Sandroydian 2022-2023

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EDITOR Emily Coleman PHOTOGRAPHERS Millie Pilkington Sophie Lindsay Mark Rogers Emily Coleman

Head Boy & Head Girl Charlie & Margot




Alice Joined: 2018 Destination: St Mary’s Calne I joined Sandroyd in Year 4. I remember being sat at the front of the class on a tiny desk and talking to no one except Bo. Five years on, and Sandroyd has pushed me beyond anything I could’ve imagined. I achieved two scholarships, Academic and Art, the process of which brought me closer with my year group and helped me reach my potential. I have cherished my time spent in the art room, and to me it has always been the place in the school where I have felt most at home, my ideas constantly encouraged, or often, quite necessarily, challenged. But overall, I cannot thank Mrs Carson enough for helping me experiment and find what I love to do. As well as that, we were lucky enough to be taken on a multitude of scholar’s trips after, which expanded my learning beyond the classroom, and I am incredibly grateful to Mr Attlee for that, in addition to encouraging me to believe in myself more than anyone else has. He and all academic, pastoral and creative arts staff are owed all my gratitude for their constant support. On the sporting front, I was in the 1st hockey and gained my colours, played 1st and 2nd netball, and have been on the athletics and cross country team. I have loved riding at Sandroyd, especially due to the incredible location and scenery. I have taken part in a multitude of plays and productions but my favourite role has to have been in Year 4, when I played Major General FastFire. Since doing LAMDA my confidence on stage has strengthened and I am so pleased to be at grade 6. But the most special things that Sandroyd has given me are my amazing friendships and the experiences they have brought with them. Thank you so much to Sandroyd for some of the best years of my life.

Alejandra Joined: 2021 Destination: Spain I started Sandroyd in Year 7 and I have been here for two years. I have been in three plays - Year 7 Showcase, the Mary Poppins Year 8 production and the Leavers’ Concert, when I played the piano. My time at Sandroyd has been so far the best years of my life, especially Year 8 . In the past two years I have made lots of new friends, who I will never forget. I really enjoyed doing sports at Sandroyd. I was in the cross country team and I really enjoyed doing the races. It was very fun. I got my cross country colours which I was really proud of. I was in the 2nds for hockey and netball. I also really enjoyed playing tennis with my friends. I also went to Wessex and I did the 300m, it was an amazing experience. I started playing the piano and I really found it fun. Finally I also really enjoyed riding. I am very grateful to all the teachers at Sandroyd and for how much effort they put into my academics and my sports and want to thank all the staff for improving my skills.

Mercedes Joined: 2021 Destination: Spain During my time at Sandroyd I have had the chance to try new things and develop lots of new skills. I did LAMDA and piano which I really enjoyed. I also tried new sports such as cricket, hockey and netball. I was in the first hockey and got my colours and seconds of netball, I was also in the tennis team. I have made many productions with my year group since I joined Sandroyd such as the Year 7 showcase in which I recited a poem and in Mary Poppins that I was in an ensemble. We have been in Mount Kelly as a treat for the Year 8s, the second last week of the term. It has been such an amazing experience and I have learned lots of new things. The teachers have been so supportive and nice which made the trip even better and fun. I have continued with my academics and I have improved my English more than I ever imagined. I have also made lots of new friends who I will never forget. I am so lucky that I have had such an amazing year and teachers that have helped me through all my time at Sandroyd. Even though I am leaving Sandroyd I will have memories and experiences that I will never forget.

Daisy Joined: 2021 Destination: Monkton Combe I joined Sandroyd in Year 7, and I would say my time here has been amazing. When I joined I was shy and scared to try new things, but thanks to the awesome teachers and pastoral care at Sandroyd I am confident, I trust myself more and I have made new friends. Also, thanks to the teachers, I have achieved hockey colours, netball colours, grade 4 LAMDA, grade 4 singing and I was made a Deacon. I was awarded an academic scholarship and I’ve been invited to join the Art Scholars Sessions at my next school. I have so many highlights of Sandroyd, but a few of my favourites include the Year 8 Play. I played the bird woman in it and this really boosted my confidence. Another favourite was the academic scholars’ trip to Oxford and Bristol. This trip was fantastic, I can’t remember a single moment of that trip where I wasn’t laughing. One more favourite was the trip to Mount Kelly, I learnt so many different and helpful things I wouldn’t learn in a classroom. We climbed hills and dragged ourselves through bogs and national parks, and even though I feel like there isn’t one gross place that I haven’t crawled through, I thoroughly enjoyed that trip. Thank you so much Sandroyd for everything, because every single day of Sandroyd has been a unique, unforgettable and very enjoyable adventure for me, and I have achieved so much more than I could have ever imagined. I am delighted to say that I don’t regret a single moment of Sandroyd, because it has so much to offer. I really couldn’t ask for more in a school. I will miss Sandroyd immensely and although it has prepared me very well for senior school, I will be sad to leave this amazing place and my friends behind, I will miss them very much.

Pelayo Joined: 2022 Destination: Spain I am from Spain and I joined Sandroyd at the beginning of the year, and this has been the best year of my life! At the start of the year, I really struggled to join in and I was really homesick, also because I started the year with a broken toe, I was off games for most of the first half of term. Thankfully, everyone in my dorm always helped me when I was homesick or felt bad. When back on games, I really liked playing rugby for the first time. In the second term, I started to have more fun and I was enjoying myself, but unfortunately I then broke my ankle while playing dodge ball. Again, everybody was very supportive and caring. Fortunately, I didn’t break anything for the rest of the year and had a great time. While at Sandroyd, I’ve made many friendships which I will be really sad to leave and to go back to my life in Spain. I have enjoyed every single second of my life at Sandroyd, and I will miss my friends, the teachers and the beautiful grounds. Thank you for this wonderful year.

