Most memorable moments at Miami ad school

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Michelle: Well, I wrote down that other line. “Without Sanitation nothing else matters.” David: Yea, but that’s putting down other things. I get what you mean, but doctors still matter even if the water is dirty. Michelle: Yea, but they can’t really do their job without clean water. David: So you’re saying without clean water doctors are pointless. Epiphany: Write that down right now. That might work. Michelle: What are you talking about? Epiphany: “Without clean water doctors are pointless.” Write that down. David: That’s really good. I think we can use that. Let me see if I can find an image that’ll go with it, like a dirty scalpel. David turns to his computer but Michelle is already typing on hers. Michelle: I think I found one. I’ll email you a link. (sighs) Oh thank God. Finally an idea that might actually work! Epiphany: Sounds good. (She stands) I’m going to go to Whole Foods real quick. Anyone want to go with? Michelle: I will. (She also stands) David: I don’t want to go but can you bring me back a cookie? Both girls nod as they gather their things and walk out of the room. David stays behind, mocking up their ad and waiting for his cookie. Michelle Bielecki

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