Tourism 2020

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deserved. For as eyes wander through the layers of green, gray and blue, for a moment all life’s problems disappear. Only nature has the power to silence the polyphony of troubled thoughts. I got back down by the cable car. Although at first it seemed like cheating, it turned out to be an adventure worth experiencing. You are passing the same way, this time from the air. If you decide to fly by cable car through the canopies, purchase the map at the foothills of Tornik and bring an extra pair of sleeves and a hood. Otherwise, the wind will be relentless. In the evening I set off on the journey to Zlatar, and there I wait for the next day and a new adventure. But it is Uvac! And it is awe-inspiring even when seen on a photo. MEANDERS WRITTEN IN CYRILLIC On Sunday, I wake up in the midst of a wonderful Neverland tucked among

scented pine trees. The sky is clear, with an occasional puffy cloud. It is a good sign. We head towards the Special Nature Reserve “Uvac”. The trip took about half an hour. We got off near the earthen dam, the largest such embankment in Europe. Right next to it is one of the entrances to the Reserve. Uvac can be viewed from the water or from the footpath that runs along the canyon rims. Or one can reconcile both options and take a tour by boat, and then at some point turn the perspective and climb one of the lookouts. I chose the compro-

 Descent from Tornik in cable car

The Sculpting Power of Nature As the view curves from the lookout through the Uvac Canyon, you cannot help but wonder how nature has sculpted that relief so unusually. The Uvac riverbed used to be at a much higher altitude. However, due to vertical erosion, the river began to descend. It descended too fast, so the water could not form a straight bed. It only made its way through the softest rocks, while the harder ones remained as they were, making deep meanders. SERBIA  SPECIAL EDITION  2020


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