Narrative of a five years' expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam in Guiana Vol.I (1)

Page 110

58 CHA P. HI.



desperate negro, called Zam Zam, who not having been consulted concerning the treaty of peace, had afterwards put himfelf at the head of a ffrong party, and now carried off the whole Rock of the detachment, confiding of arms, ammunition, checked linens, canvas cloth, hatchets, saws, and other carpenter's tools ; besides fait beef, pork, fpirits, &c. and kept them as his own private property. Adoe, on the other hand, not receiving the prefents at the time he ex petted, too hastily concluding he was only to be amused with expettation till a reinforcement of troops should arrive from Europe to subdue him, renewed his incursions: by this accident therefore the peace was immediately broken ; cruelties and ravages increafed more than before, and death and destruction once more raged throughout the colony. In 1751, this fettlement was in the utmost diffrefs and confusion; when, in compliance with a request of the inhabitants, prefented to the States General, Baron Spoke was fent to Surinam, with fix hundred fresh troops drafted from the different regiments in the Dutch fervice, and on their arrival the members of the court were ordered to lend Governor Mauricius to Europe, to account for his proceedings; who never returned to the colony, having in 1753 afked and obtained his difmiffion, after having been honourably acquitted. Baron Spoke, who during the abfence of Mauricius was appointed to officiate as governor, found every thing in the greatest disorder, difunion having even arifen between the inhabitants and their rulers, to

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