Cairocature April 2017

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Cairocature is an international Egyptian e-humor & Satire magazine. Its purpose is to introduce the art of caricature in Egypt; our members will provide you with their works. We present cartoon, Illustration, portrait, Interviews , News & caricaturists. you will find cartoons from all over the world from the second issue , follow to read online & download

Editor in chief

Art adviser

Samira Saeed

Saad Sedawy

Web site Facebook E-mail




Saad Sedawy cartoon Cartoon and poetry

Yemen ( Ayman Alwessaby Rashad Al Samaeey thiYazan Al Alawy )

( Sedawy & Omar Al Sawy )

8 14 22

38 42

Interview with Samar Salah

Morad Morapet )


Interview with Walex Alexandrov - Bulgaria

( English & Arabic language )

( English & Arabic language ) Cartoon from Egypt

World cartoon

Wessam Khalil

Bernard Bouton - France

Khaled El marsafy

Nicolae Viziteu - Romania

Omar Seddek

Thiago Lucas - Brazil

Samira Saeed


Marwa Ibrahim

Vladislav Dubco - Russia

Dina Abdelgawad

Jiaruijun - China

Ahmed Samir Farid

TVG - India

Heba Oraiba

Kamil Jerzyk - Polans

Portaicature Arab cartoon Iraq ( Maytham Rady - Aly Alawy )



Long Age - Abdallah El –Sawy (English & Arabic language)












Georges Bahgory ( Guava Memories ) Book

By : Abdallah El -Sawy

The angels rejoiced round Rahma “ the The book was began with Bahgoury's mother “a voice whispering in her ears as birth story, and the death of Bahgoury's mother during her childbirth , The if to say: This is your third son is born mother then goes to the hospital as she His shout like the little cock as an andoes every time she gives birth. She nouncement that the Lord blesses him. A wants to reassure the baby and to know new child who keeps a great secret for the about pregnancy health generally. family. The doctors then said that it is contorThus Georges Bahgory begins his book tion in the large intestines, Mom's sudwhich recently released by the House of den movement, because fetus moves Culture for printing and publishing ,under from his place. His association with the name Guava Memories mother's umbilical cord had become The book is published in 280 pages of me- complex , the mother's umbilical cord is dium-sized pieces; Bahgory reviews his complex In the English Mission Hospital life story, in a sarcastic way, like his artis- at Rawdah , the father disappeared for tic work for more than 60 years. three days follows up the Surgery,

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‫من أيام زمان‬ ‫كتب ‪ :‬عبد هللا الصاوى‬

‫هللت المالكة حول "رحمة" األم ‪-‬صووت هوسومو‬ ‫في أذنهسا كأنه هقول‪ 8‬هذا هو ابنك الثوالوي هوولوه لوه‬ ‫صهوحوة بهوبوه الوههوك الصوالوهور كوربوال أ الور‬ ‫هباركه هو موولووه يوههوه هوحوبوكوي بفور كوبوهور فوي‬ ‫العائلة‪ .‬بسذه الكلمات بهأ الكنا يورج الوبوسويوور‬ ‫ع‬ ‫حوههوثوا بو هار الوثوقوافوة لولو وبو‬ ‫كبابه الذ صوهر‬ ‫والنهر بحت بنوا ‪ " 8‬ذكرهات اليوافة رفم بلى‬ ‫رفم"‪.‬‬ ‫هق الكبا في ‪ 062‬صكحة م الوقو و الوموبووفو‬ ‫هفبعرض بسيور قصة حهابوه بوأفولوو فوا ور‬ ‫بلى غرار أبماله الكنهة البي أمبعنا بسا بولوى موهار‬ ‫ما هزهه ب فبه بامعا‪.‬‬ ‫بهأ بسيور الكبا بوقوصوة موهوالهه ووفوات والوهبوه‬ ‫أثناء والهبسا هقول بسيور ب وفات والوهبوه‪.... 8‬‬ ‫األم ذاهبة إلى المفبهكى كما بكعل كل مرت بله فهسا‬ ‫برهه أ بو وموئو بولوى الوموولووه وموعورفوة الوحومول‬ ‫والكهف بهكول بوام قوال األ وبواء بوعوه ذلوك إنوه‬


‫حركة األم المكايئة نقلت الويونوهو مو موكوانوه‬ ‫أصبح ارببا ه بفرت األم معق عها‪ .‬أيرهت بومولوهوة‬ ‫يراحهة في الحال لومم فوي الوموفوبوهوكوى الوبوابو‬ ‫لإلرفالهة اإلنيلهزهة بالروضة وا بكى األ‬ ‫ثالثة أهام هباب العملهة اصوة أنوسوا حوامول مورت‬ ‫أ رى في الهسور األولى‪.‬‬ ‫غابت األم ثالثة أهام ‪ ..‬لم هكسم يورج وحنا بوأ‬ ‫أمسما "رحمة" مابت أثونواء الوعومولوهوة و أ وكوت‬ ‫األفرت ب يورج بر وفوات والوهبوه وقوالووا لوه‬ ‫أنسا مفافرت‪.‬‬


Especially as she is pregnant again in the early months. the mother was gone for three days. George and Hanna did not understand that their mother "Rahma" died during the Surgery, the family hid the bad news of mother's death and told George she was traveling. The eldest Ladies in the family mourn, lament & scar and they shall come and go in this narrow corridor And with the daughters of a cousin, George did not understand anything except that he found himself crying like them without knowing what the news was. On his story with the painting, Bahgoury says: I am George El-Bahgory from the village of Bahgoura in Upper Egypt, the suburb of Nagih Hammadi and Luxor. I was the son of Nasser's revolution in the 1950s. I Contemporary Egypt’s golden age until the sixties and seventies, I shined as a cartoonist in Rose magazine for 20 years



I established a private school in the drawing after Sarokhan , Rakha, AbdelSamaie and Zohdy. My drawings were associated with drawings of Hegazi, Ragay, Gaheen, Bahgat, Mustafa Hussein, Salah Ellithy, Ihab and Shareef. Bahgoury continued: literature did not meet drawing in Egypt particularly only in the near future, it was & still ( to a certain extent ) completely isolated from other arts, especially drawing and music, despite its approaches of cinema and theater, painters in Egypt do not read the literature and writers in Egypt do not know how to read the painting . The crisis begins and continues with our current era, although it has improved a little, and become an issue and the problem is invisible and turn intellectuals in Egypt to Ostriches Hide their heads in the ground or sand and sometimes under water on a beach and a sea. They do not want to admit the problem, but they are demonstrating harmony and harmony.