Tilly Joined: 2013 Destination: Marlborough College I joined Sandroyd in Nursery. The Walled Garden really helped me with friendships and sport. I have always had a passion for sport since I was little and Sandroyd has helped me pursue it. I am now in the County hockey team, and captain of hockey for Nadder, the 4ths cricket team, and the netball and hockey 1st teams. The teachers have always been by my side, helping with academic studies and school life in general. I have loved acting in all the plays like the Nativity, A Midsummers Night Dream, Mary Poppins and many more. Music has been very important to me and I have learned how to play the cello and piano and I have participated in many performances. I have also done LAMDA and I have got as far as Grade 5 Trio. I have always loved riding and Sandroyd has really helped me to reach the level that I am at today. Sandroyd has inspired me, taught me not to give up but to try again and again because in the end, it’s worth it. But most of all I have just loved the whole of Sandroyd, the atmosphere and the people. Sandroyd has been my second home for most of my life and I am very sad about leaving but I wish everyone the best in the future.

Mencia Joined: 2022 Destination: Spain I came to Sandroyd Year 8 and it has been one of the best times of my life. For me, the big achievements have been to be awarded my netball colours and taking Common Entrance exams. I’m really proud of myself. At Sandroyd I have tried lots of different things such as sport and improving (by a lot) my English, and I have developed lots of new skills. I had a really good time rehearsing for the Year 8 production of Mary Poppins. In addition, sport went really well for me, as I learnt many new skills and games. Finally, Mount Kelly, the skills week, was really fun. We had lots of activities and we all had to work as a team; in my opinion the best moment was when we went climbing and did the mud run. I’ve made lots of new friends which I wish never to lose because they are really good friends, and I will really miss them next year.

Sophia Joined: 2018 Destination: Marlborough College I joined Sandroyd in 2018 and since then have made many friendships and memories. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here, especially the sport. I have played in the 1st hockey and netball and played in the 1st, 2nds and 3rds cricket teams. I have loved playing matches and being in teams with other year groups. I was delighted to be awarded hockey captain and really enjoyed the sports tour with Mrs Golding and Miss Kerr. I play the violin and got as far as Grade 4 with Mrs Stewart. I played in lots of concerts. I really enjoyed our last year play Mary Poppins which I was in the Ensemble. As part of the activities I rode at Sandroyd and also did Polo with Mr Carson every Monday. I loved riding and usually rode a pony called Jemima. I will miss Sandroyd but I look forward to joining Marlborough with lots from my year. Thank you Sandroyd for everything.

William Joined: 2017 Destination: Radley College I have been at Sandroyd since Year 2 and have enjoyed numerous friends and memories that will stay with me forever. I have really loved the sport and have played for 1st rugby, hockey and cricket. I also was in the tennis, athletics and squash teams. I was really pleased to be hockey captain and 1st seed in squash. I also performed in loads f performances which were amazing. I hope to use all the attributes I have learned at Sandroyd in future life. I have loved my time at Sandroyd and all it has had to offer.

Freddie Joined: 2019 Destination: Sherborne School I started my Sandroyd journey in Year 5, and since then I have enjoyed my experience so much. I have forged so many friendships. I thoroughly enjoy sport and have played in many different teams. I am very proud that I was in the first team for Football and I played in the second for Cricket, I also played in a first team match where I got two wickets. I am definitely known for my passion for football even when I had a knee injury and still insisted that I could play! It was such a pleasure to play on the amazing Sandroyd grounds. I love to play the guitar which I have played for 6-7 years. I am in the Senior and Chamber Choirs and I enjoy singing. I have developed other skills like art, and I ended up trying for an art scholarship to Sherborne. I now have a huge passion for art and I love doing it. I loved going on such fun trips, such as in skills week to Cornwall, and then going to visit Spain with some of my great friends. I have been in 3 plays and 1 big Showcase and very many concerts. Sandroyd has prepared me really well for Sherborne and I will never forget Sandroyd.

David Joined: 2021 Destination: Winchester I have been at Sandroyd for two years and since then I have gathered many memories and friends. Since arriving in 2021, I have been in the Year 7 Showcase and played as background characters in the Year 8 Play. Also I did a duet poem for the Leavers’ Concert with Pelayo. I have also taken many trips; the Cornwall trip in Year 7 was such fun, and being a part of the sports tour was amazing as well. Being away for 4 days on the Scholars’ trip was surprising as I visited many places I have never been before, and finally going to Mount Kelly for Skills Week was the best experience. Boarding at Sandroyd has been really fun. Year 7 was my first time being away from home for a long time and there were many activities to be done in the boarding house; the PS2 and the pool table, also watching a film/ TV series every night. In Year 8 there was a much wider variety of games such as mini golf, scalextric, mini football table and we were even allowed to have food! The best weekends have been going to Thorpe Park, Splashdown and playing laser tag indoors and outdoors. The best thing about Sandroyd for me is mountain biking with my friends, playing chess and the U13Bs rugby and football games. Throughout my time in Sandroyd I have enjoyed every moment and I will not forget my time here; the people, the grounds and everything here!

Max Joined: 2017 Destination: Marlborough College I joined Sandroyd in year 3. It was my introduction into most sports, mainly rugby and hockey. I still remember my first rugby lesson with Mr Cartwright where we learnt how to vault a gate! I feel that I have matured a lot through my time at Sandroyd, on the sporting front and in the classroom. In Year 8 I participated in the 1sts for rugby, hockey and cricket. I have been given my colours for cricket and was made captain of cricket which are great achievements which I am honoured to have. What I am most proud of is breaking the T20 record at Sandroyd for the most runs in a season. As well as the sporting front I have thoroughly enjoyed every class I have been a part of. For me, the most enjoyable part of Sandroyd has been boarding. I started in Year 3 and became a full border in Year 7 and have enjoyed every minute of it. I am so thankful to all the teachers who have helped me on my journey through Sandroyd and in particular the grounds team who have constantly been creating wonderful sporting pitches for us to play on.

