Domestic manners and social condition of the white coloured, and negro population T.1

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to understand this from instinct, and


run out, during rain, without t a k i n g the precaution of leaving their clothes behind t h e m . Negroes are extremely fond of b a t h i n g ;


little infants, of not a year old, will sit for hours together in the shallow bed of a river. This braces and strengthens them ; and it is found t h a t a very free use of the cold


contributes m u c h to the health of the white population also.

Should a negro get very wet

and remain with d a m p clothes on, he is almost sure to suffer severely : pleurisy is often t h e consequence, and the disease proceeds with such rapidity, t h a t a very few hours terminates it one way or another.

T h e planters, however,

are all half p h y s i c i a n s ; t h a t is, they know the indications of approaching d i s e a s e ; and upon t h e slightest appearance of pleurisy, they a d m i nister calomel and





medical a t t e n d a n t is instantly sent for to bleed the patient.

I t is astonishing how few deaths

occur from this disease in consequence of the prompt assistance which is uniformly


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