‫الفههات الكبهرات في العوائولوة هوولوولو وهونوهبو‬ ‫وهرح وهيئ في هذا المومور الضوهوع وموعوسو‬ ‫بنات العمة والعم لم هكسم يورج هه عئا فوى أنوه‬ ‫ويه نكفه هبكي مثلس هو أ هعرف ما ال بر‪.‬‬ ‫وب قصوبوه مو الورفوم هوقوول بوسويوور ‪ 8‬أنوا‬ ‫يورج البسيور م قرهة بسيورت فوي صوعوهوه‬ ‫مصر ضاحهة نيح حومواه واألقصور أنوا ابو‬ ‫ثورت ببهالناصور فوي الو وموفوهونوات بواصورت‬ ‫الووعووصوور الووذهووبووي لوومووصوور حووبووى الفووبووهوونووات‬ ‫والفبعهنات وبألقت كرفام كارهكابهر في ميولوة‬ ‫روز ‪ 02‬فنة‬ ‫كونت مهرفة اصة في الرفم بعه صوارو وا‬ ‫ور ا وببهالفمه وزهه واربوبو وت رفووموي‬ ‫بورفوووم حوويواز وريوائووي ويوواهوهو وبووسويووت‬ ‫ومصو ووكووى حفووهو وصوواله الوولووهووثووي وإهووسووا‬ ‫وهرهف‪.‬‬ ‫وهباب ‪ 8‬بسيور لم هولوبوقوي األه بوالورفوم فوي‬ ‫مصر بالوذات إال فوي زمو قورهو وكوا وال‬ ‫هزال إلوى حوه موا مونوعوزل بوموامعوا بو الوكونوو‬ ‫األ رى و اصة الرفم والموفهقى رغم اقبرابوه‬ ‫م الفهنما والمفره الرفواموو فوي مصور ال‬ ‫هقرأو األه واألهبواء فوي مصور ال هوعورفوو‬ ‫قراءت الرفم أو اللوحة‪.‬‬ ‫واألزمة ببهأ وب ول م بصورنوا الوحوالوي وإ‬ ‫كانت قه بحفنت قلهالع وبصبح قضهوة ومهوكولوة‬ ‫غهر مرئهة وهبحوول الوموثوقوكوو فوي مصور إلوى‬ ‫نعامات بو وكوي رهوفوسوا فوي وهو األرض أو‬ ‫الرمل وأحها عنا بحت الماء بلى ها ئ وبحر‪.‬‬


‫وهم ال هرهوهو أ هوعوبورفووا بوالوموهوكولوة ولوكونوسوم‬ ‫هبياهرو بالبوافع واالنفيام‪.‬‬ ‫والقضهة لسا بمر وهل منذ الكلمة المقهفة الرائعة‬ ‫– اقرأ ‪ .. -‬والبورات م قوبولوسوا – فوي الوبوهء كوا‬ ‫الكلمة – مما يعل للكلمة القهفهة والكسونووت األول‬ ‫في أثناء بألع رفوم بصر النسضة في إهو والوهوا ثوم‬ ‫في فرنفا‪.‬‬ ‫بلى الصعهه اله صي ومعاهربي الثقافهوة ألهبواء‬ ‫يهلي في مصر األهه هو الفل ا والورفوام هوو‬ ‫اليارهة البي برقص بارهة للفل ا فهعبهل مزايوه‬ ‫وهصكع لسا‪.‬‬ ‫وه وف بسيور بالقارئ في مياالت بهت ما بوهو‬ ‫وبو هوزهوموة‬ ‫بهقه للنحت ورحالبه إلى بوارهو‬ ‫‪ 45‬ووفات ببه الناصر هقول بسيور في مذكرابه‪8‬‬ ‫صحوت ذات صباه – وكا وقبسا فوي بوارهو –‬ ‫كالمعبواه أبورج بوعوه فونويوا الوقوسووت بولوى كهوك‬ ‫الصوحووف فووكوويووئووت بصووورت بووبووه الوونواصوور بوومووم‬ ‫الصكحة األولوى مو الوكوهويوارو والوكورانو فووار‬ ‫وأغل الصحف ولم أصهع مثلما كل بربي ولكنوي‬ ‫بحهرت م العنوا بال العرهض م صووربوه "‬ ‫مصر والعر بعه ببهالناصر" وفألت م لسكبوي‬ ‫بائ الصحف ما معنى هذا العنوا فأهار بههه بلوى‬ ‫رقببه وقالسا بنهوت هرهرت بوحوركوبوه فوقو هو أى‬ ‫كلمة وهى معناها أنه انبسى‪ .‬وقرأت صكحة كوامولوة‬ ‫بقلم كاب معروف أ ببه الونواصور موات وحولوموه‬ ‫معه ‪ ..‬ثم أفس في الوحوههوي بونوه بوابوبوهال بوأنوه‬ ‫ريل وحهه ال هملك فوى هعبه ‪ ..‬وأ الوعوالوم كولوه‬ ‫كا ضهه‪.‬‬


The case haslnbnbbbnm a long life since the wonderful holy word ((read))... And the Torah before it - In the beginning was the word -making it the word of holiness and the first priesthood in the course of Shine drawings of (Renaissance) In Italy then in France. On a personal level, and my cultural ties the generation writers in Egypt looks like ( the writer is the sultan and the painter is only a housemaid Which dances naked to the Sultan , so his mood is changing and clapped for her) . Bahjoury tells the reader in various fields for example his passion for sculpture and his trips to Paris, and about the defeat of 67 , the death of Abdel Nasser in his memoirs ,he wrote ( I woke up one morning – I was at Paris – drank my coffee & as usual went to the newspaper kiosk I was surprised by the image of Nasser fills the front page of the Vigaro and France newspapers and I did not believe just like every Arabian



But I was confound from the title in bold with the image of "Egypt and the Arabs after Abdel Nasser� I asked the newsman, what is the meaning of this address? He pointed his hand to his neck and said with an evil ecstasy of his movement, without any words. Which means that it is over. . I read a full page by a well-known writer that Abdel Nasser died and his dreams finished . Then he go on & talk about him moderately as a lonely man who only had his people ... and the whole world was against him.



