Sanskrit 2018

Page 43

large (and I was in this repellant

temptation, I figured, Frederick

humor from tragic global news

bunch) twiddled thumbs, loosened

William Faber meant vice, if not

stories, and played violin. Those

belts, said things like, “Smoke ’em

outright sin, and I had successfully

who spoke ill of him would note

if you got ’em,” and “See you in

indulged in my fair share of vices.

with disgust his indiscriminate

the Funnies,” and wrapped pillows

The summation of my years at

licentiousness. Nicholas was glad

around their heads so as not to

Saint Joseph’s was one temptation

to have this be the topic of dining

hear the noise of the alarm clock at

after the next, a series of trials

hall conversation. How much they

their bedside.

down paths of gluttony and lust.

cared made him laugh.

Saint Joseph’s, now including

These were only two of the seven

“Hi, Nicholas,” I said with some

even Father Anthony, was ready

deadly sins. To me the ratio was

formality. We shared a couple

to get rid of me. Yet, despite full

rather admirable. In this game I

classes. I knew the reputation well,

academic satiation, I found myself

was hitting .285, just slightly above

but not the boy.

hungry. My stomach grumbled

the lifetime .270 batting average of

even after a large meal and my

the great Gil Hodges.

mind raced late into the night,

“Brother Clarence!” Nicholas

“I was watching you walk this way,” he said. “Thought you would be headed home, but you came this

causing a sleeplessness that made

Galloway called to me from

way and here you are. You looked

my whole body ache throughout

the porch of the apartment that

like your head was in the clouds.

the next day. I was sore because,

he shared with two farmer boys

What were you thinking about?”

really unbeknownst to me, I had

from just a few miles up the road.

been straining since I first stepped

His hair was slicked back with

a sleeplessness, and a strain.

foot onto that campus. I felt like

Vaseline and he wore a short-

None of these was I any more

an old horse still forced to pull a

sleeved button-down shirt with a

willing to share with him than

carriage— some unjust treachery

thin, light-blue tie. His reputation

with Father Anthony.

soon to break me in two. I couldn’t

on campus was unrivaled in its

explain it until I remembered

undergraduate magnitude,

months away,” I said. For seniors

Frederick William Faber’s

but the esteem awarded that

this was the most innocuous of

tamer words: “Every moment

reputation shifted dramatically

conversations. We held in common

of resistance to temptation is a

depending on the narrator. For

that sense of impending fear, even

victory.” I had resisted for nearly

those who spoke highly of Nicholas

more than the usual commentary

four years.

Galloway, they would note that

on the weather.

What it was that I resisted


wasn’t immediately clear. By


he had a fine taste in expensive bourbon, excavated well-buried

I was thinking about a hunger,

“Graduation is just two

“And the great wide world out there,” Galloway said. “Any idea

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