Scan Magazine, Issue 84, January 2016

Page 96

Scan Magazine | Restaurant of the Month | Norway


Restaurant of the Month, Norway

Eat fresh, feel fresh Make a stop at Fresko the next time you are on a stroll down Aker Brygge in Oslo. Located in Aker Brygge’s newly refurbished shopping street, Fresko, with its large variety of food, is living proof that healthy does not have to mean boring.

Juices, shakes, salads, soups and sweets: the list of what Fresko has to offer is long. All the food at Fresko is made from scratch in the shop to avoid additives and other forms of manipulation of the food’s appearance and durability. Fresko makes some of its own commodities too, including almond milk made from organic almonds.

By Vilde Holta Røssland | Photos: Fresko

Fresko helps you choose the healthy alternative by offering fresh, organic and clean commodities. Fresh fruits and vegetables, purified water, organic products, homemade dressings and recyclable packaging are all part of Fresko’s way of motivating and inspiring people to take responsibility for their own health as well as the environment.

tasty. And most of all, we want it to be good for the health of the people eating it,” Paulina-Elisa Pacheco, the owner of Fresko, says. Instead of using fast carbohydrates, such as white flour and sugar, that have low nutritional value and a negative effect on your blood sugar, Fresko uses clean wheat products and quinoa, which boast a high nutritional content.

In addition to being a healthy alternative for each and every one of their customers, Fresko offers food for those on lowcarb and raw food diets. Food allergies? No problem. Fresko has alternatives for you, too.

Fresh, non-processed and locally produced are some of the key words describing the food at Fresko. Their suppliers and retailers are well-known brands in the Norwegian market, such as Stange, Rørosmeieriet, Montabes and Kaffa. “For us to be sustainable, we use a lot of locally produced food. It is important to use what we have nearby,” Pacheco says.

”We want people to realise that food does not necessarily need additives to be good. We want our food to be nutritious and 96 | Issue 84 | January 2016

Fresko’s food is also available for businesses wanting a little variation, be it in terms of snacks for meetings or catering at bigger events. You simply register your company and make a deal with Fresko, who will deliver the food. The food from Fresko is different, yet familiar. “We offer food you know with our own little twist,” Pacheco says.

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