Interview with Samar Salah I am Samar Salah El deen studied Graphic design, arts and education in Faculty of Specific Education Cairo University, I work as illustrator for children's book. Artist, and sometimes



a cartoonist , I am going to the completion of my master in the field of children's stories. this field that I am very pleased with.

‫اّب صَر طالح اىدي‪ٝ‬دِ ستصدذ اىدزدظد٘‪ٝ‬در ٗ اىد دْدُ٘ ٗ‬ ‫اىزرث‪ٞ‬خ ف‪ ٚ‬مي‪ٞ‬خ اىزرث‪ٞ‬خ اىْ٘ػ‪ٞ‬خ جبٍؼخ اىقبٕرح‬ ‫اػَو تصبٍخ قظض اؽ به ٗ فْبّخ رشدند‪ٞ‬ديد‪ٞ‬دخ ٗ ادد‪ٞ‬دبّدب‬ ‫تصبٍخ مبت‪ٝ‬نبر‪ٞ‬ر ٗ اشدر ػديد‪ ٚ‬اهّدزدٖدبع ٍدِ اػدياس‬ ‫تصبىخ ٍبجضز‪ٞ‬ر ف‪ٍ ٚ‬جبه تصدً٘ قظدض اهؽد دبه ٕد ا‬ ‫اىَجبه اى ‪ ٙ‬صؼيد جيااا فرس ٍِ ٍجيػ‪ٞ‬خ ٗ ٍدِ فدْدبّد‪ٞ‬دِ‬ ‫اػط٘ا ٍِ اتٗادٌٖ ٗ افنبتٌٕ ٗ فيض زٌٖ ف‪ ٚ‬اىدذد‪ٞ‬دبع ىدٔ‬ ‫ٍِ اجو اىط ٘ىخ ‪.‬‬ ‫اىظيظبه خبٍخ ر٘د‪ ٚ‬ثبىجٖجخ ٗ اىدذدر‪ٝ‬دخ ٗاىدَدرّٗدخ‬ ‫اىشي‪ٝ‬يح رؼرفذ ػي‪ٖٞ‬ب ٍِ خاله ستاصز‪ ٚ‬فد‪ ٚ‬اىدنديد‪ٞ‬دخ فد‪ٚ‬‬ ‫ٍبسح اىْذذ ٗ ىنِ اصي٘ة اصزخياٍْب ٗقزٖب مبُ ٍخدزديد دب‬ ‫مث‪ٞ‬را ػِ ٍب اقً٘ ثٔ دبى‪ٞ‬ب ‪ ..‬ىنِ ثَجرس رؼبٍديد‪ٍ ٚ‬دؼدٖدب‬ ‫ادضضذ ثبهترجبؽ اىنج‪ٞ‬ر ٍؼدٖدب ٗ اىدذدت ىديدظديدظدبه‬ ‫مخبٍخ رؼط‪ ٚ‬اىنث‪ٞ‬ر ‪..‬‬ ‫ثؼي اىزخرج ٗ ثيا‪ٝ‬خ اىَجبه اىؼَي‪ ٚ‬اصزٖ٘اّ‪ ٚ‬اىدزدجدر‪ٝ‬دت‬ ‫ٗ رْ ‪ ٞ‬ى٘دبد ثبصي٘ة اىرى‪ٞ‬د اٗ اىديد٘ددبد اىدجدبت ٗ‬ ‫مبّذ اىَدزدؼدخ مدجد‪ٞ‬درح ػدْديٍدب ثديمد اردؼدبٍدو ٍدغ مىد٘اُ‬ ‫اىظيظبه ٗ مأّ‪ ٜ‬متصٌ ث رشخ مخيدؾ اهىد٘اُ ٗ مطدْدغ‬ ‫اىزيت‪ٝ‬جبد اىيّ٘‪ٞ‬خ ٗ مفرس اىظيظبه ػي‪ ٚ‬اىي٘دخ‬ ‫مبّذ صؼبسر‪ ٚ‬رز‪ٝ‬ي ثبمزشبف‪ ٚ‬ىيخدبٍدخ ٗ ٍدي‪ٍ ٙ‬دؼدرفدزد‪ٚ‬‬ ‫ىطج‪ٞ‬ؼزٖب ٗ ٍب ‪ٝ‬زْبصدت ٍدؼدٖدب ٍدِ خدبٍدبد ٗ مسٗاد‬ ‫فْ د ى٘دبد هقذ اهػجبة ٗ اىزشج‪ٞ‬غ ٗ مبّذ ّزد‪ٞ‬دجدخ‬ ‫ذىل اىخط٘ح اىزبى‪ٞ‬خ ٕٗ‪ ٚ‬اىيخ٘ه ىؼبىٌ قظض األؽد دبه‬ ‫ٗ اىَجالد ٗ اىيػب‪ٝ‬خ ٗ اهػالُ ‪.‬‬ ‫صبرنيٌ ػِ ٍظر ٗػِ إٌ فْبّ‪ٖٞ‬ب اىي ‪ٖٝ ِٝ‬زز قيدجد‪ٍ ٚ‬دِ‬ ‫تؤ‪ٝ‬خ اػَبىٌٖ ٌٍْٖ اى ْبُ اىنج‪ٞ‬ر ثٖجذ ػثَبُ ‪ٍ -‬ذ‪ٜٞ‬‬ ‫اىي‪ ِٝ‬اىيجبس ‪ -‬شبمر اىَؼياٗ‪ - ٙ‬ا‪ٖٝ‬بة شبمر ٗ اصزبذ‪ٗ ٙ‬‬ ‫قيٗر‪ ٚ‬ف‪ ٚ‬اى ِ ٗ اىذ‪ٞ‬بح ٕبّ‪ ٚ‬اىَظر‪ ٙ‬تدَٔ هللا ‪.‬‬ ‫دظ‪ٞ‬ذ ثبىنث‪ٞ‬ر ٍِ اهشبسح ٗ اىزقي‪ٝ‬ر ٍِ اصبر ح مدجدبت فد‪ ٚ‬اىد دِ ٗ‬ ‫اػبفذ ى‪ٍ ٚ‬يذ٘ظبرٌٖ ٗ رؼي‪ٞ‬قبرٌٖ اىنث‪ٞ‬ر ى‪ ٚ‬تثَب اجي ّد دضد‪ ٚ‬قدي‬ ‫ّض‪ٞ‬ذ ٍب ق‪ٞ‬و ى‪ٍ ٍِ ٚ‬يذ٘ظبد‬


