The history civil and commercial of the British Colonies in the West Indies. Volume II-2

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478 BOOK VI.




arrangement not framed by the colonies, but by the mothercountry herself, who has buffered it to grow sacred by time, has recognized it by a multitude of laws, and enforced it by stricter ties and recent provisions. Well therefore did a great statefman (q) observe, " that it was a compact more solemn than any that an act of parliament could create ; " and when speculative men affert, and interested men complain, that a compact thus founded and supported is at this time not sufficiently favourable to Great Britain ; the answer is obvious. If Great Britain regrets its operation and wishes to dissolve it, let her first make compensation to the colonish for all that they have undertaken, and the sacrifice they have made, under it; and next, when she releases herself from all future obligation to observe it, let the release be reciprocal extending equally to one party and the other. This done, the colonists will have no cause to accuse her of injustice,—but this not done, they will affert that she has violated her faith with them ; that her conduct is oppressive and fraudulent and her statutes snares to the unwary. wrote soon after the revolution in 1688. Speaking of the impropriety of laying heavy duties on the produce of the West Indies, he proceeds in these words : " And here it may not be improper to take notice particularly, of the high imposition laid upon refined sugars imported hither, upon a wrong notion of advancing our manufactures, whereas in truth it only turns to the account of about fifty families (for the refiners of England are no more) and is greatly prejudicial, and a bar to the industry-of at least 14,000 persons, which are about the number of those who inhabit our islands producing sugar." (Davenant, Discourse 3, on the Plantation 'Trade.) What would this author have said, had he known the fact which I have stated above ? (q) Mr. Fox. IN

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