role-play. Staff ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et g uided her t hroug h t he p rep arat ion and inter view p rocess, and now assist s her wit h financial planning ad vice. Em m a w as m at ched wit h Ant oinette, a m ent or w ho m eet s wit h her for 6-8 hour s per m ont h. Ant oinette offer s reliab le, com p assionate sup p or t t o help Em m a navig ate challeng es, and m ost im p or tant ly, b e t hat per son Em m a know s she can count on. Em m a reg ular ly attend s UP4 Yout h enr ichm ent w or kshop s desig ned t o help p ar t icip ant s b uild cr it ical t hinking skills, life-skills, healt hy hab it s, and social/em ot ional skills. The g oal is t o p rovide yout h wit h t ools and resources t o m anag e transit ions req uired t o b ecom e independent , self-sufficient , t hr iving ad ult s. Em m a says she finally feels like she can im ag ine a fut ure for her self and her d aug hter.

They're always checkingon metoseehow I'mdoing. I respect that. It showsthat theycare. - Tanya B. UP4 YOUTH Par t icip ant

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et

ADOPTION After 10 year s of a hap py and fulfilled m ar r iag e, J ason and Er ic realized som et hing w as m issing : t hey b ot h really w anted a fam ily. They knew t hat foster ing t o ad op t w as t he r ig ht w ay t o g o and decided t hat t hey w anted an older child , b elieving t hey could m ake a d ifference in t hat child ?s life.

Success Stories


Once t he decision w as m ade, it all m oved ver y q uickly. Shor t ly after com plet ing t heir training and hom e st ud y in 20 13, t hey were m at ched wit h a 7-year -old b o y nam ed Just in. W it hin a week t hey had a ?m eet and g reet ? wit h him , introd ucing him also t o t heir t w o fam ily d og s. Luckily for ever yone, it w as a g ood m at ch, and Just in m oved in t he next d ay. The couple shared , "Neit her of us will ever for g et round ing t he cor ner and sp ott ing t his litt le b o y peer ing t hroug h t he g lass d oor. We looked at each ot her and knew r ig ht t hen and t here t hat t his w as our son. He had finally ar r ived ." In J anuar y 20 15, t he fam ily w as m ade official w hen t he

ad op t ion p aper s were sig ned . They knew, however, t hat t heir fam ily w as not yet com plete. Later t hat sam e year t hey welcom ed anot her young b o y int o t heir hom e, 6year -old Kam il. As any p arent s w ould , Er ic and J ason w or r ied at fir st how ad d ing anot her child t o t heir fam ily w ould im p act Just in and w het her t hey could find b alance t o d ivide t heir attent ion eq ually b et ween t he b o ys. Kam il had also exper ienced four p r ior placem ent s and t hey knew t hey had t o ded icate all t he t im e, love, and resources he needed t o heal, The couple q uest ioned w het her t hey could m eet t he challeng e. After careful considerat ion, t houg h, t hey m oved for w ard , b elieving t hat b ot h b o ys w ould ult im ately t hr ive under t heir care and nur t urance. Before Kam il ar r ived , Just in w rote him a letter welcom ing him t o t he hom e and exp ressing his hope t o one d ay b e his b rot her. The couple said t heir fir st d ay t og et her as a fam ily w as

am azing , and Kam il, w ho w as uncer tain ab out t he fam ily d og s at fir st , ended t he d ay by asking if t hey could sleep wit h him . The r unning joke b et ween t he couple is t hat t heir d og s w anted kid s as b ad ly as t hey d id . Looking b ack from t hat fir st d ay, t he couple ad m itted t here have b een t im es w hen it 's b een challeng ing . "You will exper ience t hing s and hear t hing s and find your self in sit uat ions and realit ies t hat d on't m ake sense or aren't exper iences you knew hap pened or could hap pen." The couple recalled t heir second nig ht wit h Kam il. He and Just in star ted shar ing st or ies of t he challeng es t hey exper ienced in t heir p ast . "It w as like w at ching t w o ad ult s in child ren's b od ies speak ab out t hese really scar y and com plex t hing s t hat hap pened t o t hem ." Overall, t houg h, t he couple shared t heir only real str ug g le w as "not alw ays b eing ab le t o control t he p rocess b ut instead having t o som et im es


labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no just m ove for w ard , d o w hat sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum we felt w as r ig ht and fig ht for dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed w hatever w as in t he b est diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt interest of our child ren." ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam "We are so for t unate and erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et lucky t o have b ecom e p arent s t o t hese t w o w onder ful b o ys," t he couple shared . "The sense of fulfillm ent we receive each and ever y d ay is b eyond anyt hing we could have ever im ag ined ." Kam il and Just in are now officially b rot her s, and t here is no q uest ion t hat t hese b o ys are t hr iving and dest ined for g reat t hing s. Kam il is b lossom ing int o q uite an at hlete, recent ly com pet ing in t he 20 0 m and 4 0 0 m at t he Sout her n Califor nia Track and Field Cham pionship s and taking t he Gold in b ot h for t he second year in a row ; and Just in has a p assion for act ing and has ap peared in a num b er of com m ercials, and is cur rent ly using his voiceover talent s in an - J ason and Er ic, Resource Parent s anim ated television ser ies. He's also b een feat ured in an infom ercial t o help raise aw areness ab out foster care.

Welookedat eachother andknew right thenand therethat thiswasour son.

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et

SUCCESS& OUTCOMES QUALITYASSURANCEREVIEW Extraord inar y Fam ilies under g oes an annual Qualit y Assurance Review, cond ucted by Los Ang eles Count y's Dep ar t m ent of Child ren and Fam ily Ser vices (DCFS). The review s are desig ned t o analyze streng t hs, com pliance wit h ag ency, count y and state reg ulat ions and ident ify areas need ing im p rovem ent . We have consistent ly b een found t o p rovide hig hly rated ser vices t o t hose in our care, and in 20 17, we m et or exceeded all stand ard s m easured . DCFS found our w or k t o b e so exem plar y, we were exem p t from our annual on-site review, and invited t o share our b est p ract ices and lessons lear ned .




6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

TheFFAprovidesa highlysafeliving environment for the focuschildren,who appear happy,well taken careof,andthey reportedtheyfeel safe andcomfortableintheir respectivecertified foster homes. - DCFS Aud it or

*In 20 16, DCFS chang ed t he QAR p rocess and per for m ance ind icat or s. For clar it y, only ind icat or s and out com es from t his new p rocess are included in t his rep or t .

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et

Extraord inar y Fam ilies?fiscal year r uns from J anuar y 1 t hroug h Decem b er 31. The b ud g et for fiscal year 20 17 w as as follow s*:



EXPENSES SalariesandBenefits Professional Services&Fees

$1,815,347 $131,0 66


$20 2,90 4


$4 34 ,620

Non-Personnel PaymentstoResourceParents ProgramCosts Insurance/Licensing Personnel Expense Total expenses

$32,651 $828,963 $88,4 35 $112,0 65 $9,976 $3,656,0 27

*Pend ing aud ited financial statem ent s


Financial Summary

Board of Directors

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et

Board of Directors


Juliet Musso


Flour no y Professor of State Gover nm ent , USC Sol Pr ice School of Pub lic Policy, Chair

Direct or of Infor m at ion Technolog y, KTGY, Treasurer



Reg ional Manag er, Spectr um Cab le, Secretary

Chief Execut ive Officer, Extraord inar y Fam ilies


Extraord inar y Fam ilies m aintains a Board of Direct or s t hat includes leader s from across Los Ang eles Count y, t he State of Califor nia, and t he nat ion, and from a wide var iet y of stakeholder g roup s and areas of exper t ise.


