Academic Design Portfolio

Page 41

Then the final set of constraints will be: 1. Rooms may be wider than they are long, or longer than they are wide. 2. Courtyards may be wider than they are long, or longer than they are wide. 3. Courtyards may have surrounding porticoes, walls, or both. 4. External walls should pass in a straight line from one corner to the other. 5. Rooms are connected within a sequence (vestibule -> stair, etc.) 6. The construction shall align on a modular grid. Each module is 25cm. 7. The interior face of a room need not align with the underlying grid. 8. The parts need not align specifically on their shared axes, although the individual elements should.

Dur and ’s Town Hall : 1809



with a centr al

munici pal hall



van ’s

An office

Gua ra nt y Building 1896

building with edge offices

and a centr al punch to stre et le vel


A ci ty

Bos to n Cit y Hall 1968 hall

with open spa ces and an

ar ticul ated cent ra l cut for ac cess


Car ro lt on Cit y Hall (Dallas -For t Wor th ) 1986 Edge offices break down to al lo w ac cess ; la rg e , cent ra l au di to rium .

A co llec

Tallinn Town Hall (2009) tion of spa ces with open and

priv ate offices

share co ur ty ards


The development of town halls and office buildings throughout the year can be traced through the years since Durand. Consistent across all of these examples are offices, atria or central halls, and shared meeting spaces. The development of the massing scheme for the language of municipal offices that this project proposes is below. A form should, in the Durandian manner, capture the block or site. Following this, the edges of the form should be capture as a rigid office band. Finally, the interface between office and atrium reacts - articulating the common space in the center band of the building.

Massing Devel opment Scheme

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