Natal astrology free webcourse

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When casting a horoscope, if you find the majority of the native's (Native is the term used

to describe the person whose chart is being considered.) planets are above the horizon, he

will tend to possess extrovert tendencies, a preoccupation with externals, surrounded by an

objective point of view. If you find the majority of planets below the horizon, you can expect

the native to be largely subjective and to be strongly dependent on instinct and intuition and his character will be more of the introvert type. These broad concepts have been proven true by countless careful individual observations made over thousands of years.

Planets posited in the left or eastern half are rising and these planets have more inherent

power than planets in the western half where they are setting. The eastern half represents the self, and planets posited here are said to afford the native a freedom of action to

compliment the more apparent free will. If you determine that there are more rising than

setting planets in a horoscope, then the course of life seems to be more under the personal control of the native. He enjoys his self made man concept. The western or right half of the

zodiac is connected with other people, and an excess of planets in this half seems to bind up the life with the activities and destinies of other people. Malefic planets, posited in these

western houses, are strengthened at the expense of the benefic planets whose influence is weakened.

Throughout the centuries the Houses have been grouped in innumerable different

combinations. Astrologers have researched and tested all of the different combinations in a continual effort to discover the most efficient house bonds in the face of a horoscope. We

have conducted our own research and selected certain groupings which we feel will help to clarify the relationship between the houses and the horoscope. There are three distinct kinds of houses and it is crucial that we understand the basic

differences. The first group of houses is known as the Angular Houses. They are referred to as Angular because they occupy the angles of the chart. (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) These angles indicate east, north, west, and south respectively. Plants posited in angular houses have a greater scope for dynamic action than planets in the other houses. The second group of

houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th) are known as the Succedent Houses. The explanation of the word succedent is relatively simple. These houses succeed the angular houses. When a planet is posited in any of these four houses, it lends an influence of stability, strong

willpower, and rigidity of purpose. The third group of houses, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, are called Cadent Houses. Planets posited in these houses do not have much opportunity for action. They do not confer great stability, but they tend towards adaptability of thought, communication of ideas and the ability to get along with other people.

The house position of a planet modifies the nature of the sign in which the planet is found

e.g. Suppose we are studying a person with the Sun in Taurus, an obstinate sign. If this

should be located in a cadent house, this Taurean will be more adaptable and not quite so obstinate as one whose Sun is posited in a succedent house. We can see how critical the

exact position of the planets in the houses is. When we are delineating a horoscope, it is

necessary to make a list of the houses and to determine the exact location of each planet and to estimate the modifications that occur due to positions.

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