Cairocature is an international Egyptian e-humor & Satire magazine. Its purpose is to introduce the art of caricature in Egypt; our members will provide you with their works. We present cartoon, Illustration, portrait, Interviews , News & caricaturists. you will find cartoons from all over the world from the second issue , follow to read online & download
Editor in chief
Art adviser
Samira Saeed
Saad Sedawy
Web site Facebook E-mail
Saad Sedawy cartoon Cartoon and poetry
Algeria : YOUCEF AĂ?MEUR Morad Morapet
( Sedawy & Omar Al Sawy )
Yemen : Ayman Alwessaby Rashad Al Samaeey thiYazan Al Alawy
Interview with Eslam Fekry (English & Arabic language)
Interview with Klaus Pitter
Cartoon from Egypt
- Austria
Wessam Khalil
( English & Arabic language )
Khaled El marsafy Omar Seddek
26 28
Bernard Bouton - France
Samira Saeed
Thiago Lucas - Brazil
Dina Abdelgawad
Kamil Jerzyk - Polans
Marwa Ibrahim
Vladislav Dubcov - Russia
Ahmed Samir Farid
TVG - India
Portaicature Arab cartoon Iraq ( Ali Atib ) Sarcastic press is the victuals for simple citizen ( E& A )
World cartoon
Interview with Eslam Fekry
the most important steps are not to rely solely on study but to start in the world of innovation
إ سالم فكرى تخرجت فى كلٌة التربٌة الفنٌة يأرسم ٌيمٌا ً بمتيسط ثمانى ساعات يابدأ فى الساعه الحادٌة عشر ياالسللللليم الللمللتللبللن مللتللنللير مللابللٌ ل الللبلٌ ل يالكارٌكاتير
دخلت المجال ع طرٌق الشركات الخاصه ياوم ما افضله فى المجال وي الحرٌه فى التفكٌر يالللكللرتللي
غالبا ما ٌتم المراجعة يأخذ رأى اآلخرٌ فً رسيملى يللم أعٌد رسمه بعد االنتىاء منىا.
أى فنا ٌرسم م الياقن ال االنسا ٌيلد ال ٌفقله شلا يٌتم تجمٌن خبرته كلىا م الياقن سياء بالتلخلنٌل فلى الذاكرة أي بالنقل المباشر بعد ظىير الدٌجٌتال ٌتم الرسم يالتليٌ يالتحبٌر علللى بعض البرامج مثل الفيتيشيم
أوم الخطيات وى عدم االعتماد فقط على الدراسة ياالنطبلق فى عالم اإلبدار
I studied at Faculty of Art Education , I did not win prizes , I spend about eight hours every day, Start , drawing at 11.00 PM
The most important thing I prefer in the field is freedom of thought
The style is varied between life, carton and
Any artist draws from Life because the human being is born does not understand anything and he get his whole experience, whether storage in his memory or from life
Caricature , Often reviewed and I ask others their opinions It did not redrawn any drawing after the completion
I got into cartooning field through private companies
األدواث انممًمممممخممقم يممت واأللممز وانزصاص وانزسى ان جيخال
لنممً ممً نممىاٌ انم ممج
و فضم ان جيخال ألَه األلز نًجال انزسمىو انمًمخم مز مت و ى حقصصً اضا الرسم الى نير م انيار السمي الفكرى النفلصلال الرسم ع الياقن
افً ً ح ميك يُاخ ا ثز ذ ائا نهمىق انًصزي سىاء يٍ انُاحيه االدبيه و انفُيه و رسانخً نهعانى ً الحفم انطفم انهذي ب اخهك. ور ً فً ا زو احيز َها يجهه يخًي ة حعًم عهً لحاحمه فزص نهكىادر نهخعبيز عٍ ر ها
In fact after the appearance of digital, My goal is to achieve a more intelligent painting and inking on some programs atmosphere for the Egyptian market, such as Photoshop whether literary or artistic. I like oil color , Pencils and digital paint
The drawing added to me kind of Intel-
And the best for me is digital, because it
lectual Highness
is suitable for the field of animation
The separation of drawing from reality
which is my specialist
My message to the world is not to miss the child who is inside you .