‫فوا باالبيا او بالبعلهع بلى بعض النواقص لك ايهنى موحوبوكويوة‬ ‫بسم يمهعا فى بقلى الها لى و البزم بما اراه منافو لوكوكورى وايوهه‬ ‫صحهحا بواصلت م بعض الكنانه الرائعه و لمفت فهسم الحورص‬ ‫بلى افاهبى و االهبمام بما اقهمة فقابلت العيهم محمه حاكم الذى رفم‬ ‫لال كال و هو ه صهة غنهة بكنة و ب ائه االنفانى‬


It was a great pleasure when I started to deal with the colored clay as draw by colors and made color arrangements and separated the clay on the painting My painting was followed by a number of materials and tools. The paintings were admired and encouraged, the result was the next step which was the world of children's stories, magazines, advertising . I will talk about Egypt and the most important artists who my heart shakes to see Clay material gives rise to joy, freedom and their works, including the great artist extreme flexibility. I learned through my Bahgat osman – Mohi eddin Labbad - Shakstudies in the faculty in sculpture section, er El Madawi - Ihab Shaker and Professor but the method of our use at that time was in art and life Hany Al Masry God's mercy. very different from what I do now. But once dealing with it, I felt the great link with and love it as much as this material gives a lot to me. After my graduation and the beginning of my practical field, I started experimenting with the implementation of paintings in the style of relief technique or prominent paintings.



I received a lot of praise and appreciation from the senior professors in the art Their comments added a lot to me, perhaps I find myself forgot what I was told of their comments

