SAT-com Episode 1

Page 120

 op • por • tu • ni • ty (n.) lucky chance This was a great opportunity for the boys to make new friends. Synonyms: Antonyms:

chance, juncture, leisure, liberty, occasion, opening, possibility accident, adversity, blow, disaster, failure, misadventure, misery, misfortune, mishap, setback, trial, tribulation, trouble, woe

 parched (adj.) dried out Katie was parched and in desperate need of a drink. Synonyms: Antonyms:

dehydrated, desiccated, scorched, shriveled, withered drenched, saturated, soaked, sodden, waterlogged

 par • lay (v.) using an asset to your advantage His strategy with the girls was to collect as much information as possible and then parlay that into a form of conversation – this plan seemed good in theory, but unfortunately he just came off as creepy, sitting there, quietly listening to them but not contributing to the discussion. Synonyms:

bet, engineer, gage, gamble, manage, plan, risk, speculate, venture, wager

 per se (adv.) essentially Luke’s trembling behind the couch wasn’t cowering, per se, however it was clear from the way he was using the furniture as a block between him and their guests that he was very nervous. Synonyms:

fundamentally, intrinsically, singularly, solely, virtually

 perch (v.) temporarily resting somewhere Since they were still getting their bearings in this new environment, the girls chose to lightly perch on the couch, so that they could quickly make their get away if necessary. Synonyms:

alight, balance, place, rest, set, settle

 per • plexed (adj.) confused It doesn’t take much to perplex the boys; they are so single minded that anything that doesn’t fit in with their beliefs confuses them.

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