In my opinion Cairocature a distinguished magazine works to provide opportunities for the cadres to express their opinion.
03 14
Maya KAMATH.. Best Political Cartoon Awards, INDIA 2017
Sarcastic press is the victuals for simple citizen By : Ali Atib Iraq / Baghdad Article is a prose art; it become popular when the newspapers and magazines was released The article has known characteristics; it is in several ways including literary, political, social, scientific and other. That the press is not based on news only as much as it is based on various articles, especially to the fans readers.
The article is a channel which informs the reader lots of information as well as addressing many issues in life. Some articles have addressed various topics and have been identified Symbol of the irony, humor and joke It falls under the category of "cynical literature" or "sarcastic"
عاتب ..يكتب إلصحافة إلساخرة ..زإد إملوإطن إلبس يط إلعرإق /بغدإد
المقالة ف نثري شلار يانلتلشلر بلظلىلير الصلحل ياللملجلبلت يللمقالة خصابص معريفة فً مظانىا يولً علللى علدة ضلريم منىا المقالة األدبٌة يالسٌاسٌة ياالجتماعٌة يالعلمٌة يغٌروا فلىلً ثقٌلة فً مٌنا الصحافة يذات كعم عال بٌد أ الصحافة ال تقيم على األخبار فقط بقدر ما تقيم على المقاالت المنليعلة اللملتلنليعلة السٌما عند متذيقٌىا م القراء فىً ـلـلـل أي اللملقلاللة ـلـلـلـل حلدى القنيات التً ٌنىل منىا القارئ م معليمات فضبل ع معاللجلتلىلا لقضاٌا عدٌدة فً مجاالت الحٌاة
يقد عالجت بعض الملقلاالت مليضليعلات شلتلى يسلملت بمٌسم السخرٌة يالتىكم يريح النكتة يالقفشة يوً تندرج تحت ماٌطلق علٌه (األدم الساخر) أي ( المقالة الساخلرة) يٌضرم جذير األدم الساخر لى شعر الىجاء الذي شار فً عصير قدٌمة لك على مستيى النثر الذي ٌحمل بٌل طلٌلاتله السلخلرٌلة أيل كاتلم يالتىكم يالنقد البلذر ٌرى قسم م الباحثٌ للنثر الساخر فً األدم العربً وي الجاحظ
The roots of cynical literature are rooted in the poetry of satire, which was common in ancient times but at the level of prose Between it is ridicule and cynicism And fierce criticism According to some researchers, the first writer of satirical prose in Arabic literature is Al-Jahiz Who had written sarcastic prose such as his letter (Quadrature and Rotation) and the Book of ( Misers) . In the modern era, there are those who have excelled in writing this art, such as Mahmoud al-Saadani
and Muhammad Musatajab from Egypt Shafiq al-Hout and Said Freihah from Lebanon. In Iraq, despite the publication of newspapers in particular, politely ironic in decades past Such as (Habazbuz / spectator / humor), but what was published in it is no more than jokes represent the first rain which was interrupted by the interruption of the writers or their death
ذ األخٌر كا قد كلتلم اللنلثلر السلاخلر يقلد حلان قصم السبق فٌه ياخذ م وذا النير م الكتابة القدح المعلى يآٌة ذلك رسالته ( التربٌن يالتلديٌلر) يكلتلابله ( البخبلء) اما فً العصر الحدٌث فقد كتام برعيا فً كتابة ولذا الف م امثال محميد السعدنً يمحمد مسلتلجلام فلً مصر يشفٌق الحيت يسعٌد فرٌحة فً لبنا
أبيام الحرٌة مثقلة بالىميم مكلبلللة بلاللفليضلى فلظلىلرت صلحلٌلفلة ( فنكاري ) الساخرة لرسام الكارٌكاتٌر علً عاتم ..لتلسلد اللفلرا الحاصل يتمؤل شغ القاري لرسيم كارٌكاتٌرٌة يكلتلابلات سلاخلرة ترصد يتسجل حقبة مىمة م تارٌخ العراق .