‫ٗ قبثيذ اىرادو اىنج‪ٞ‬در ػدبسه اىدجدطدراٗ‪ ٙ‬اىد ‪ٗ ٙ‬جديد‬ ‫ػْيٓ مرً ٗ ف‪ٞ‬غ ٍِ اهخالص ى ْخ ٗ ػدطدبع مدجد‪ٞ‬در ٗ‬ ‫رجبّ‪ ٚ‬اصزبذ‪ٕ ٙ‬بّ‪ ٚ‬اىَظر‪ ٗ ٙ‬اطجخ ردرثدطدْدب طدياقدخ‬ ‫ٍز‪ْٞ‬خ ٗ دت ٗ رقي‪ٝ‬ر مج‪ٞ‬ر فنبّذ جيضدبردْدب فد‪ٍ ٚ‬درصدَدخ‬ ‫ٗصؾ مزجخ ٗ ى٘دبرخ ٗ دنب‪ٝ‬برخ اىَ​َزؼخ ٍِ اجَو ٗ اصؼي‬ ‫ىذظبد د‪ٞ‬بر‪ ٚ‬فبجيّ‪ ٗ ٚ‬ثؼي تد‪ٞ‬ديدٔ ٕد٘ اهصدزدبذ اىد ‪ٙ‬‬ ‫رَْ‪ٞ‬ذ اُ اقبثيخ ؽ٘ه د‪ٞ‬بر‪ ٚ‬هرؼيٌ ٍْٔ ٗ استك ٍِ اّب ٗ‬ ‫ٍبذا ‪ٝ‬جت اُ افؼو ‪ْٕ.‬بك اىؼي‪ٝ‬ي ٍِ اهصبر ح اى ‪ ٙ‬رَْ‪ٞ‬دذ‬ ‫اُ اقبثيجٌٖ ٗ اردؼديدٌ ٍدْدٖدٌ ٗ اخدرُٗ ىدٌ اددظد‪ ٜ‬ثدٖد ٓ‬ ‫اى رطخ ىرد‪ٞ‬يٌٖ ػِ ػبىَْب ‪..‬‬ ‫ صبثيا ثبى دندرح ‪ ..‬اهفدندبت ردبرد‪ٍ ٜ‬دِ ا‪ ٙ‬شدو اتآ اٗ‬‫اصَؼخ ٗ ‪ٝ‬يَش قيج‪ ٜ‬ص٘اع اى ندرح ثضد‪ٞ‬دطدخ اٗ ٍدؼدقديح ٗ‬ ‫ٍي‪ٞ‬ئخ ثبىز بط‪ٞ‬و ثبهػبفخ ىالفندبت اىدزد‪ ٚ‬ردبرد‪ٞ‬دْد‪ٍ ٚ‬دِ‬ ‫اىْظ٘ص اهسث‪ٞ‬خ اىز‪ ٚ‬اتصَٖب ص٘ا ىالؽ به اٗ ىديدشدجدبة‬ ‫فبفنر ف‪ٖٞ‬ب مى‪ ٚ‬اُ اىزقؾ اٗه اىخ‪٘ٞ‬ؽ ٗ اثيا ف‪ ٚ‬اىجدذدو ٗ‬ ‫تصٌ اهصنزشبد ٗ اىزظ٘‪ٝ‬ر دز‪ ٚ‬رنزَو رظ٘تار‪ ٚ‬ػدِ‬ ‫اىؼَو ثبج٘ائخ ٗ شخ٘طخ ٗ ؽج‪ٞ‬ؼخ اهى٘اُ ٗ قدزدٖدب اثديا‬ ‫ف‪ ٚ‬اىؼَو ٗ اىْ ‪ ٞ‬ثبىظيظدبه اٗ ثدب‪ ٙ‬خدبٍدخ ردؼدطد‪ٞ‬دْد‪ٚ‬‬ ‫اهدضبس اى ‪ ٙ‬ات‪ٝ‬ي رذدقد‪ٞ‬دقدخ فد‪ ٚ‬اىدؼدَدو ‪ ..‬فدبدضدبصد‪ٚ‬‬ ‫ثبى نرح ٗ اىَ٘ػ٘ع ٕ٘ ٍب ‪ٝ‬ق٘سّ‪. ٚ‬‬ ‫مٍب ػِ ػيس اىضبػبد ٕ‪ ٚ‬ى‪ٞ‬ضذ ثبثزخ ثدبىدطدجدغ ٗ ىدندْد‪ٚ‬‬ ‫اػَو ى‪ٞ‬ال ‪ ..‬امزش ذ اّ‪ ٚ‬امُ٘ طبف‪ٞ‬خ اى ِٕ ٗ اىدَدزاج‬ ‫ف‪ ٕ ٚ‬ا اى٘قذ ‪.‬‬ ‫ اػب ى‪ ٜ‬ػَي‪ ٚ‬ثبىظيظبه اىزَ‪ٞ‬ز ػِ ثبق‪ ٚ‬اىدزٍدالع‬‫ف‪ٍ ٚ‬جبه قظض اهؽ به اٗ اىنبت‪ٝ‬نبرد‪ٞ‬در ٗ اّدب صدؼد‪ٞ‬ديح‬ ‫ث ىل جيااا ‪ ..‬ر٘دي‪ٍ ٙ‬غ خبٍدخ اىظديدظدبه ٗ ادضدبصد‪ٚ‬‬ ‫اىق٘‪ ٙ‬ثٖب اػطبّ‪ ٚ‬اىثقخ ف‪ ّ ٚ‬ض‪ ٗ ٜ‬ف‪ٍ ٚ‬ب اقً٘ ثٔ ‪ٕ ..‬د ا‬ ‫اهترجبؽ اىق٘‪ٍ ٙ‬غ اىخبٍخ اخ اىؼي‪ٝ‬ي ٍِ اىضْ٘اد ٗ ٍدِ‬ ‫اىزجر‪ٝ‬ت اىَضزَر ٗ اىظجر هدقق ٍب ارَْ‪ ٚ‬ثٔ ‪ ..‬اّدب ه‬ ‫اسػ‪ ٚ‬اّ‪ٗ ٚ‬طيذ ىنو اىطَ٘ح ف‪ ٚ‬فْ‪ ٚ‬ػي‪ ٚ‬اىؼدندش اّدب‬ ‫ٍب ىذ اجرة ٗ اػَو ٗ اديٌ ثدبمدزدشدب اىدجدي‪ٝ‬دي اىد ‪ٙ‬‬ ‫‪ٝ‬خرج ٍب ثياخي‪ ٍِ ٚ‬قيتاد فْ‪ٞ‬خ ٗ اُ اقبثو ٍِ ‪ٝ‬دإٍدْد٘ا‬ ‫ث‪. ٜ‬‬



and I met Master Hany El Masry and We had a strong friendship, love and great appreciation. Our sessions were at his atelier and next to his paintings and his beautiful stories; it was the happiest moments of my life, he was the professor who I wished to meet my whole life , not learning from him and realizing who I am and what I should do. there were many professors whom I wished to meet and learn from and i did not have the oppor( admiration or comment on some shortcomings ) but I kept them all in my inner mind and adheres to what I think suitable for my mind And I find it true, I have continued with some wonderful artists

tunity to meet others. Ideas comes from anything I see or hear and touch my heart, whether the idea is simple or complex and full of details, in addition to the ideas that comes from

