The Hitler File EXCERPTS

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Chapter the Twenty-second Dan Enlightens Us “I do.” – said Dan quietly. We glared at him, speechless. Preston was the first to recover some of his faculties: “What do you mean you do?” Dan adopted his maddeningly condescending guru-cum-disciples pose: “I know the answers to both questions.” – He elaborated needlessly. “And do you care to share them with us, lesser humans?” – I huffed. Dan smiled at me compassionately: “Sarid, think. Who compiled the disk?” “Nazis, old and new, presumably.” “Not presumably,” – objected Libby – “but certainly. Frankenberg received the disk from someone who claimed to be Heinrich Gestapo Mueller.” “OK, OK.” – I grunted – “The Nazis did it.” “Then, pray tell,” – Dan beamed at me while delivering his checkmate – “why include in the anthology Hitler’s damning medical file and the allegations about his Jewish ancestry? What self-respecting Nazi would seek to ruin the Fuehrer’s reputation posthumously?” Preston stirred in his seat and dabbed his immaculate pate with a polka dot handkerchief: “Excellent point. And what’s your theory, Dan?” “Credibility.” – Shrugged his interlocutor – “Who would believe the claims of a bunch of cranks who hanker after the golden age of the Third Reich and Auschwitz? There’s only one way they can be taken seriously: by not


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