اما فً العراق فبالرغم م صلدير صلحل خلاصلة بأدم السخرٌة فً العقيد المنصـــلـلـلـلـلـلـلـلـلرملة ملثلل ( حبنبين /المتفرج /الفكاوة ) اال أ ملاكلا ٌلنلشلر فٌىا الٌتعدى كينه قفشات تمثل ايل الغٌث ماللبلث ا انقطن بانقطار اصحابه ع الكتابلة اي رحلٌلللىلم للى الرفٌق األعلى ،يبقً وذا الف اللجلملٌلل ( اللملقلريء جدا ) فً سبات حتى استلٌلقلظ بشلدة علللى صلفلحلات مجلة أل باء فً كتابات (عراقً علاد مل اللٌلابلا ) يوي داييد الفرحا فً مقاالته الشىٌرة (بلللد صلاعلد بلد نانل) يالتً طبعلت فلً كلتلام مسلتلقلل نلفلد مل السيق يمنن بعدوا !!!!!!!!! ..ثلم حلدثلت االنلعلطلافلة الللكللبللرى بللالللياقللن الللعللراقللً كللكللل بللعللد (االحللتللبلل األمرٌكلً) يملاتلبلن مل احلداث ملتلسلارعلة حلاملٌلة
This beautiful art (very readable) remained in a coma until it wake up very strongly in the journal ABC in the writings of ( an Iraqi returned from Japan) , (Dawood al-Farhan) in his famous articles (a rise country & a downhill country), which was printed in an independent book Executed from the market Then prevent afterwards (Exclamation)!! Then occurred a major shift in the reality of Iraq as a whole after (the US occupation). And the events of accelerated and fierce ,the freedom were rife with sadness ,Constrained by chaos Then ( Fancari) appeared (a humor newspaper of Iraqian cartoonist Ali Ateb) . To fill the gap and present to the reader Cartoons and sarcastic writings, monitors and recorded An important era in the history of Iraq. And because the cartoon and the satirical article are contrary to the simple feelings of the citizen, it is more receptive to the readers in our Arab homeland because it offer condolences to the bitter reality funny , they convey the truth as it because it hit the arrows of criticism of the negative situations that abound in the Arab society.
يأل الرسيم الكارٌكاتيرٌة يالمقلال السلاخلر ٌلنلاغلملا مشاعر المياط البسٌط فىما أكثر قباال للقراء فً يطننا العربً ألنىما ٌطرحا مياساة لياقن مرٌر مضحك مبك يلست مجانبا للحقٌقة ا قلت انىما ٌيصبل الحقٌقة كملا وً م دي رتيش يتنيٌق ألنىا ٌضربا سىلام اللنلقلد للحاالت السلبٌة التً ٌنخر بىا المجتمن العربً .
World Cartoon
Interview with
Klaus Pitter
حوإر مع إلفنان الكوس بيرت -إلمنسا اسوي كالوس
ثالرالزالشد سفالذد رالي هالبس
افٌوسب .كالبى سافالذم هالذسسالبد سأهال طفوفز
سثالخ هالٌال .
كبًذ فطرفخ ري افشيف سأحجالجالذ افالشسالن هالٌالز
افصغش .قذهذ أس .كبسيكبررش ف إف
ري سي .71رهالجالذ
رررٌب فذساسخ افهٌذسخ افوعوبسيخد سفكي قشسد رغالرالرالش
افوسبس إف
ري افشسن ثعذ رزشح سجرال ح .كالٌالذ أسسالن
افشسوم افكبسيكبروسيخ طوا .افوقذ في سفجعط افالوالتالود ري أفوبًرب سافٌوسب .سففزشح هي افوقذ كٌذ أقوم ثالعالوال سسوهبد سرصوروبد هتلخ فألطفب.د ثن ر
سافكزت افوذسسرخ س ثعط افكزت افخبصخ ثي .أعرش ري رررٌب س أعو
كشسبم حش حز
اآلى .هعظن أركبسم رأررٌ
عٌذهب أرهت فلزوشرخ هع حرواً
االفرف ( كلت أسود
كجرش) .أًب هز سج سأة الثي سهو رٌبى أيضب .أقروذ افعذيذ هي افوعبسض ألعوبفي ري افٌوسب سسويسشا سأفوبًرب سحصلذ عل
جوائ ري هسبثقبد افكشروى هي هخزلف افجلذاى.