and touched on my knowledge and attention

the texts written for children or youth

to what to introduce ,I met great Mohaamad

that until catch the beginning point then

Hakem , who drew for children , he has a

search and draw sketches to complete

rich personality and humanistic Also I met

my perceptions of the work , its charac-

Master Adel Batrawy , I found his generosity

ter and the nature of colors

and flood of loyalty to art



‫دق‪ٞ‬قزب ىٌ ادظد‪ ٚ‬ددزد‪ ٚ‬اهُ ٍدِ ردندر‪ٝ‬دَدبد فد‪ٍ ٚ‬ظدر ػديد‪ٚ‬‬ ‫اىَضز٘‪ ٙ‬اىرصَ‪ ٚ‬ىنِ ػي‪ٍ ٚ‬ضز٘‪ ٙ‬اى ْبّ‪ ٗ ِٞ‬اىَٖدزدَد‪ٞ‬دِ اجدي‬ ‫اىزقي‪ٝ‬ر ٗ اهشبسح ٗف‪ ٚ‬جَٖ٘ت‪ ٍِ ٙ‬اهؽ به ٗ اٗى‪ٞ‬بع اٍد٘تٕدٌ‬ ‫اى ‪ٝ ِٝ‬قيتٗا اػَبى‪ٝ ٗ ٚ‬شدؼدرُٗ ثدقد٘ح ردبثد‪ٞ‬در ٍدب اقديً ػديد‪ٚ‬‬ ‫اؽ بىٌٖ ٗ ‪ٝ‬يَض٘ا مٌ إدزدٌ ٗ اقديت ٕدإهع اهؽد دبه ٗ مدٌ اّدب‬ ‫در‪ٝ‬ظخ ػِ رقي‪ ٌٝ‬فِ ‪ٝ‬رق‪ ٚ‬ىٌٖ ٗ ىدزدْدَد‪ٞ‬دخ ذٗقدٖدٌ اىد دْد‪ٗ ٚ‬‬ ‫اهّضبّ‪ .. ٚ‬رٌ رنر‪ ٍِ َٚٝ‬ص بتح اىَْضب ػِ ٍؼرػ‪ ٚ‬اهٗه "‬ ‫ٍِ ػبىٌ اىذنب‪ٝ‬بد " ‪ 1105‬اىد ‪ ٙ‬قديٍدذ فد‪ٞ‬دٔ ّدزدبج اػدَدبىد‪ٚ‬‬ ‫مرصبٍخ قظض اؽ به ‪ ٗ .‬رٌ رنر‪ٍ ٍِ َٚٝ‬إصضخ مي‪ٞ‬يخ ٗ سٍْخ‬ ‫مّ٘‪ٗ ٚ‬اديح ٍِ اػؼبع ىجْخ رذن‪ٍ ٌٞ‬ضبثقخ اىَظر‪ ٛ‬اىظغ‪ٞ‬در‬ ‫ىيقراعح ٗ اهثياع ‪. 1103‬‬ ‫ثبىزأم‪ٞ‬ي اصزط‪ٞ‬غ اُ اػرع اىؼي‪ٝ‬ي ٗ اىؼي‪ٝ‬ي ٍِ اػَبه اهؽد دبه‬ ‫اىَٕ٘٘ث‪ ِٞ‬اى ‪ ِٝ‬اصؼي ثٌٖ مث‪ٞ‬را مجي ٍِ خاله اػَبىٌٖ رظدٖدر‬ ‫تٗح ػ ثخ ٗ صرػخ ثي‪ٖٝ‬خ ٗ جرئخ ٗ قد٘ح ردؼدجد‪ٞ‬در مدَدب ‪ٝ‬دَدندِ‬ ‫تؤ‪ٝ‬زٖب ػي‪ ٚ‬ط ذز‪ ٚ‬ػي‪ٍ٘ ٚ‬قغ اى ‪ٞ‬ضج٘ك ‪ ..‬اّب ادت اهؽ دبه‬ ‫ٗ ادت اُ اق‪ٗ ٌٞ‬تط فْ‪ٞ‬خ ىٌٖ ٗ ػْدي‪ ٙ‬ػديس ٍدِ اهؽد دبه قدي‬ ‫رجْ‪ٞ‬ذ ٍٕ٘جزٌٖ ٗ افرؽ ٗقز‪ ٚ‬ىٌٖ ٍِ اجَو اىزؼي‪ٞ‬قبد مبُ ٍِ‬ ‫ادي اهثبع ػْيٍب اخجرّ‪ ٚ‬اُ اى٘تط اى ْ‪ٞ‬خ اىز‪ ٚ‬دؼرٕب اٗهسٓ‬ ‫ٍؼ‪ ٚ‬قي مثرد ػي‪ ٚ‬صي٘مٌٖ جؼيزٌٖ امثر ٕيٗعا ٗ امثر ررم‪ٞ‬دز‬ ‫ف‪َٞ‬ب ‪ٝ‬قٍُ٘٘ ثٔ دز‪ ٚ‬ف‪ ٜ‬اىج‪ٞ‬ذ ٗ قيذ ػٌْٖ ّزػزٌٖ ىيؼْد ٗ‬ ‫اىؼظج‪ٞ‬خ ‪.‬‬

‫نصهحبى ا هبحي كل موهو ب رهع م بلف ب الفوائوه‬ ‫و العام لهبمهز به فواء بقنهة او امة او افلوو فونوى او اهاء‬ ‫وقبسا ههعر ا ما هكعلة انه هقهم يههه وانه اضافة فوى مويوالوه‬ ‫ال ابنى بسذا ا ال رهع لسذا بالفسل ‪ ..‬ابهااا هو هوئ صوعو‬ ‫يهااا و هحباج للمثابرت و العمل و اال الص و البحضهر اليهه‬ ‫لكل ما هقهمة قه هير و هبحي كثهرا ب ال رهع االنف‬ ‫له الى ا هيهه فههعر بالرضا و البوحه م فنه و انوه قو وعوة‬ ‫م روحة و مهابرت ‪.‬‬ ‫العالم فى حاله غلها و صرابات و حرو قافهة و الكراههوة‬ ‫اصبح البهر و البلها و االينا مفبباحة فى الحقوع و فى‬ ‫كل ما بملكة بلى االرض و حبى االحالم ‪ ..‬و هبقى الهوعوور‬ ‫بقله الحهلة و الضعف م اقفى المهابر بلى االنفا النوسوا‬ ‫بكقه االنفا انفانهة ‪.‬‬ ‫اهبوا هللا كثهرا ا هنبسى كول هوذا و ا هوعووه كول مهوره و‬ ‫مسير لبالهه و ههعر باالما وف اهله و هبربي اال كال فوى‬ ‫بالههم هبعلموا و هنبموا و ههافعوا بنسا ‪.‬‬