Bo Joined: 2018 Destination: Clayesmore I joined Sandroyd in the first term of year 4 having moved back to the UK from Dubai. Sandroyd has been such a friendly school with beautiful grounds. I was delighted this year when I was made captain of Riding and Athletics. I have been in the Sandroyd riding team and have massively enjoyed hanging out with my friends and ponies at competitions. I have been to Hickstead twice and Keysoe once, they were amazing experiences. I did eventing, which has always been the best, show jumping and I have done a bit of dressage. Thank you Frances for helping me to get there with Penny and Tia. I played in the 2nds hockey and netball teams, achieving my netball colours. I was also in the 5ths cricket team. I have been to Wessex twice, qualifying for the championships this year. Also getting my Athletics colours. I was never that confident in the drama department but after performing in 5 plays I have become more enthusiastic on the stage. I am very proud of my Common Entrance results and it’s all thanks to Sandroyd’s hardworking teachers. Thank you Mrs Brady for being my last tutor at Sandroyd and supporting me through Common Entrance. The domestics at Sandroyd are so hardworking and the pasta has been amazing, the food has always been delicious. Thank you Tilly for keeping me organised and in line with all my stuff. Thank you everyone at Sandroyd for taking me from a shy Sandroydian to a happy and proud leaver.

Claudia Joined: 2019 Destination: Clayesmore I have been at Sandroyd since Year 5, and I have benefitted from every second of it. I remember having a tour of the school, and being in absolute awe of the stage. Since then, I have spent a lot of my time here around it. I have been in multiple plays, but my favourites have been the Year 5 play, when we did Robinson Crusoe, where I was Chief Cannibal, and Mary Poppins, where I was the mean nanny, Miss Andrew. I also play the drums, and have done many grades of LAMDA and Trinity. I’ve been doing ballet since I was 3, and am still going strong thanks to Sandroyd, and working on Grade 5 and Pointe classes. I have been in many sports teams, where I have made incredible memories, and thanks to Mrs Golding I have now been able to improve my netball and get the opportunity to play for County. I am very proud to have been awarded my swimming and netball colours, along with swimming captaincy. I have had an incredible time up in the boarding house, which has made my friendships stronger, and is like a second home to me. I will always cherish the unconditional long-lasting friendships I have made, and the huge support I have received from all the teachers. I have felt myself improve as a whole person, and my confidence levels grow. Thanks to the immense aid of all the teachers I have been able to create incredible opportunities for the future. I have been able to receive an allrounder scholarship, which I would not have been able to achieve without the advice and guidance from Sandroyd. Thank you Sandroyd, I will never forget my time here.

Enna Joined: 2018 Destination: Marlborough College I joined Sandroyd in Year 4, from Perrott Hill. This year, I have particularly enjoyed the spring term; I was in the 1st team and we had an unbeaten season with Mrs. Golding, I also got my netball colours. I missed the hockey term because I was at Pembroke House, Kenya. When I was in Kenya, I was in the 1st girls cricket, we had an unbeaten season and won IAPS, I also went to IAPS for high jump too. On sports day at Pembroke, I won the high jump, came 3rd in long jump and my house won overall. Due to this I was not in the Year 8 Play, Mary Poppins. In the summer term I went to IAPS for high jump again and was in the 5th cricket team. I have boarded since I joined Sandroyd and have really enjoyed it. The boarding is one of the best things about Sandroyd, and it has prepared me for Marlborough in the best possible way. Our visit to Mount Kelly for Skills Week was so much fun, and my team won. I will miss Sandroyd so much and the friends I have made here. This school holds so many memories - although I can’t wait to go to Marlborough.

Hector Joined: 2021 Destination: France I joined Sandroyd in Year 6 for the Summer Term and I had a lot of fun - like when we went to The Mill On The Brue. I had enjoyed it so much that I came back for the entirety of Year 8, and this year has been one of the best years in my life! I enjoyed doing everything at Sandroyd: sports, lessons, activities and also the leavers’ programme. So I wanted to thank all of the teachers for helping me in my academic studies, especially for my English which was not great in Year 6 but Mr Attlee helped me a lot with it and then Mrs Williams in Year 8. I would also like to thank Mr Irving for helping me with my rugby skills and also did make me love Rugby. Relearning Cricket was a highlight of Year 8; I improved my bowling and batting by playing in the 3rd and one match in the 1st team. I was also in the tennis, swimming and the cross country team. All of them were a lot of fun. Miss Kerr has been a really good teacher for swimming, tennis and other sports. Mrs Blomfield is definitely someone to thank for all the work she did for us with all the Performing Arts and the concerts that she organised. I must also thank Mr Holbrook for all the fun that we have had in the boarding house - watching films or playing table football or even playing some mini-golf. All of them were really cool. So thank you to everyone, thank you for everything.

Charlie Joined: 2017 Destination: Eton I arrived on a stunning journey at Sandroyd in Year 3. Throughout my years here I have enjoyed many new activities and learnt many new skills. I have built loads of friendships here and I hope they can carry on as we all move onto new schools. Sport has highly dominated my time at Sandroyd as I have been honoured to captain the 1st rugby team and be in the 1sts for hockey and cricket. I also played squash for the first time here and have been in the tennis and cross country teams. I have also enjoyed the performing arts department as I played the piano and have been in many plays; my favourite being Mary Poppins performed by the Year 8s this year. The academics have been outstanding while I have been at Sandroyd as I have improved and strengthened in every subject and I am thankful for all the teachers who have helped me through my journey. Through my time here I have grown as a person and my memories here will never be forgotten.

Florence Joined: 2021 Destination: Marlborough College Nathan Joined: 2017 Destination: Monkton Combe I joined Sandroyd 6 years ago in Year 3. Since then I have put a lot of effort into the Drama aspect of school life and it paid off when I got a Drama scholarship to Monkton. The productions here have been phenomenal, I would like to thank Mrs Blomfield and Ms Iona especially for helping me shine in my achievements. I have also done a lot of music, I have played the drums, keyboard, bass guitar and my favourite, DJ-ing. Sandroyd has made the leavers’ experience very enjoyable, my favourite trips were the beach and the water park. My favourite sport this year was tennis. We have been playing it in the summer term and I was very proud to make the team. I have made many long lasting friendships and I will be sad to leave them and start a new journey in life.

I arrived at Sandroyd in Year 7 as an extremely timid girl, keeping my head low and avoiding speaking if at all possible. But through my experiences at Sandroyd, that has completely changed. Some of my favourite experiences have taken place in the theatre due to the hard work of Mrs Blomfield. I have been in various plays, concerts and performances. In the 2 years I have been here I have passed one grade in flute and ballet and two in musical theatre therefore passing my silver trinity. I love all sports at Sandroyd, especially tennis, hockey and netball. I have been lucky enough to be on the tennis team and gained my colours in netball and hockey. My academics have completely improved since joining Sandroyd, allowing me to perform my best in Common Entrance. The highlight of my time at Sandroyd was our Year 7 trip to Cornwall, where I took part in a multitude of fun and adventurous activities. In particular the staff I would like to thank is my tutors Mrs Kerr in year 7 and Mrs Carson in year 8. I am so thankful to Sandroyd for all it has done for me and I will miss every part of Sandroyd life.

