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method that was revealed last year in the 1st C.S.Patel Memorial Issue (Vol 3) is the easiest and the best. The 9th house is the house of prosperity and rise of prosperity (Bhagya in Indian astrology), over there the benefic planet Jupiter is sitting with North Node - Rahu which shows sudden great rise. 9H as per the BCP method is the 21st year, 10H is 22nd and so on. In his 21st year on 10th Aug 1979, his 1st Album titled ‘Off The Wall’ was released and he became an instant sensation with the track ‘Don’t stop till you get enough’ after which there was no stopping Michael, thus you can see how easy it is with BCP to time ‘Start of Prosperity’. You can further note the degree of Rahu and you would get around to almost the exact date of 10th Aug 1979 when his album was released8. m) North Node (Past Life Desires-Rahu) & Jupiter (religion) in the 9H of religion, will make him change his view his views on religion as Rahu means Transformation and Pending Issues too from past life and it is said he changed his religion to Islam and in his later period of life he was attracted to Hinduism it is reported in media. n) Dragons Tail – Ketu – This is Where You Can Immortalize Yourself his was supposed to be a future article in the BSP-Planet series but is being included here. Sage Bhrighu method is ‘wherever Dragons Tail (Ketu) sit there you have the possibility of Installing Your Flag Of =Your Own Name Forever’ – that is of establishing yourself if the other planets in the chart supports. This can help you plan your life and of your clients. Let’s quickly look at few charts without illustrations. Jackson has Ketu in the 3H of singing, hands, and shoulders with the 10L of Career. Apart from his singing his hands and shoulder movement in his dance was too innovative and there he established himself what Elvis could not do. Sylvester Stallone has Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 1H as per western zodiac so he has Established His Name forever, if you take the Indian zodiac then the ketu is in the 12H of abroad and charity in the 8th sign of the dark horse and sex. He started his career as the dark horse and his roles were of the dark horse and his name is established abroad. He started his career with a semi-porn movie. He has done charity work for Pediatric Epilepsy 9 Project . Similarly Bollywood star had Ketu in the 1H of self, his name cannot be erased and 1H is personality, ideals and had huge impact to Martin Luther King and Obama. Elizabeth Kübler Ross has Dragons Tail - Ketu in 11H of attainment, it is aspected by the planet of death Saturn, she did revolutionary work on death and dying and Dragons Tail - Ketu being in Sagi, the 9th sign of higher knowledge & Teacher, that’s what she gave a higher knowledge by teaching it to 125,000 students worldwide. Hitler had Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 3H of death (secondary house of death) he put his stamp in the style of death meted out. Elvis had Dragons Tail - Ketu in 9H of Gods aspected by Venus in the 3H of singing; he was considered the God of Rock. Mother Teresa’s time of birth is suspect but if we take the commonly known chart of her, it has Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 12H of Charity in the sign of Sc, chronic diseases, she did charity work for the destitute, sick and homeless, and thus she established her names flag forever and inspired millions. A young astrologer who gave his jyotish software free also has Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 12H of charity and till he was charging for it he was not known but when a mail to him stirred a cord in him, then he gave his software free of charge and has become known now thereby establishing his name. Paramhansa Yogananda has Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 3H of Libra (resultant house of knowledge) and its lord has gone in the 4H of knowledge. 3H is the house of writing and his Autobiography of a Yogi is and will remain an unmatched spiritual classic that everyone picks up in his path to understand Indian Spirituality. Jawaharlal Nehru had Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 6H of fighting with Jupiter the 9L of Rulers. He is known as having fought with the Britishers and helped Gandhi get our freedom. 3H is also the house of servants as per Sage Parasara, Abraham Lincoln had Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 3H he ended slavery in America and established his name forever. 4H is the house of Home Land, Gandhi had Ketu in the 4H of homeland and he freed our land from British Empire and thus established his name. 9H is the house of righteousness (Dharma), higher knowledge, religion and Guru, Lord Krishna has various charts floating around but most scholars agree for Taurus Asc and Ketu in the 9H, he established Righteousness and religion and became Guru of


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For further details on how to use the degree of Rahu to time the date of the event you can refer to our Vol 4 issue the ‘Thy Notes article’ http://www.looktothestars.org/celebrity/342-sylvester-stallone 210

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