‫ادججذ ٍجبه اىنبت‪ٝ‬نبر‪ٞ‬ر مث‪ٞ‬را ٗ ادججذ ٕ ٓ اىرٗح اىَرددخ ٗ‬ ‫اىجضبؽخ ف‪ ٚ‬اىزْبٗه دز‪ ٚ‬ى٘ ْٕبك ػَق ىديد دندرح اتآ ٍدجدبه‬ ‫‪ٝ‬شجخ اى‪ ٚ‬دي مج‪ٞ‬ر ٍجبه تصً٘ قظض اهؽ به فجبى ؼو اىضد٘اس‬ ‫اهػظٌ ٍِ فْبّ‪ ٚ‬اىنبت‪ٝ‬نبر‪ٞ‬ر تصدَد٘ا ىدالؽد دبه ‪ ..‬اردَدْد‪ ٚ‬اُ‬ ‫امرت اىزجرثخ ثبىزبم‪ٞ‬ي فٖ‪ ٚ‬اػبفخ مدجد‪ٞ‬درح ىد‪ٍ ٗ ٚ‬دجدبه دْد‪ٚ‬‬ ‫ثبىَْبفضخ ٗ اىزط٘ت ‪ .‬شبتمذ ف‪ ٚ‬سٗتر‪ٍ ٚ‬يزق‪ ٚ‬اىدندبت‪ٝ‬دندبرد‪ٞ‬در‬ ‫اىيٗى‪ ٚ‬ثبىقبٕرح اهٗى‪ ٗ ٚ‬اىدثدبّد‪ٞ‬دخ ثدبػدَدبىد‪ ٚ‬اىدَدْد د ح ثدخدبٍدخ‬ ‫اىظدديددظددبه اىددزدد‪ٗ ٚ‬جدديد رددرددد‪ٞ‬ددت ٗ اػددجددبة ٍددِ فددْددبّدد‪ٜ‬‬ ‫اىنبت‪ٝ‬نبر‪ٞ‬ر ‪.‬‬



Then I begin in my work and execution with

and their parents who appreciate my work

clay or any material give me the sense that I

and feel strongly influence what I do to

want . My sense of the idea and the subject

their children and feel how much I care

is what leads me. As for the hours is not

and appreciate these children and I have

constant, but I work at night. I discovered

been honored by the Embassy of Austria

that I have a clear mind and mood at this

for my first exhibition "From the World of


Tale" in 2016, I presented the product of

It gives me the excellence for the rest of colleagues in the field of children's stories or caricatures and I am so happy. My challenges with the clay and the strong sense of dialing with clay gives me confidence in myself and in what I do. This strong connection with raw material (clay) took many years and I am not claiming that I have reached all ambition in a technical way. On the contrary, I am still trying, working and dreaming to discover the new that comes out of my technical capabilities to meet those who believe in me. but at the level of artists and interested I find appreciation and praise and from my children’s audi-



my work as a children's story. And was honored by the Foundation Kalila and Demnah as I am one of the jury members of the contest (the young Egyptian for reading and creativity) 2014 . I love children and I like to hold workshops for them One of the most beautiful comments was from one of the parents when he told me that the artistic workshops attended by his children had affected their behavior, making them calmer and more focused on what they do even at home, .

and their rejection of violence And nervousness disappear I liked the cartoon field too much and I like this spirit of humor and simplicity in the handling even if there is depth idea, I see cartoon field very similar to children's story drawings In fact most of cartoonists drew for children. I hope to repeat it again it was certainly a great addition to me the field rich in competition and development. My advice to youth is that every talented person must looking for a different way , whether technical or material or artistic style or performance, then he feels that what he is doing is new and that he is adding to his field.

The world is in a state of boiling, conflicts, cruel hatred war and Human beings, countries and races are left in the rights and in everything that is owned on the ground and even dreams. remains the sense of weakness the worst human feelings because it loses human humanity . I pray to Allah so much that all this is over and that every displaced person returns to his country , feels safe in the midst of his family and raises the children in their country to learn and belong and defend them.

I do not mean that the road is easy. It needs to perseverance and work, sincerity and good preparation for everything we present He /she may try and search a lot until he/ she finds satisfaction with his/her art and it is a piece of spirit and







































Thursday, April 6th Arab Documentar y Cinema As if We Were Catching a Cobra H a l a A l a b d a l l a UAE/Syria/France, 2012 Arabic, with English subtitles By questioning Egyptian and Syrian cartoonists about their experiences before and after major historic movements against despotism, As if We Were Catching a Cobra attempts to gauge the newfound freedom of expression found, and openly wondering how it can be guaranteed in the future. The Syrian writer and journalist Samar Yazbek provides us with her insight and impressions from Damascus in the months preceding the Syrian revolution up until her exile in France five months later.
























" ‫"فنا يرافهبي‬ "Artist Grafitti" Yemen ‫ذ هز العلو‬



World Cartoon



Interview with

Walex Alexandrov Bulgaria

Life is the greatest and free magazine for cartoons



‫حوار مع الفنان البلغارى‬ ‫والكس ألكسندروف‬ ‫بنهما أرفم فر الوقت هبوقف‪ .‬أنا ال اربهى فابة هه لفنووات‬ ‫بهههت‪ .‬أرفم الرفوم الصحكهة منوذ بوام ‪ .5751‬الوكوبورات‪.‬‬ ‫أحهانا قه ال أرفم ألهام وأفابه وهوسوور‪ .‬فوحوهوابوى أهضوا لوسوا‬ ‫نصه‬

‫م وقبى ‪ .‬مثل كل هو وص لوه‬

‫الوبوزاموات أ ورى ‪.‬‬

‫كعائلبى صالهرت وبعه ذلك ابيست ألبمال م بلكة كثهرا ب‬ ‫الكارهكوابوهور والورفووم الوموبوحوركوة ‪ .‬اآل – أقووم بوبونويوهوم‬ ‫المعارض للزمالء م ال ارج والمعارض العامة والو وهورهوة‪.‬‬

‫ثم والت ههزنوي‪ .‬ثوم إبواهت رفوم وصوور لولوهوعوراء والوكوبوا‬

‫بعة هووموهوة أوابويوسوت‬

‫والعلماء بولوى يوهرا الوكوصوول الوهرافوهوة ‪ .‬بو وريوت مو‬

‫بملت بهكل هومى بنهما كا هناك‬

‫للعمل فى أفرت فهلم للرفوم المبحوركوة‪ .‬بونوهموا أضو لونوكوفوي‬ ‫مسمة قه أفبمر بالعمل حوالى م‬

