August 2020
Alleghenies United Cerebral Palsy Service Coordination
Caitlyn Farber
Community Health Worker
H I G H M A R K WA L K 2 0 2 0 July 15th marked the end of the 2020 Virtual Highmark Walk. We would like to take another opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to everyone that stepped up during this year's unique circumstances. In the beginning, we were not sure how fundraising was going to go this time around, but you have shown your support. Thank you for helping us raise $6,607 and walk over 200 miles. For that, we are so grateful! All the money raised will go to our Community Fund and continue supporting individuals throughout our community. To learn more, visit our website at www.scalucp.org/communityresources.
COMMUNITY CARE HUB Christy Berzonski
Community Health Worker
Alexis Ryan Team UPMC
In June we announced a partnership with the 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health in a new initiative called the Community Care HUB. The HUB will help coordinate community resources. Its first priority population is pregnant women living in the City of Johnstown eligible for or receiving medical assistance; and all pregnant women living in Cambria or Somerset counties diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Each participating organization was to hire two Community Health Workers (CHW’s). In July, we hired our CHW’s, Caitlyn (Cambria County) and Christy (Somerset County). Their training has already started and will soon begin their work with the community. It is an honor to work within this partnership and serve our community in this new way.
UPCOMING EVENTS Dominic Toraldo Team AmeriHealth
Rebecca Birge Team UPMC
On Saturday, September 12 from 9am-3pm, we will be hosting a Craft Show at our Johnstown location (119 Jari Drive, PA 15904). All proceeds will benefit our Community Fund. This fund allows our agency to continue to give back to the community. Tables are $20 for 1 or $35 for 2. Each vendor is asked to donate a $15 basket/item for a raffle that will take place that day. For more information or for an application please contact Hollie at horris@scalucp.org.
AUCP continues to hire in multiple counties across Pennsylvania. If you or someone you know are interested in becoming a Service Coordinator, please visit www.scalucp.org/careers for a job description and to apply.
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PARTICIPANT HIGHLIGHT - EVELYN GOEHRES Here at AUCP, we like to showcase our participants because they are the reason why we’re able to do what we do. We are so excited to introduce you to Evelyn Goehres. Evelyn lives in Johnstown, Pa and has been a participant of AUCP since 2008. Originally from Michigan, Evelyn has moved around the United States throughout her life. From living in New Mexico to Ohio, and now in Pennsylvania. Traveling is something Evelyn has always loved to do and if she could go anywhere, she’d love to visit England where her family originates from. She is a mother of 4 and has multiple grandchildren. She loves to read, specifically historical and mystery. Also being outdoors camping, swimming, boating, and riding her new bike (pictured). One of her favorite memories was living in the countryside on a farm in Michigan as a child. The thought of being surrounded by trees, hills, and a pond fills her with joy. She even had her own pony, Ginger (aka Spunk)! While talking with Evelyn, one can instantly sense her joy. She says she was born happy. Although she has struggled with her mental health, she does not let it stop her. It can be a daily challenge, but she continues to work on bettering herself and her life. Evelyn’s AUCP Service Coordinator, Corri, sums it up by saying “Evelyn is a joy to assist and remains positive despite any obstacles that are thrown her way!”
S TA F F H I G H L I G H T - A M A N D A U R B A N For August, we would like to introduce you to Amanda Urban. Amanda is a Lead Service Coordinator on our UPMC Community HealthChoices team serving the Bedford and Somerset counties. She is from Berlin, PA, and is the oldest of 3 children in a family of five, plus 2 fur-children of her own (pictured). Some of her favorite activities include going to farmer’s markets, thrifting and repurposing furniture, cooking, and baking. Her biggest goal in life is to simply love her life. Amanda attended the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown to receive her Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She says that if she was not in the social work field, she would work with dogs owning her own grooming business. Amanda has been a Service Coordinator at AUCP for a year and a half. Her favorite part of working here is the people that she interacts with daily and that no day is ever the same. The most challenging part of her job is organizing the chaos that comes along with the job. Her supervisors and coworkers always have wonderful things to say about her. Amanda is diligent and organized. Always willing to go out of her way to assist her coworkers, serve her community, and provide well-thought feedback. We are so glad to have Amanda as part of our family.
COMMUNITY PROGRAMS AUCP’s R E - U S E I T program accepts donations and redistributes medical equipment and assistive technology to the public for free.
The U C P E L S I E S . B E L L O W S F U N D is a national program providing funds to individuals with disabilities for assistive technology.
AUCP’s S C H O L A R S H I P F U N D grants scholarhsips to two high school seniors pursuing a degree in the human services field each Spring.
TOLL FREE: 844.819.4 455 local: 814.619.3398 FAX: 814.262.7174
Office Locations: Johnstown, Hanover, Altoona, Pittsburgh, & St. Mary’s
@AllegheniesUCP @AllegheniesUnitedCerebralPalsy @AllegheniesUCP