LisaKring, LCSW

Pr incip al MiNDS iCiNEMA

Instr uct or, Insig ht LA



Vice President , Pr ivate Banker, Cit y Nat ional Bank

Execut ive Vice President and Co-Head of Dram a Ser ies, HBO

AngelaBromstad Consultant , Discover y Com m unicat ions

EmilyBrown Associate, Or r ick, Her r ing t on & Sut cliffe LLP


JocelynTetel Vice President Ad vancem ent , Skir b all Cult ural Center


Vice President of Prod uct , Ad .net

Musician & Philant hropist



President , Here Med ia; Ed it or in Chief, The Ad vocate

Entrep reneur, Act ivist , Philant hropist

BrookeKaufmanHalsband Associate, Hilt on & Hyland



Vice President , Relat ionship Manag er, Bost on Pr ivate Bank & Tr ust

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea LEADERSHIP rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum SarahBoone,MSW, Chief Execut ive Officer dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed Sarah b r ing s a wealt h of d irect ser vice and leader ship exper ience t o her role as CEO, havingdiam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ser ved as a Child Protect ive Ser vices Social ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam Wor ker, Treat m ent Foster Care Therapist , Clinicalerat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et Super visor, and Direct or of Policy and Prog ram s. She p osses a uniq ue per spect ive for t his w or k as a p roud p arent of t hree sons, w hom she ad op ted as teenag er s from foster care. Sarah received her Bachelor of Social Wor k from Univer sit y of Montana and her Master of Social Wor k from New Mexico State Univer sit y, and cur rent ly ser ves as a Com m issioner on LA Count y's Inter -Ag ency Council on Child Ab use and Neg lect .

Board of Directors


KimberlySuttonMSW, Direct or of Foster Care & Ad op t ion Kim w or ks t irelessly t o recr uit , train, and sup p or t fam ilies w ho wish t o foster/ad op t from foster care. She hold s a Master ?s deg ree in Mar r iag e and Fam ily Counseling from Univer sit y of Sout her n Califor nia, is a licensed Mar r iag e and Fam ily Therapist and hold s a B.A. in lib eral st ud ies from Califor nia State Univer sit y Nor t hr id g e.

BarnabyMurff Direct or of Philant hropy & Com m unit y

Relat ions

Bar naby b r ing s over 15 year s?exper ience in t he nonp rofit sect or. Sup p or t ing m issions t hat p rom ote em p ower m ent and im p rove t he q ualit y of life for child ren and fam ilies has b een t he cor ner st one of her w or k. In ad d it ion t o her career wit h social b enefit or g anizat ions, Bar naby spent t im e helping new m ot her s t hroug h lab or and deliver y as a d oula. She hold s a Bachelor of Ar t s in Ar t Hist or y from t he Am er ican Univer sit y of Par is.

Robert Ortiz,MBA, Direct or of Operat ions W it h a Master of Business Ad m inistrat ion from t he Univer sit y of Red land s and a Bachelor of Ar t s in Eng lish from t he Univer sit y at Alb any, State Univer sit y of New Yor k, Rob er t b r ing s t o t he ag ency over eig ht year s of nonp rofit exper ience in operat ions m anag em ent ; p rog ram develop m ent and evaluat ion; and g rant w r it ing , m anag em ent , and rep or t ing . 19

Extraord inar y Fam ilies cur rent ly has 24 ded icated em plo yees (5 p ar t -t im e), and 160 com p assionate volunteer s, includ ing resource p arent s, m ent or s, and com m unit y m em b er s, all w ho sup p or t our m ission, p rog ram s, and ser vices.

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et

Board of Directors


Extraord inar y Fam ilies?p rofessional staff are hig hly ded icated t o t heir roles as child ad vocates, researcher s, and p rog ram exper t s. In ever yt hing t hey d o, t heir g uid ing lig ht is t he child ?s b est interest s. Tog et her, staff b r ing s m any year s of ed ucat ion and exper ience in t he recr uit m ent and sup p or t of foster and ad op t ive fam ilies, social w or k and t he care of child ren in t he child welfare system , as well as p ub lic p olicy and p rog ram develop m ent .


Foster CareSupervisor


Am and a Silver s, MSW

J ill Rosenb er g , MSW

Foster CareSocial Workers

AdoptionSocial Workers

Chr ist ina Casillas, MSW Er in Fennel, MSW Eileen Lopez, MSW Er ica Mad r id , MSW Lynd sey Mahoney, MSW

Em ily Gold b er g , MSW Bianca Adelm an, MSW Meg an Pit sios, MSW, LCSW

FamilySupport Specialist Chr ist ina Pon, MSMFT

Foster Care&AdoptionAssistant Leslie Chavar r ia

Coordinator of StrategicsInitiatives&Policy Lilian Conover, MPP

FamilyRecruitment Specialist Drew Dickson

Special ProjectsCoordinator Bonnie Shar pe, MSW

UP4YOUTHProgramManager Isaac Casas

IntakeAdministrator Mar ta Valle

UP4YOUTHProgramCoordinator Marcos Contreras

OfficeAssistant Daniela Lopez

OfficeAdministrator Mar k Zip oli 20 20

Staff Accountant Joe Udeochu, MBA

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum THANK YOUTOOURDONORS dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed Gab r iel & Nava Danovit ch, MD Calvin Flem ing diam-- nonumy tempor invidunt Benjam in Davis Sylvia eirmod Fog elm an J ennifer Diener Jon Fult on ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam David Eilenb er g & Kir sten Mar ia Garcia erat,-sedPor diam At vero eos et Roeter s ter voluptua. Gilb er g