Ignacio Joined: 2022 Destination: Spain This is my first and last year at Sandroyd. I came from Spain at the beginning of this year to learn English. Through out the whole year I’ve been improving my English and I’ve learnt lots of new things too. This has been one of the best years of my life if not the best. I’ve made lots of new friends which I hope that I stay in touch with for the rest of my life. I’ve learnt lots of new sports and loved them all. I’ve also enjoyed the incredible cross country races and I will never forget my ballet classes. This experience has been amazing. Thank you.

Ali Joined: 2020 Destination: Marlborough College

Willow Joined: 2020 Destination: Marlborough College

I joined Sandroyd in the Summer term of Year 5 and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here, creating many precious memories at Sandroyd.

I arrived at Sandroyd in Year 6 from Ireland and since then I’ve taken part in a number of activities. I have always loved the Performance Arts side of Sandroyd such as Musical Theatre and I have achieved my Grade 5, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Since the start of Year 8, I have been taking part in the Chamber Choir, I have also been taking singing lessons and my teacher has inspired me to keep taking these at Marlborough. At the start of Year 8, I proudly played Mary Poppins in the musical of that name, and this was the big highlight of my time at Sandroyd. I’d also like to thank all the Performance Arts staff who have helped me improve a lot in the past 3 years.

I have participated in the artistic side of Sandroyd including ‘The year 7 showcase’ and ‘Mary Poppins’ in which I played in an ensemble and was an understudy for the main role of Mary Poppins. I also tried for an art scholarship to Marlborough. The thing that I am most proud of at Sandroyd is most definitely improving my style of art; I started off with a very cartoon-ish style, but soon after becoming an art scholar I made my mark on my art, such as developing a large scale silk piece, which I will most definitely continue to make different variations of throughout my time at Marlborough. Art gave me the opportunity to express myself in ways I didn’t know I could do. Throughout my time at Sandroyd I have enjoyed many things such as riding; people in any of my old London schools would not be able to have such an experience. I thank you Sandroyd for a busy, overwhelming and of course fun time for the past 3 years of my life.

My favourite part of Sandroyd is the Riding and I have brought my pony all the way from Ireland to compete in a number of competitions and championships. I have gained my Swimming, Cross-country and Riding colours which I’m very proud of. One of my favourite aspects of Sandroyd is the boarding because I love spending time with my friends. When I move on to Marlborough, I’m going to miss this school wholeheartedly and I will never forget my time here.

Lily Joined: 2020 Destination: Marlborough College I started Sandroyd in Year 6, taking a big step into the senior part of the school. I immediately went into riding and the team as I have had a pony here, I spent most of my weekends competing for Sandroyd. I have competed in 5 national championships and recently came 2nd in a team eventing challenge with teammates Willow, Molly and Daisy. Sport has always been the highlight of my time at Sandroyd as I do it so much. In Year 7 I played in the 1sts and 2nds in hockey and the 1sts in netball. In Year 7 I also got my netball and riding colours. In Year 8 I played in the 1sts for hockey and netball having an unbeaten season in netball. One of my biggest achievements is being a riding and cross-country captain. I am going to miss Sandroyd very much as I have so many great friendships. Sandroyd has prepared me for my senior school very well! I would like to thank all the staff at Sandroyd for making it such a fun filled 3 years! I will always miss Sandroyd because no school will ever be as beautiful!

Cecil Joined: 2018 Destination: Bryanston School I have been at Sandroyd for 5 years, and it has been so much fun; I have made many friends and good memories here. I love the sport. Playing cricket in the summer term made it my favourite sport at sandroyd. In year 7, I broke my leg and was off games for the whole of the hockey season, so I really enjoyed playing a year later! The rugby season was unforgettable. Sliding around in the mud with your friends, blinded by the rain, was so much fun ( not sarcastic ). I was even in the A’s for a few matches! Boarding has been fantastic, especially in Year 8, with mini golf and table football in the common room. The best part was that on the weekends, the most memorable weekends were the trip to Thorpe Park, Splashdown and playing laser tag in the corridors. Also, food in the dorms is another advantage of boarding in year 8. But we only get it when our dorms are tidy ( never ), and we haven’t been messing around ( also never ), so tuck is a rarity. My best memories of sandroyd are from the bike rides. Running away from Mr Attlee, jumping in muddy puddles and falling off more times than I can count trying to do tricks! On a bike ride last term, I was pelting down a hill and hit a mound and front flipped off my bike into some stinging nettles.

Bertie Joined: 2020 Destination: Bryanston School I came to Sandroyd in Year 6. Since then I have made many friends and have learnt many skills. When I started I took up the euphonium and I carried on with my singing. Since then I have been in an orchestra, a rock band, senior choir and junior choir. I have also got Grade 6 singing and I only dropped 6 marks out of 100. I have also passed my Grade 5 music theory and am working towards my grade 5 euphonium. Although sport does not come easy to me, I have enjoyed playing cricket and squash. I have also only ever missed three bike rides that happen twice a week. I have loved being able to cycle in such an amazing environment. One of my favourite memories was when we went on a bike ride and swam in a murky puddle. We went out with white clothes and came back with black clothes. I have also acted in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, where I played Bottom, then I was in the orchestra in the Year Seven Showcase. I also played Michael Banks in Mary Poppins. As I move on to Bryanston I look forward to new friends, new opportunities and better food!