اعزذد أى أقوم ثإعطبء سسشخ عو
فألطفب .خو .ثعط
األسبثرع هي افسٌخً -حبس .هي خوفهب خلق األركبس سافشسن ثحشيخ.
افكزت عي
افزعلرن افجرئ
My Name is Klaus Pitter, I was born in March
school books and my own cartoon books. I am
1947 in Upper Austria. My father was a teacher,
living in Vienna and make a living as a free-lance
my mother housewife. I had a nice childhood in
illustrator and cartoonist up till now. Most of
the countryside and loved to draw since I was a
my ideas I gather when I go for walks with my
child. I made my first cartoons when I was
big black dog. I am married and father of a son
around 15. I went to Vienna to study architec-
who is an artist also. I've had several exhibitions
ture, but decided to change for graphic arts
of my works in Austria, Switzerland and Germa-
shortly after. I was drawing cartoons all the time,
ny and won prizes at cartoon-contests in differ-
for me and for some magazines in Germany and
ent countries. During some weeks of the year I
Austria. .For some time I was designing and il-
use to give a comic workshop for kids – we try
lustrating a children's magazine, later on books
to create ideas and draw freely. For a long time I
on environmental education,
have been teaching the art of taiji quan at adult education centers in Vienna
قمت كذلك بتدرٌس ف الدفار ع النلفلس للفلتلرة طليٌلللة فلً مراكن تعلٌم الكبار فً فٌٌنا.
لٌس وناك الكثٌر م المراجعة ألعمالى -أحٌانلا أشلعلر أنلنلً سلرٌلن جلدا عللنلد نشللر أعلمللاللً ،يأالحللظ نلقللاط الضع فً يقت الحق .م ناحلٌلة أخلرى أعلتلقلد أنلنلا ٌجم أ ال نحايل أ نكي مثالٌٌ فً كل االيقلات - ٌجم أ ٌكي وناك مساحة لغٌر المتيقن اٌضلا ً .أقليم بإعادة صٌاغة بعض م رسيماتى فً يقت الحق أي اتخاذ عناصر منىا لخلق شًء جدٌد – يٌسلاعلدنلى فلى ذلك برنامج الفيتيشيم.
لٌس وناك الكثٌر م المراجعة ألعمالى -أحلٌلانلا أشلعلر أنلنلً سرٌن جدا عند نشر أعمالً ،يأالحظ نقلاط الضلعل فلً يقلت الحق
عندما كنت فً الخامسة عشر م عمرى حصلت علللى كتام (م وي م مشاوٌر رسامً الكارٌكاتٌر) -الذي أثر فى بعلملق .يملنلذ ذللك اللحلٌل حلايللت أ أصلنلن أسليبً الخاص .عندما كنت أصام بالملل فً المدرسلة أي فً المناسبات العابلٌة كنت أقيم بنسج اللقلصلص فلً عقلى لرسمىا فً يقت الحق.
أنا أرسم كل ٌيم أمكننى ذلك ،حيالً م 5لى 6ساعلات فً الٌيم ،أي أكثر -ربما لٌس كل اليقت رسلم ...مل اللملىلم أٌضا تجمٌن معليمات -حيل المسابقات الجدٌدة للعثير علللى يتجمٌن الرسيمات م بعض ملللفلاتلً ي علادة صلٌلاغلة للتلللك المسابقات يوكذا ..
