Mga Kapatid's 31st Annual Pilipino Culture Night: Sino Ako Sa Iyo?

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The period between the 1920s to 1960s gets recognized as

learning about the hxstory there myself. However, I hope

the golden age of the Hollywood film industry. As LA grew

this play challenges you to discover your roots and the

in business, so did the number of jobs available for Filipino

stories of where you come from. They deserve to be

immigrants and Filipino Americans. In 1933, anti-miscege-

honored, but if you donʼt unearth them, who will? Now, the

nation laws allowed Filipinos to marry whites, introducing

characters you will see in the play come from different

American born Filipino children. Not long after, Filipina

backgrounds and encompass different identities. “Sino Ako

women were allowed to legally immigrate to the States and

Sa Iyo” pushes for Filipino/a/x and Fil-Am identified

mainly came between 1946 to 1965. Thus, Filipino

individuals to ask “who am I to you?” to 1) America, and

households were established and 2nd generation

2) their fellow Filipino community members. Our people,

Filipino-Americans became more common. “Sino Ako Sa

our culture, and our work are taken for granted. How

Iyo” is set in the 1950s where all these environmental and

many Filipinos are genuinely celebrated in history? On the

cultural factors come together. By then, a rich community of

other hand, we may all be friends and community

Filipinos and Filipino-Americans flourished with members

members, but do we really know each other? Do we really

deriving from different perspectives and backgrounds.

listen to each other? Do we really understand each other?

Folks were of different ages, islands and generations. They

What does success and happiness mean to you? Do they

set aside their differences and used this space for political

come from the same place? Are they the same thing? “Sino

and cultural solidarity.

Ako Sa Iyo” is a commentary on the themes of community,

This a story compiled from and influenced by the lost

colorism, identity, happiness, the definition of success and

narratives of Filipino/a/x-Americans residing in the

how it all culminates and influences the Filipino diaspora. I

Hollywood and Los Angeles region during the 1950s. The

hope this story challenges you. I hope you think critically. I

plot is fiction yet the setting and certain experiences are

hope you resonate. I hope you are moved. Being script

real. Although it is not directly stated, the characters and

writer and director has been a hard but indescribably

this story take place mainly in what is now known in Los

amazing journey. I cannot wait to share a piece of myself

Angeles as Historic Filipinotown. The Filipino enclaves in

with you.

Los Angeles were and are more dispersed. Los Angeles Filipinoʼs may not know about the rich history that lies bounded by the streets of Hoover, Temple, Beverly, and

Mona Mesa 2018 PCN Scriptwriter/Director

Glendale. As an LA Native, I am still uncovering and


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