Holly Joined: 2016 Destination: Gillingham School I joined Sandroyd in Year 2. Since starting at The Walled Garden, my time at Sandroyd has always been enjoyable. During my time here, I have been in many productions, sporting events and even have received lots of academic awards. I loved performing in plays from the start of my journey, gradually preparing me for my big part as Jane in the Year 8 production of ‘Mary Poppins’. I also have attended singing lessons and have just finished my Grade 6, moving towards Grade 7. I have always loved the way that Sandroyd helped me improve my sports, and because of them, I have found joy in playing in the 1st team girls in Netball and Hockey, and achieved my colours in both. The Sandroyd Community has always supported me, whether that’s in the boarding house or during my fun skills week at Kelly College. They have shown love and care for me and my year group throughout our time. I am very excited to move on to Gillingham. I have made a lot of friends at Sandroyd, and I am sad to move, but I’m sure the happy memories of my time here will stay with me.

Sam Joined: 2016 Destination: Gillingham School

Sofia Joined: 2019 Destination: Sherborne Girls

Olive Joined: 2020 Destination: Marlborough College

Georgia Joined: 2018 Destination: Canford

I joined Sandroyd in Year 2 and have many fond memories from my time here, and have also made many long lasting friendships. One of best parts about Sandroyd is the sporting facilities that the groundsmen provide. I have been in the firsts for rugby, cricket, football and hockey. One of my main highlights of the sport at Sandroyd is receiving my rugby colours and being part of the year 7 unbeaten season.

I joined Sandroyd in Year 5. In these four years, I have made lots of amazing friends, memories and have taken part in lots of sports and activities. I play the saxophone and successfully achieved my Grade 1 exam. I am currently doing Grade 3 ballet with Florence and enjoy it greatly. I have been in many performances and concerts and they are all super fun and exciting. I also do riding; I started riding in the first term of Year 5 and I’m now competing 70cm thanks to the Head of Riding, Frances.

I joined Sandroyd in Year 6 having moved down from Scotland so for the 3 years that I have been here I have enjoyed my time massively. I have taken part in two school plays, a Midsummer Night’s dream in Year 6 and Mary Poppins in Year 8 and in the Year 7 Showcase. I have also enjoyed having bagpipe lessons and performed on a few occasions including Burns Night. I found playing hockey, netball and cricket with my friends very enjoyable and even though the teams I was in varied, it was still fun taking part.

I joined Sandroyd at the start of Year Four. My experience here has been really enjoyable. Throughout my time at Sandroyd my highlight has been the sports. I was lucky enough to play in the 2nds hockey and 1sts netball and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed athletics and cricket. I played netball for the 1sts this year as a shooter and I’ve enjoyed playing at IAPS and we ended up having an unbeaten season. I was proud to achieve my riding and netball colours this year. Riding has been a big part of my life at Sandroyd and I’ve been able to represent Sandroyd at big competitions such as Keysoe and Hickstead.

Year 8 is the best year for boarding as you are allowed to bring in tuck from out of school into the boarding house and you go to bed later. Our boarding house master always makes sure we are happy and relaxed in the boarding house giving us things to do or accessories in the dorms. The thing I am most proud of is mainly staying in the firsts for all sports (rugby, cricket, hockey and football). Also making friendships with my peers that I hope to stay in contact with for as long as possible. Sadly I am moving to a school where none of my peers are going there with me, but this gives me a good opportunity to create new friendships. Being one of the longest lasting boys here at Sandroyd (2nd boy to join the school) I have seen the school develop and change, and seen new people join and go. To finish I would like to thank everyone who has taught me and helped me succeed in life here. And I can’t wait to move on into the new part of my life.

I started boarding straight away in Year 5 and had some wobbles but the wonderful Holbrook’s helped me into really liking boarding. Then I moved to the Alaska boarding house, I really loved it there with some of my closest friends. Also downstairs the classes are never boring instead most are all super interesting and unforgettable. My favourite trip was definitely Mount Kelly. I really enjoyed learning how to abseil and bog running. I will definitely miss Sandroyd and all the fabulous people there but I’ll be back to watch my siblings’ matches and shows. Thank you to all the super teaching staff. I’m very grateful to you all. Now I’m moving on to Sherborne Girls and I feel very prepared for my new senior school, but I will never forget my wonderful time at Sandroyd.

Boarding for me was one of the main highlights of my time here; I started flexi boarding a bit in Year 6 and then went into full boarding in Year 7 and 8. Also, the all-in-weekends at the beginning of each term were lots of fun especially when all the boarders went to Thorpe park. For our school trips, in Year 6 I went to Mill On The Brue, in Year 7 we went to Cornwall and in Year 8 we went to Mount Kelly. I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities with my friends and making some amazing memories. I would like to thank everyone at Sandroyd for making my time here so special!

I’ve been part of four plays and a showcase, my favourite being Mary Poppins where I played the role of Katie Nana. I have also played as a narrator, a cannibal and a school child. I have played the piano for two years and have really enjoyed it. I started boarding when I joined Sandroyd and it has always felt like a second home. With the help of all my teachers I’ve drastically improved in all subjects and they have made it very fun at the same time. I will miss my time at Sandroyd but I’ll treasure the life long friendships and memories I’ve made. I now feel prepared and excited to join Canford in September.

Paula Joined: 2022 Destination: Spain

Jasper Joined: 2018 Destination: Radley College

I joined Sandroyd in September, 2023, Year 8. I came here because lots of people in Spain recommended the school as they really liked it. My English has improved greatly and also l loved boarding with my friends and having fun in the dorms. In performing arts, Year 8s did Mary Poppins as their play and I really enjoyed being part of it. It was amazing. I also did modern dance, and it was also great, because we did lots of dances together and it was really fun. We did our leavers concert too, and it was really exciting. We always laugh a lot in our lessons.

I joined Sandroyd in 2018, and since then I have had some very special moments and made some great friendships. My rugby, hockey, football and cricket have all improved far more than I thought possible and the fun I have had playing them has been immense.

I discovered new sports like hockey, netball and cricket, and we played lots of matches. I liked the activities too, it was really enjoyable, particularly Thorpe Park and our visit to the cinema. Also at the weekends there were lots of fun activities that I really enjoyed too. Finally I loved art lessons at Sandroyd, they were really interesting and I really enjoyed them. Overall it was such a good year and I enjoyed it a lot. I will have lots of memories about this fantastic year at Sandroyd.