I am drawing every day if possible, normally
I think the idea comes first – the style is some-
around 5 to 6 hours a day , or longer– maybe
thing that emerges from practicing a lot and
not all the time drawing... it's also important to
from trying to find the best way to transport
get informed – about new contests for example,
your ideas.
to find and collect drawings from some of my files and rework them and so on..
Not very often I not in connection with my
There is not much revision– sometimes I feel I
cartoons – that is rather something I do in my
am too quick with sharing my works, as I can see
“free time” now and then.
weak spots later. On the other hand I think we should not try to be perfect all the time – there
I do my sketches with pencil (rather superficial-
should be some space for the unexpected too. I
ly), cover them with transparent paper and
rework some of my drawings later or take ele-
draw on it with pen-writers. I scan my drawings
ments out of them to create something new –
and print them out for coloring. In some cases
Photoshop makes it possible.
– when I want a more careless impression – I do not pencil.
When I was 15 I got a book (Who is who of famous cartoonists) - that influenced me deeply.
To stay healthy to refine my art as long as pos-
From then on I tried to create my own style.
sible. To do exhibitions and present books or
When I was bored at school or at family events I
booklets of my work in a very personal style.
created stories in my mind to draw them later
To stay a member of the international scene of
cartoonists and artists – to feel connected with all of you out there.
أعتقد أ الفكرة تأتً أيال – النمط أي اإلسليم وي الشًء الذي ٌأتى م كثرة الممارسة يم محايلة للعثير على أفضل يسٌلة لنقل أفكارك. فً كثٌر م األحٌا لٌست فً اتصال من الرسيم الكارٌكاتيرٌة يوذا وي شًء تفعله فً "يقت الفرا " فً اليقت الحالً.أرسم بالقلم الرصاص يأغطٌه بيرقة شفافة يأرسم على ذلك بالقلم .أنقل رسيماتى للكمبٌيتر يأقيم بالتليٌ يالطباعة .فً بعض الحاالت -عندما أرٌد انطباعا أكثر وماال – ال أستخدم القلم الرصاص . م أودافى البقاء فً صحة جٌدة لتقدٌم فنى ألطيل فترة ممكنة. يالقٌام بالمعارض يتقدٌم الكتم أي كتٌبات م عملً باسليبى الشخصً جدا .البقاء عضيا فً الساحة الديلٌة من رسامى الكارٌكاتٌر يالفنانٌ – كى اشعر باننى على اتصال من كل ياحد منكم وناك. استفدت م خبلل خبرتى أومٌة تبسٌط الرسيمات م ناحٌة أخرى الرسالة التً ٌجم تقدٌمىا لآلخرٌ .يربما ٌجم أ ننفذ ذلك على منىج حٌاتنا أٌضا. ال تيجد رسالة عامة -أعتقد أ الناس سي
ٌفىمي ما أحايل
أ أقيله بطرٌقتىم الخاصة .الرسالةوى : تممسك بما تفعل ذا كا ٌجعلك تشعر بالراحة ي حايل تقدٌم أفضل ما لدٌك
It's important to reduce (or simplify) – on the one side the construction of the drawings, on the other hand the message that should be transported. As many others I tend to pack too much into what I'm doing. And maybe we should take that to heart for our lives too. There is no general message – I think people
There is no general message – I think people will understand what I'm trying to say in their own way. Maybe the message they get is quite different from the message I thought I was giving.. Well, maybe there is a message: try to stick to what you are doing if it makes you feel good and try to give your best – the energy you put into it will come back - as a lot of joy!
will understand what I'm trying to say in their own way. Maybe the message they get is quite different from the message I thought I was giving.. Well, maybe there is a message: try to stick to what you are doing if it makes you feel good and try to give your best – the energy you put into it will come back - as a lot of joy! It's important to reduce (or simplify) – on the one side the construction of the drawings, on the other hand the message that should be transported. As many others I tend to pack too much into what I'm doing. And maybe we should take that to heart for our lives too.
I like your e-magazine. It's not overloaded like some others are, that makes it pleasant to watch. It's nice to have this mixture of local artists and the worldwide community of cartoonists. The interviews are quite interesting – by understanding what our colleagues think and what makes them cope with this job our eyes are opened for their work and maybe our own situation also. Thanks for the opportunity to answer these questions!
