July 2012 STR Monthly Report

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Reimbursements received in July: Clinton for $1,371,869.96 on 7/3/12 Clinton for $3,743,879.45 on 7/16/12 Clinton for $2,987,648.68 on 7/23/12

Total payments received to date in State Bond Act funds: $42,543,559. Federal EPA Funds  Reimbursements requested in July: None 

Reimbursements received in July: Midland for $223,586.35 on 7/16/12 Harbor Brook for $1,553,581.06 on 7/16/12

Federal Army Corps of Engineers Funds  Reimbursements received in July: CSO 022/045 for $552,773.16 on 7/27/12 

Reimbursements requested in July: CSO-022/045 for $552,773.16 on 7/2/12

EFC Loans  Reimbursements received in July: Midland LT for $6,954,197.10 on 7/13/12 

Reimbursements requested in July: Midland LT for $6,954,197.10 on 7/13/12

Long Term EFC loan requested in July: Midland LT loan for $11,395,177.

Total reimbursement monies received to date through EFC loans for the funded ACJ projects: $188,403,461 (short term) and $53,278,098 (long term).

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