I have also been working towards my grade 6 LAMDA and my grade 5 trinity in the five years I have been at Sandroyd. Along with extra drama, I have been in many plays such as Suitable Suitors, Robinson Crusoe, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Mary Poppins. I have also taken part in the Year 7 Showcase which was very fun. I have enjoyed my acting greatly and the skills I have learnt on the stage at Sandroyd I will never forget. Finally, I am very grateful to all of my teachers including all of the boarding staff who have looked after me throughout the years, the games staff that helped me improve my sport and I’m very grateful for all the academic staff that taught me throughout the years and for all my tutors who have helped my with everyday life at Sandroyd.

Ludo Joined: 2021 Destination: Marlborough College I joined Sandroyd in 2021 and since then I have made some lifelong memories and unforgettable friends. I have improved massively in my music, sports and academics and have had lots of fun in the process. I worked towards a music scholarship and have loved each second of it. I have been working for Grade 6 cello and Grade 5 piano and singing. LAMDA has also been a fun time at Sandroyd and my trio and I have all had great fun. The sports at Sandroyd have been amazing and I am grateful to the staff that make it that way. I have enjoyed sports like tennis, hockey, rugby, squash and cricket, just to name a few and I have improved massively in each of them. Throughout 2 years I have been in the Year 8 play “Mary Poppins” and the Year 7 showcase in year 7. Also I have enjoyed the amazing food here. I want to thank all the staff that have helped me along the way especially to the music staff who have supported me throughout my music journey. The boarding at Sandroyd was great and very enjoyable. I would like to thank Mr Irving and Mr Holbrook for putting up with us. Sandroyd is an amazing school and will be forever thankful towards all the staff who helped me through my journey.

Artem Joined: 2022 Destination: Royal Hospital School Olivia Joined: 2022 Destination: Charterhouse I joined Sandroyd in the spring term of Year 7. Since then I have made many friends and unforgettable memories. I have also gained both an Art and an Academic scholarship to Charterhouse as well as taking my grade 4 Trinity drama exam and passing with a distinction. The highlight of my time at Sandroyd has been going to Cornwall for the Year 7 Skills Week where we got to experience a variety of water sports and other activities. In Year 8 I enjoyed the hockey and netball terms as I got the opportunity to play in numerous tournaments and I was delighted to have an unbeaten season in both terms. This year I have also been a deacon, a riding and art ambassador and captain of riding for Nadder. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself at Sandroyd and I look forward to the new opportunities available at senior school.

I joined Sandroyd in September before going to my senior school. In my first days I was amazed by the sports and academic facilities, which later helped me get into my senior school . Every season I was playing a lot of sports and in some I was showing good results. In addition, at Sandroyd, I started doing drama, saxophone and guitar. In drama I managed to achieve Grade 4 . In the first part of the year we prepared a play (Mary Poppins) which was really enjoyable. In the DT room, we built a Greenpower Car which we successfully raced at Goodwood coming 36 out of 88. In just one year, Sandroyd completely changed me. I became another better version of myself. I met many friendly, inspiring and supportive people who I will never forget. I have never had the experience of boarding before, so it was a great opportunity to feel what it is like. Many thanks to the staff in the kitchen for cooking really delicious food and especially all the teachers who taught me a lot of things . I feel ready and I am looking forward to going to my senior school.

Hector Joined: 2016 Destination: Winchester I joined Sandroyd in Year 2. I’ve loved my time at Sandroyd. I thoroughly enjoyed all the sports offered in particular the rugby. I have always been in the A’s as well as I have received my colours in rugby, hockey and swimming. I have been in four plays, my favourite being Mary Poppins. I hope to stay in contact with all my friends and look forward to hearing all their news at their new schools. Finally I would like to thank all the teachers who have helped me during my 6 years at Sandroyd in particular Mr Attlee. I will miss Sandroyd but look forward to starting Winchester.

Kitty Joined: 2016 Destination: Sherborne Girls

Margot Joined: 2016 Destination: Sherborne Girls

Rory Joined: 2018 Destination: Radley College

I started Sandroyd in Year 1, joining the beautiful walled garden, where I made plenty of friendships. Then I moved up to year 3 starting the life of sport, matches and performing arts. I fell straight into drama ending in a scholarship to Sherborne Girls. I was in many teams like the 1st hockey, 2nd netball gaining my colours for both; along with that I was awarded my dance captaincy, Grade 4 drama solo, Grade 6 drama trio and Grade 5 musical theatre. Another highlight of Sandroyd was playing Winifred in Mary Poppins; it was a brilliant experience. I performed in many other plays like A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream, A Suitable Suitor, Robinson Crusoe and many nativities. One of the things I most enjoy is the competitions like The Spelling Bee, Bridmore Speaking, Stowe Verse and lots of house activities. I wanted to say how much I appreciated the support of staff, especially Mrs Blomfield. She was with me from the start and she has been my biggest support. Being a Sandroydian is the biggest pleasure, I am definitely a proud one. From The Walled Garden all the way up to Year 8 Sandroyd was a delight. I will miss the staff, performing arts, sport, education, support and so much more. Thank you Sandroyd.

I joined in year 1 and from my first day I knew straight away I was going to have the best time. Mrs Blomfield was so welcoming and made my walled garden memories so strong. Sandroyd has helped me grow as a pupil and a person. I have made unbreakable bonds with countless people and I will hope to see them frequently outside of school. All the teachers have done such an amazing job with opening so many doors for me, for instance Sandroyd has really pushed me at my sports and that has led me to being netball captain and receiving 2 netball colours and my hockey colours, but I just have give a huge thanks to Mrs Golding who has believed in me more than I have believed in myself. I could not have done it without her, and I will be sad to be leaving that all behind. I have been a part of many plays and enjoyed all of them for many different reasons. Being at Sandroyd for so long has made me realise how special Sandroyd really is. I will miss the beautiful drive to school everyday and I will miss the school summer evenings with all of my friends. One thing I would say to future years is, the final week comes so fast so don’t underestimate the fact that time really does fly by when you’re having fun. Make the most of it and don’t forget to spend time with your friends because it all flutters away quite quickly. Thank You for supporting me and giving me some of the best years of my life. I will miss it very much.