ChangemakingPartners$100,000+ -

Ang ell Found at ion Eisner Found at ion John Gog ian Fam ily Found at ion May & Stanley Sm it h Char itab le Tr ust Ralp h M. Par sons Found at ion S. Mar k Taper Found at ion Lynne Okon Scholnick UniHealt h Found at ion W.M. Keck Found at ion


Carolyn Folks Mar g aret Good m an Kevin Goet z & Neil Goet z Har r ing t on Group Michael & Kat hie Gord on Marcie Har t ley Sing er Greenb er g Traur ig , LLP Geoffrey & Thom m y Hut son Lucas Gr ind ley DaJuan Johnson Step hen Gut willig & Cur t Kam inska Raym ond W illiam s Lester Knispel Brooke & Ken Halsb and Clover Lear y & Natalie J ennifer Haw b aker Nardecchia $10,000to$99,999 Ellen & Tom Hob er m an Joe Leonard Philip Holt house Aliza Lesser CAA Saskia Pallais & Zach Hoover Enoch Liang Car r ie Estelle Doheny J eff Hyland Litt le Diver sified Architect ure Found at ion In 'n Out Bur g er Found at ion Sher yl Louis John Cohlan Kat hy & J ason Kat im s J anet Mar inaccio Diane & Br uce Halle Cat her ine Kaufm an Michelle Mayer Found at ion J ack & Leslie Kavanaug h Shelley McCror y Fox Television Group Glend a & Nor m an Kravet z Lana McFann Green Found at ion Mar k & J ennifer Kr ueg er Nancy Med ina & Fam ily HBO Kate Kuykend all Grace Miller How ard Kaufm an Geor g e Lopez W illiam Molinski Br yan Kop p Lar r y Vallon & J ay Marciano Brock Moseley Step hanie Nicks Ron Meyer J er r y & Cat hy Mur ff Steve & Pia Vai Juliet Musso Mir iam Muscarolas Rosanne Zier ing Or r ick Percep t iv Francesca Or si J ean Prewitt $5,000to$9,999 Allyson Pfeifer Rose Rakosky Marco Polanco Alexand ra & Chr is Rob er t iello Sarah Boone Sean Reese Richard Rosen Daw n Br id g es Renee Rid g eley & Matt Selm an John Rub ey Car r ing t on Mor t g ag e Dennis & J ill Roach Er ic Schlissel Ser vices Glen & Kat hy Rosenb er g Ruta Sepet ys Ken & Lisa Clar k Zaza & Shon Saleh Rob in Shaw Craig Fr uin Mig uel Sanchez Benjam in & Lynd y Dell & Kym Furano Henr y Schleiff St one-Walsh Tod d Gelfand Mit ch Schneider Swift Char it ies Tr ud y Green Bill Silva This Is Us Im perat ive Enter tainm ent Skyyler Tyyler Char itab le Richard Valenza Lisa Kr ing Found at ions Am ir & Sila Vokshoor NBC Univer sal Eileen Son Ralp h Walter Car l St ub ner Jocelyn Tetel Hazel W illiam s-Car ter Wor ld of Wonder Mar jor ie & Joe Walsh $100to$499 Wells Far g o $1,000to$4,999 Tiffany W hite Ron & Anne Ab ram son Ziffren Br ittenham Ster ling Ball Marc Acker m an Connie Blankenship Ang ela Ad am s $ 5 0 0 to $ 9 9 9 Nancy Bolanos Meg an & Step hen Ad ler Suzanne Boone At las Fam ily Found at ion Ag b or Ag b or Mar ylou Boone Bank of Am er ica Char itab le Chr ist ina Ag uilera Bost on Pr ivate Found at ion Step hanie Alb recht Ang ela Brom stad Snunit Ben-Ozer Er nest o Am aya & Vicente Step hanie Bronson Rick Bieb er Manr iq uez Em ily Brow n And rew Brand on-Gord on Sheld on & Carol Ap pel Michael Cam unez Rob er t & Brend a Cooke Fam ily Found at ion Cent ur y Housing Heat her de Michele & Anna Isab el Araiza Matt hieu Chab elard Fit zw ater Kim b er ly Ar r i Chicag o Derek Ar teta Lar r y DiMarzio Scott Cut shall Kim Att ie Leonard o Bolanos Phil & Stacie D'Am our Nina Avram ides Alexander Escalante And r ianna D'Sant Ang elo & David Beckm an Ro y Firest one Fr iend s Sean Ber r y -



labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum THANK YOUTOOURDONORS dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed J espereirmod Poulsen diam-- nonumy tempor invidunt Mar g aret Rasin ut labore et dolore&magna aliquyam Michelle Keit h Richm an ine Roach At vero eos et erat,--sedJust diam voluptua. Dam one Rob er t s



Gail Ber shon Laura Ber wick Lisa Bittan Alissa Bloch Chanya Blum enkrant z Celm ira Bolanos-Ayala Luis Bolanos Bolt on & Com p any Car los Boone J ennifer Boone J en Braeden J ennifer Brancat o Richard Cam b ier Kr isten Caplan Ann Car lson Rob er t Cham b er s Rand all Chap m an Am y Cheng Ro y Chicas Alexander Coed o Ilana & Ivan Cohen And rea Contreras Josep h Cordes Steven Cor fe & J am es McGow an Rob in Cor rell Anne Coscarelli Patr ick Council Laura Dahl And rew Dansker Rog er David son Susan Dishell Kim b er ly McEvo y & Leonard Dod son Am y Dr iver Har r y & Am y Drozd ow ski Rachel Dunham Benicio Espit ia Tr icia Esser Michael Faraci Jonat han Fer nandez Lyd ia Fetter Kar la Fit zg erald Patr icia Fo y Nino & Kar r ie Franchina Bever ly Frank Don Er ik Franzen Lora Frem ont Irene Fukunag a Kacy Gam b les Ad am Gang Ir is Gay Rachel Ger stein Dana Gluckstein Ant hony Gom ez Rob er t Good in Peter Gord on Lissa Gund lach And rea Hall Allg retta Hassan Kat hleen Haw b aker Susan Haw b aker Donna and Rachel Heenan-Heinel Dam on Hein Gail Her showit z Mar t in Hilt on Er ic Hob er m an Rand Holst on Nicholas Hud ak Cand ice J acob s



Joanne J acob sen David J ar rett Kevin J enning s Am y J ensen Ped ram Kahen Lisa Kam inir Lar r y & Denise Kap r ielian Dan Kat zir & Ravit Mar kus Elle Cam eron Kaufm an Kyle Kaufm an Sean Kelly Alexander Knott & Kelly Wong Lind a Kenned y & Kir sten Schaffer Allison Klein Kim Kop p Michelle & Yoannis Koukis Bette & How ard Krom Brend a Lab o y


J ake Rohrer Mar io Rom an Kat hy Rose Kat hy Rosenb er g J ill Rosenb er g J ess Rosent hal J am i Rud ofsky Lor in Ruttenb er g Rob er t o Saaved ra J anet Salter Josep h Sam m ut G. Sanchez Ricard o Sanchez Cyr us Sar g h Et han Scapellat i Mar t in Schw ar t z Rachel Schw ar t z Lynd sey Senet Monica Shapiro Ad am Sher J effrey Sim p son Geor g ina Sm it h Heat her & Lauren Sm it h-Pet itt Jonat han Sm oller Pam Solom on Mayra & Michael Sp aracino J anet St oecker t Lisa Streff Karen Sug ihara Stacie Surab ian Kim Sutt on Susan Sw an Neely Sw anson Am b er Thayer Car ter Thom as Gab r iela J im enez Tor res Shani Tuch Bet h Tur nb ull Ricard o Vasq uez Louise Vo yazis Gab r iela Walt m an David War ren & Car los Van Natter Lisa Water s Lisa Wat son Felice Web ster David & Cynt hia Weit zel Wells Far g o Com m unit y Sup p or t Cam p aig n J am es W halen Kaylyn W hite & Michelle J acob s Carol Zucker m an