أنا أحم مجلتكم االلكترينٌة .فىى لٌست مثقلة مثل باقى الملجلبلت ،يوذا ٌجعل قرابتىا ممتعة .فم الجمٌل أ ٌكلي ولذا اللملنٌلج م الفنانٌل اللملحلللٌلٌل يمل جلملٌلن أنلحلاء اللعلاللم مل رسلاملى الكارٌكاتٌر على صفحاتىا .المقاببلت بىا مثٌرة لبلوتلملام جلداً - م خبللىا !
نستطٌن فىم ما ٌفكر نمبلبنا به يما ٌجعلنا نتعامل من وذن اليظٌفة الفنٌة ينفتح أعٌننا لعملىم يربما يضعنا أٌضا بالنسبة لآلخرٌ .شكرا على تاحة تلك الفرصة لئلجابة على وذن األسبلة
CariToon 2017 India
Kerala Speaker Sri. P Sreeramakrishnan watching the cartoons after inaugurating "Toons of the World", international cartoon exhibition at DH Art Gallery, Ernakulam
‘Festival of Economics’, held between June 1st and June 4th 2017 in Trento.
The theme for this year is: Unequal health - differences in people’s health conditions and life expectation are sometimes even more significant than differences in income levels. More infos at: Upon the conclusion of the festival the audience, by vote, will select the three winning works. The awards are symbolic, yet they have a lot of relevance in terms of visibility. The deadline is May 24, 2017. The works must be sent to Studio d’Arte Andromeda at the address: Works: Max 1 Mb, 300 dpi, jpg
Step I: Entrants send in copies of their work by elecTerms of competition tronic mail to: Participants: Size of work: the long side approx. 2,000 pixels, Professional cartoonists from around the world. jpg or tiff, 300 dpi, maximum number of works Topic: 5. FREEDOM (individual, political, creative, no oppres- Works will be accepted in the period 30.05 sion, responsibility to freedom, price of freedom, the 30.06.2017. Each entry should be accompanied limits of freedom) by a number. Excluded from the competition are awardThe procedure and deadlines for submission of winning works in other competitions. entries:
Step II: The panel will select works for the exhibition and for the evaluation of the jury within 15.07.2017. The authors of selected works will receive e-mails asking for sending the originals of selected works, with an indication of the work that comes within 07.20.2017. Works must be sent to the following address: Association of Polish Cartoonists, ul. Helenowska 16, 05-807 Podkowa Leśna, Poland, with a note: "FREEDOM" within 08.20.2017 r. - DEADLINE 20/08/2017 Min 210 x 297 mm (DIN A4), max 297 x 420 mm (DIN A3) Entries must include on the back the following information: author's name, postal address, telephone number, email address or job title. The works should be accompanied by a short biographical note and photo. Technical conditions: The works must be original, made in any flat artistic technology. Prints work done in digital technology must be signed with a handwritten note "Print 1". Copies and photocopies will not be accepted. Prizes and jury: Jury appointed by the organisers will award among the original works the following prizes: I - 1500 Euro, II - 1000 Euro, III - 750 Euro and 3 mentions of 200 Euro each.
