University of Texas at Austin Campus Master Plan

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T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f T e x a s at Au s t i n M a s t e r P l a n

Window Organization


Height and Density The original campus has a scale and density of building that is unique and humane. The height of buildings in relationship to their courtyards and surrounding open spaces allow for sunlight and prevailing breezes to make these environments pleasant. *

Garrison Hall south*

W.C. Hogg south*

Sutton Hall north*

The general character of a building is influenced by the quantity of glass within the composition of an elevation. Elevations that have too little glass are perceived to be heavy and reminiscent of a fortress. Elevations that have too much glass are often associated with being thin and similar to a corporate office building. *

South Mall*

Carothers Courtyard*

* Excerpts and diagrams from UT Austin 1996 Building Design Guidelines, pp. 6, 20-21


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