After five of the best years of my life, I am so grateful for all the opportunities Sandroyd has given me. The teachers have been a monumental help in making my time here as enjoyable and enlightening as possible. I have done so many things. In music, I have learned the piano and had singing lessons and have particularly enjoyed playing in the concerts. In drama, I have been in four plays, as well as a Year 7 Showcase. Mary Poppins was amazing. I started Sandroyd in Year 4 as a full boarder with Mr Holbrook. As he is now Housemaster of Himalayas, he has seen me from start to finish (so it is all his fault!). He made starting boarding much easier than it could have been. I also had two years in Atlas with Mr Irving who was also a massive help. The best thing about Prep School has been the sport. I love all sports and have been lucky to play in the 1sts for rugby, football and cricket, while also representing the school at cross-country, athletics, hockey and squash. I have improved massively. My highlights in rugby were the Under 12A season, as we were unbeaten and I won the ‘Man of Steel’ award (Player of the Season). I was also awarded my school colours. My highlight in football was when we won the Milton Abbey tournament (and beat Farleigh). I also enjoyed the Sports Tour to Devon. I spent the whole cricket season in the 1st X1 getting 3 wickets, 60 runs and a catch, but the most enjoyable thing was hitting my dad for a straight four in the Parents’ cricket match. I have enjoyed the wonderful leaver’s program that Mr Holbrook has put together especially enjoying Studland Beach, Dorset Water Park and the Mount Kelly Trip. I have made so many wonderful friends and memories at Sandroyd and I wish to thank everyone who has been involved in my life here and wish them all the best for the future.

Toby Joined: 2018 Destination: Radley College

St John Joined: 2021 Destination: King’s Taunton I joined Sandroyd at the start of the spring term in year 6 which was midway through lockdown. As soon as I arrived at Sandroyd I dived into Sandroyd life . In year 7 I played my first ever rugby season and then the year later I made the 1st rugby team and the 1st cricket team. I have performed in a few plays and showcases at Sandroyd. I played the role of Oberon in A Midsummer Nights Dream. I performed a piece from Charlie and the Chocolate factory in the year 7 showcase and had a very small role in the year 8 Mary Poppins. I have loved boarding at Sandroyd as it has pretty much been my second home . I have made some amazing friends during my short time at Sandroyd . I am so grateful for the amazing ground staff for making such amazing pitches for us to play on and enjoy. Thank you to all the domestic teams for making sure that we live in a clean school. Thank you all to the teachers who have taught me so well leading up to exams and later life. I have made so many good memories at Sandroyd and friends. I am sad to leave but also feel ready for the next step at King’s College Taunton.

Rosie Joined: 2018 Destination: Bryanston School I joined Sandroyd in Year 3 and my experience has been amazing. I have been in 4 plays and 1 showcase and every time I have enjoyed it so much doing all the different things, from singing to dancing to even making set pieces. In my last 2 years I was lucky enough to be offered the chance of attempting an art scholarship and in my second to last term I received the news that I had gained an art scholarship to Bryanston school. In Year 4 I started boarding and at the beginning I was not so sure but soon I started to enjoy it and by Year 6 I had started fully boarding and it was so fun and every evening we were doing something different like making human pyramids. Unfortunately in my last term here I ran into a bouncy castle and broke my arm but I did not let that stop me and I passed Common Entrance and still got to enjoy the Leavers’ programme.

Fabian Joined: 2018 Destination: Sherborne Boys I came to the beautiful school of Sandroyd in Year 4 and I am now sad to be leaving. Throughout my 5 years at Sandroyd, I have achieved and have experienced many things that will support me when I go to Sherborne. I have been in four plays and all sorts of concerts - singing, playing the guitar and I won the Music Cup. In addition, I am grateful for being Captain of Rugby for Wylye and beating Avon in the last match of inter house rugby. Finally, I’ve gained a lot of knowledge from all the sport teachers and academic teachers, which helped me to get good Common Entrance results and made me perform well at my sports scholarship. I am now ready to start a new journey at Sherborne.

Since I joined Sandroyd in Year 4, I have been a full boarder throughout. I have treasured memories of the weekend activities I remember coasteering on my first weekend all the way to the Studland beach outing after Common Entrance. Over my time I have enjoyed playing rugby and cricket for 5 years and using the amazing facilities that Sandroyd has to offer. In my final year, I was very pleased to play for the U13As in rugby and I went to the National Sailing IAPS with Josh Spolton, as this is one of Sandroyd’s less mainstream sports we were extremely pleased to take 12th place in the 40 boat race. I have also been involved in the theatre over my five years at Sandroyd, building up to my significant contribution in the Year 8 Play where I took my challenging part head on to learn all of my three lines which I shared with the multitude of my Clerk counterparts. As I leave for Radley I look forward to many things but Sandroyd has been five great years and I will remember them as some of my best memories.

Bluey Joined: 2017 Destination: Marlborough College I have been at Sandroyd for 6 years now and while I have been here I have enjoyed plays, sports fixtures, activities and much more. My favourite play was Mary Poppins where I helped with the lighting and I was a clerk. Also I have been on many trips like Cornwall and Mill On The Brue. My main achievement was being in the As for rugby and getting put down to go to Wessex but unfortunately I did not go because of an injury. I have also learned DJ-ing and guitar. While I have been here my favourite sport has been cricket but I have enjoyed all of them. My favourite teacher has to be Mr Ray because he was such a good teacher and I learnt the whole of the Common Entrance syllabus in Year 7 even though we only spent half the lesson talking about maths. I have enjoyed Sandroyd so much while I have been here I am really going to miss it going on to Marlborough because it is in such a beautiful place I have learnt so much and made many friends I will never forget it because it have so many memories and it has taught me so much.

