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Issue 1 where you want the character to move to that space. If you want to use the skills, you can click on the icon directly or for the shortcuts, there are hot keys, so you can hit on the letters Q W E R on keyboard. If this is your first time playing, here are some useful suggestions on how to play. First enter the game and choose a hero to start. The way to get money in each match is to farm creeps and kill enemies for money. You should buy items to boost your power more than your enemies and destroy the tower of enemies. On your first try to play this game you shouldn’t go solo; it is more fun to have some friends around there to back you up

Never go to


Hon is one of the most popular games in Thailand and played everywhere. This is good because it is a fast MOBA game. But it is bad because so many people can play, and they will make fun of you if you die even once.

Many of you may have seen this film on Vimeo called “Never go to Thailand”. I know at first when you see the topic, you were angry, too. League of Legends, also called LOL, is easy to play. There is not very much to learn about everything but you need to have some skill. To control a character, you click on the right button on mouse to move a character, or buy an item. When you click on an enemy’s hero, or the enemy base, it is to destroy or kill enemies in the jungle, such as dragons, golems, or wolves. If you left-click, you will see a composition of items and skills (there are also hotkeys you can use, such as Q, W, E and R to use a skills, or 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 to use an item).

But wait! It’s not about what you think. This film is trying to convince you not to go to Thailand because you would never go back home.

If you really like this game. League of Legends is a team-base game. You must have teamwork to play with other player to play this game. It is the best way to enjoy it. This game has a smartphone version called HOC. It is very similar but HOC is in smart phones and can play anywhere .

See, that’s why the French guy named “Brian Camusat” said that he didn’t want to come back to Thailand again! So “NEVER GO TO THAILAND OR YOU WILL DEFINITELY NEVER GO BACK HOME!”

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