Nicola Lam b o Lisa & Chr ist op her Lane Am b er Law son J am es Lem m on Sim on Leo Wend y Levine Pat Levitt Bar b ara Lockley Car los & J ackie Lopez Dora & Mar io Lopez Richard Lopez Shelley Luce Rubylen Lut kus Ann Lynch & Rob in Mor har Mar ia Mar ill Cher yl Mar shall And rea Canter Mat os Dale Mayed a John McKeow n Mar g aret McNeil Steven Melnick J ennifer & Stan Mendenhall Tim ot hy Mer tes Graham Mit chell Bianca Monreal J ennifer Mor r ison Bar naby Mur ff Sharon Mur ff Yansy Naranjo Am y New som e Kiran Nim m ag ad d a Claud ia O?Connell Louise Oliver Kr ist ina Olson Rob er t Or t iz Kay Oyeg un $1to$99 Francesca Pascolini Frank Pasker Bianca Adelm an Rona Passm an Patr icia Alderete Brad Pavone Bet sy Ant hony-Brodey Dana Pehr son Tara and John At w ood Mar ia Pelleg r ini Jord an & Ryann Baker Bob Perez Frank Becer ra Daw n Benander Sop hia Perez Karen Benjam in Gor ica Petrovich Stacy Cam eron Ber t Chr ist ina Pon

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum THANK YOUTOOURDONORS dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et



Just in Blair Mag g ie Bohlm an Susan Boone Pam ela Boswell Geor g e Brauneg g J effrey Brow n Mar g aret Burd g e Kat her ine Bur r is J acq uelyn Car r Isaac Casas Johannah Lyons Cast lem an Dan Caven Prashant h Chennakesavan Brad Clar k Rita Cohen Lily Conover Marcos Contreras Maxine and Leslie Datt ner Kr ist ina Davis Anna Dian Drew Dickson June Dow ad Richard Duchon Melind a Far rar David Firest one Lor i Firest one Raym ond Fit zg erald Rachel Fulg init i Lorenzo Gior g ett i Em ily Gold b er g Ant onio & Er ica Gonzalez Lor na Grant Sonia Gut ier rez Hild a Hasler Am and a Heig ht Laur ie Hor n Dar lene & Wesley It o Celine Kahn Dam on Kat z Joanne Land a J ennifer Lee Eileen Lopez Nelson Lopez Car ly Peter son Lot h Mar y MacVean Er ica Mad r id Vicente Manr iq uez Naom i Marcussen Char les Mar g olis Kat hleen McCaffrey Shaw n McEnnis Laura McGinnis Tracii McGreg or Lena & Tim ot hy McQuillen Mar ia Monsalve Michael Naud Greg or y Nord Colleen O?Rour ke Wend y Oliver Luis & Mayra Pacheco Er ic & Nicole Pag el J ennifer Par ra Preet i Par t hasarat hy Elizab et h Pend let on Just in Pino Meg an Pit sios-Ritter Monica Polo J ana Pr ice Alexander Rad isich J ane Renahan Eug enie Rhinehar t


Deb orah Rid p at h W hit ney Rosenson Jon & Mar y Young Ross Cait lin Rowe Sam Rypinski Shauna Shalom Sheila Shalom Bonnie Dae Shar pe J essica Sher w ood Laura Sieg el Am and a Silver s Laura Sm it h Raym ond Spiro J ennifer Stara Deb ra Stein Dennis Sullivan Kat hi Sweet Mar y Ann & J am es Thom p son Geoffrey Tong Kate Tur ney Joe Udeochu Michael Vai Dana Valenzuela Mar ta Valle Kat her ine Walker Benjam in West Mor g an Wood s Jud it h W yatt Zachar y Zig m ond

Thanks t o our Gala Med ia Sp onsor s, Here Media and The Advocate

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et


EnhanceFinancial Diversification& Sustainability

1 24

ExpandPrograms &EnhanceIndustry Practicesto ImproveYouth Outcomes


Enhance Organizational Capacityto Support Growth& Sustainability


Increase Engagement & Effectivenessof Boardof Directors


VOLUNTEER - Becom e a resource p arent - Ment or yout h - Par t icip ate in event s

labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et

ADVOCATE - Tell your fam ily, fr iend s, and colleag ues ab out t he im p or tance of our w or k - Share EF's m ission and success wit h ot her s

DONATEOR FUNDRAISE - Make a one t im e or set up a recur r ing d onat ion - Make an in-kind d onat ion, such as g ift card s or cer t ificates - Star t a per sonal fund raiser on b ehalf of EF or d onate your b ir t hd ay


labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et

221N.ArdmoreAve LosAngles,CA 213.365.2900 extraordinaryfamilies.org info@ extraordinaryfamilies.org


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