Gigi Joined: 2018 Destination: Marlborough College

Hugo Joined: 2019 Destination: Sherborne Boys

I began my Sandroyd journey as a boisterous, over confident Year 4. Now, 5 years on, I haven’t changed a bit. In the early days of Year 4, I developed two obsessions, and these have stuck with me my whole Sandroyd career. First, the drama. I would spend hours showing off in the classroom and diving into the world of the stage. I have starred as Friday in Robinson Crusoe, the queen in the suitable suitor, and my slightly underwhelming role as a fairy with 5 words in our Year 6 Shakespeare play. Now in Year 8, I was enrolled as Neleus the statue in our production of Mary Poppins. Lacking in lines, barely on stage, my acting career at Sandroyd has come to an abrupt stop. I tried for a drama scholarship, which I didn’t get, so overall, my amazing, top notch roles have been the centre of attention. My second passion, which has been my escape throughout Sandroyd, is the riding department. I started in Year 4, where I refused to canter and could barely mount properly. I then loaned Teddy in the lockdown holiday, and continued to loan 2 other horses. This was a breakthrough for me as I started to compete at home with my new ponies. Now, as a Year 8 with a wonderful loan horse, I compete with the Sandroyd Team and have been to Hickstead twice, have evented, tried, and failed, dressage, flown through show-jumping courses, and been awarded my colours. Thank you Frances for being so dedicated. Sandroyd truly has been an unforgettable adventure, I can’t believe how the time has flown. It seems only yesterday that I stepped through the doors of this incredible school. Thank you Sandroyd, for everything.

I joined Sandroyd in Year 5, and the moment I entered the school my 10 year old mind was immediately overwhelmed by the tremendous facilities that the school had to offer. I have had a fantastic time enjoying the many sports alternating between the As and Bs for rugby and I have learnt and improved over the years. I have also found a passion in going on bike rides introduced to me by Mr Atlee triggering my friends and I to jump the ha-ha, build bridges across the ha-ha and crash into the ha-ha. On top of that I enjoyed the extravagant way each teacher individually teaches their lesson making a more creative and enjoyable lesson. Sandroyd has also helped me enjoy the productions and performances over the years that included Robinson Crusoe, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Mary Poppins which I enjoyed very much in our last term. I have found the leavers’ programme a great way to finish my time at Sandroyd with a mix from relaxing sessions to thrilling activities. But it does not feel like a goodbye to Sandroyd as my younger brother and sisters are joining next year but I will still miss the fond memories that I will leave behind.

Josh Joined: 2017 Destination: Sherborne Boys During my 6 years at Sandroyd I have been known for the enormous amount of food that disappears from my plate every meal, and some of my more stupid decisions which involve bikes (one of those is jumping of my bike straight into a tree). I have also been very lucky in gaining two scholarships to Sherborne, DT & Sport, and I will miss the Sandroyd teachers very much. One of my many memorable moments at Sandroyd was the first time I reached the top of the milk tree, I loved the view and often go up there to relax, because you can see the whole school below you and it is one of the best views of the surrounding valley. One of the reasons I loved Sandroyd was because of the freedom, you could bike all around the park, I spent a lot of my time here exploring with my friends and running away from Mr Atlee on bike rides. This is also a highlight of Sandroyd, being able to go cycling around the surrounding villages and farms with Mr Attlee, I remember one bike ride very well, when Bertie got a flat tyre and I was given an award for helping him. Also, the boarding here has been an incredible experience, supporting me and so many others coming up through the school, especially in year 8 as we are treated to many enjoyable hours outside, playing darts, mini golf, or table football, or maybe enjoying a pot noodle in front of the TV. My most proud achievement was in sport when I played in seconds cricket and hockey and firsts rugby I was also captain of cross country. Throughout my sporting journey at Sandroyd I have been supported and coached incredibly well and wish to thank every sport coach who has taught me.

Juan Joined: 2021 Destination: Spain I joined Sandroyd in Year 7, at the start I was a bit sad but as I started to make friends it was such fun. My time at Sandroyd has been a great experience and a lovely time, which I will never forget. I did my first ever piano lesson in the spring term and I’ve enjoyed it a lot. I have also been part of the Year 7 showcase and the Leavers’ concert in which I played a lovely piano piece. When I first came to Sandroyd I tried new sports like rugby, hockey and cricket, and I enjoyed them and had loads of fun playing them and representing the school. Going to Cornwall with my friends in the Year 7 skills week was a great experience, as we surfed, and played padel tennis, which is one of my favourite sports. After a really fun year in Year 7, I was unfortunate that I couldn’t come back for the whole year in Year 8, but at least I had the opportunity to come back in the summer term. At Sandroyd I’ve learned a lot of English, gained loads of memories and made a lot of friends who I hope to see again. Finally I would love to thank all the staff that made this time at Sandroyd so amazing and fun.

Toby Joined: 2017 Destination: King’s Taunton I joined Sandroyd in Year 3 as a shy 7 year old full boarder. I threw myself into all aspects of Sandroyd life. I have improved massively in sports. I have been lucky enough to be in 1st rugby, 1st hockey, 1st football and 1st cricket. I have also excelled in drama, my highlight in drama being given one of the lead roles in Mary Poppins where I played Bert, also I have achieved grade 5 LAMDA. Also Sandroyd has helped me improve significantly in all academics. I have loved weekends at Sandroyd because there are always amazing activities whether it is mountain biking through our amazing grounds which I was lucky to have on my front doorstep for the past 6 years, or going offsite to a waterpark. I am also thankful to the fantastic domestic staff who do everything behind the scenes whether cooking or cleaning. I am very thankful to them . I will miss Sandroyd greatly because it has been my second home for 6 years. I have tons of memories that will live on forever as well as lifelong friends. I will be sad to leave but look forward to continuing my school career at King’s College Taunton.

Rafe Joined: 2017 Destination: King’s Bruton I started Sandroyd in Year 2 summer term. My strong point at Sandroyd has always been my sport, being lucky enough to be in the 1sts in rugby, hockey and cricket, even to be awarded my colours in rugby and cricket. My highlights were being appointed captain of cricket and achieving my sports scholarship to King’s Bruton. I would not have been as confident on the pitch as I am now if it weren’t for the incredible sporting staff. As well as this, the academic side of Sandroyd has helped me shine in my Common Entrance especially with the LSU department’s dedication. The many school trips have been an absolute joy - if it were to be going to the Cornish Coast in Yr 7, Yr 5 in PGL or Yr 6 going to Mill on the Brue. These many memories that will stay with me for years to come. Even though I have struggled with boarding at Sandroyd, the pastoral staff, as well as my tutor, Mrs Innes have supported me, and it has not affected how much I have loved my time here. Also I have played one of the greatest sports pitches perfectly prepared by the head groundsman and their team. So I thank Sandroyd for my time here.

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