The jury reserves the right to distribute the awards differently, provided that the full jackpot prizes provided will be used. It is also envisaged prizes funded. Prizes will be awarded in the period to 09.20.2017. Authors of the works awarded will receive a written notice. All works rewarded and commended become the property of the organisers. Exhibition: The opening of the final exhibition and awards ceremony will be held in Warsaw in December 2017. All the winners and participants of the exhibition will be invited to the ceremony. Conditions for participation of the winners will be agreed at a later date. The presentation of the exhibition in other places and times is also being anticipated. Catalogue: The exhibition will be accompanied by an extensive catalogue and each participant of the exhibition will receive one. Final Provisions: The organisers reserve the right to free use of selected works on the theme of "Freedom" for promotional purposes on posters, in the catalogue and other materials related to the competition. Out of competition the authors retain their copyright (copyrights). Return of the original works, at the request and expense of the author, will take place after a series of exhibitions in 2019. Any questions relating to the competition should be addressed by email to: Curator of the competition - Witold Mysyrowicz
3rd INTERNATIONAL CARTOON EXHIBITION SISAK X - MIKS 2017 „ Ancient Astronauts “ As part of the 3rd International Exhibition of Caricatures in Sisak will be held the 1st International Exhibition of Comics 1st International festival of Aphorisms Debate on the theme „Ancient Astronauts – Krešimir Mišak and other Artistic Performances. The Organizer of the 3rd International Cartoon Exhibition Sisak – MIKS 2017 „Ancient Astronauts“ is International Association of Cartoonists "MIKS“. The Project Leader and the President of the Organizing Committee is a mr. Nenad Ostojić. _______________________________ A. PARTICIPATION The Contest of International Cartoon Exhibition „MIKS“ is open to Everyone, Regardless Nationality, Age, Sex, or Profession.
B. CARTOON THEME (TOPIC) The Truth is Around Us! Or maybe not? Do You Believe in Ancient Aliens, Angels or in Gods?? This Contest is dedicated to a Popular Theory about Ancient Aliens! What is the Origin of Human Race? Were we created by Gods or Ancient Aliens? Where did they come from? Why did they leave? Where did they go? What was their goal? Are Humans Aliens on planet Earth? What is the Secret of UFOs? Who built the Pyramids? Do Alien Civilisations exist? What would happen if we Contacted them? The Cartoonists’ task is to create their work based on those Topics. The task for the Portrait Cartoonists is to draw people who have created the theory of Ancient Astronauts (Aliens) or People who claimed there are Ancient Civilisations in the Universe, like Erich von Däniken, Carl Sagan, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Stephen Hawking, Nikola Tesla, Neil deGrasse Tyson, George Noory, David Hatcher Childress... C. ENTRIES 1. Works must be originals and any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork, sent by Internet, if the prints are SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR and if they are indicated as PRINT NUMBER ONE, or a originalto this contest. 2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured. 3. There should be the name, the surname and the address on the reverse side of the cartoons. 4. The Cartoons must not have bee previously awarded on festival. 5. Maximum 5 entries will be submitted (per topic). 6. Size of entries is a A4 or A3 format (300 dpi). 7. Each Cartoonist must fulfill the Application Form and send it with your work (regular mail or e-mail) _____________________________________ D. DEADLINE Entry Deadline is the 01.06. 2017. (June 1, 2017.) _____________________________________ E. ADDRESS 3rd International Cartoon Exibition Sisak - X - MIKS 2017 „Ancient Astronauts“ Gradski muzej u Sisku, Ulica kralja Tomislava 10, 44000 Sisak, HRVATSKA (Croatia)
____________________________________ F. PRIZES AND AWARDS 1. Grand Prix – 800 Euros, 2. Second Prize – 500 Euros, 3. Third Prize – 250 Euros, MIKS 2017 awarded 7 Special Awards: 3 Awards selects Jury of MIKS, one choosing the Visitors, a Special Recognition Awarded to our Partners and promoters Fenamizah, Good Humor Party and Toon Mag. _____________________________________ G. EXHIBITIONS The Exhibitons will be Staged in the Gallery of the City Mussem in Sisak, 29.06.2017. to 30.07.2017. _____________________________________ H. OTHER CONDITIONS Only at Explicit Request will the Remaining (Original) Works be returned to the owners (at their expense). Authors of the Works that qualfy to the Exhibition are Given a presentation hard copy od the Exhibition Cataloque. The Organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the MIKS 2017, as the advertising material, without being obliged to pay a fee to the author whose work may be used. The copyright remains the property of the artist. The Prize-Winning works become the Property of the Organizer. _____________________________________ I. CONTACT Nenad Ostojić Tel: +385/98-339-405 e-mail:
Digital works can be sent to the e-mail address;
sharpen your pencil and contact us