‫‪ 52-50‬فابة‪.‬‬

‫في معيم األحها أرفم بالقلم الرصاص بلى الورع لبوحوقوهوع‬ ‫مكسوم الك البقلههى ‪ .‬ثم له‬ ‫‪. 0‬أ رفم فكب‬

‫هاره ‪ .5 8‬أرفم وألوو هوهوهوا‬

‫ثم أنقله لمعاليبه بلى يساز الكمبهوبرللبلوهو ‪.‬‬

‫المهرفة الثانوهة في كلهة االلكبرونوهوات بو وصوص ا اإلذابوة‬ ‫والبلكزهو ) ‪ .‬بعهها يائت مورحولوة الوبويونوهوه وكوانوت الو وهموة‬ ‫العفكرهة افونوبوهو ) إيوبوارى ‪ .‬ثوم بوهونوت مهوالول بوالوراههوو‬ ‫واإلذابة‪.‬‬ ‫ثم بهئت نهر الرفوم الكربونهة في صحهكة بفكرهة لولويوهو‬

‫موضوع الرفم هو الحافم ال بهار األفلو ‪ .‬هناك ال هار ‪- 1‬‬

‫الثالي‪ .‬كما واصلت أثناء كونى ال في اليواموعوة االهوبوراك‬

‫بلى يساز الكمبهوبر ثم أ ب الرفموة وأقووم‬

‫بميموبة م المعارض و أفوالم الورفووم الوموبوحوركوة وكونوت‬

‫ببلوهنسا ههوى ‪.‬ارفم منذ الصالر‪ .‬اح ا ارفم‪ .‬بنوهموا كونوت‬

‫المحرر الكني لصوحوهوكوة الو ولوبوة‪ .‬قوهموت رفووموات لونواهى‬

‫الوموهرفوهوة وأيوسوزت الوكوموبوهووبور‬

‫ناه الككاهة والف رهة فوي بوهواال‪.‬‬

‫أرفم االفكب‬

‫البا رفوموت بولوى الوكوبو‬

‫المحمولة‪ .‬ثم ‪ 5750 - 5747‬كا في ميلة رواج بوهوف مو‬ ‫فنانه‬

‫فورنفوهوهو و إهو والوهوهو الوذهو رفومووا الهو وصوهوات‬



‫ال لبة ‪ .‬اآل أنا مسنه‬

‫رفام الكارهكابهر ناه في رو ‪ .‬قهمت الرفوم لناه الفهنوموا‬ ‫في هار النقابات العمالهة للثقافة‪ .‬كا له أكثر مو ‪ 53‬فوهولوموا‬ ‫وأكثر م ‪ 02‬يائزت و نهة وهولهة‪.‬‬


When I paint time stops. I do not wear a

Paint from small. I like to draw. When I was

watch for many years. Drawing cartoons in

a student painted on textbooks and note-

newspapers from 1973. Periods. Sometimes

books. Then 1969 - 1972 was in vogue PIF,

not paint days, weeks and months. Life also

the magazine with French and Italian artists

wants his own. Like every person I have oth-

who painted cartoon characters. Then Walt

er commitments. As a young family, and lat-

Disney. Redrawn and portraits of great po-

er to work much different from the cartoon

ets, writers and scholars of the walls in the

and animation. Now - with the organization

classroom. I graduated from high school in

of exhibitions of colleagues from abroad,

College Electronics , majoring in Radio and

general and charity exhibitions. I worked


every day when I was in daily edition or

After soldier. Military service (two years)

work on an animated film. When I set my-

was required. I was radio and radio opera-

self a task, working 12-14 hours.


Most often drawing with pencil on paper, to achieve the concept and art direction, which is sufficient editing. Then I have two options: 1. Work with paint - hand painted original or 2.scan sketch and then processed on a computer, then print. The theme is decisive for the choice of method. Three Option 3 - contour paint or sketch on a computer, then I printed and painted by hand paints.



‫في اآلونة األ هرت بم ا بهارى فكهرا للصله األحمور فوكوهور‬

‫الرفوم الكارهكابورهة ممثلة الحهات‪ 8‬نافذت ال هور وباء‬ ‫زهرت ‪ ...‬النافذت‪ .‬الفح ‪ .‬ورقة ال رهف البي بحملسوا‬ ‫الرهاه ‪ ...‬النافذت‪ .‬ال هور ال بزال ب كو بلى النافذت ‪...‬‬ ‫وأنا م القرهوة‪ .‬أبورف كول هويء‪ .‬كول مو الوزرابوة‬ ‫والثروت الحهوانهة ألنونوي بومولوت مو ‪ .‬يوموهو قووار‬ ‫الصهه نهأت بلى النسر النسر الكبهر وواله بلمني‪.‬‬ ‫كنت أبرف كهكهة ال ها ة والب رهز م والهبى ‪ .‬قهور‬ ‫البصل والبو وا و ‪ .‬ا وبوهوار الوقو و والوذرت‪ .‬زرع‬ ‫الكروم وزرابة الوعونو والوبو وهوي و ورهوقوة بومول‬ ‫الكومبوت‪ .‬رهقة يم النبابات إلوى ها ول الويورار‪.‬‬ ‫الم لل و الملكوف‪ .‬النبهذ البرانه ‪.‬‬ ‫لعبت األكورههو ‪.‬‬ ‫واهضا أبرف كول هويء بو الوموههونوة‪ .‬بوهربوت بولوى‬ ‫الفباحة وكرت القهم وكرت الفلة واليوهو أبذكر رائوحوة‬ ‫كوموا لوعوبوت بوالوالوهوبوار‪ .‬وقوموت‬ ‫غرفة ل المالب‬ ‫برصاله األيسزت والبلوكوزهوونوات‪ .‬بورفوت الوكوثوهور بو‬ ‫االلكبرونهات والمويات المالنا هفهة ‪.2G 1G G0‬‬

‫ال لع‪ ..‬رفمت الصور لمصهقاء‪ .‬ولك الرفم الكارهوكوابوورهوة‬

‫أبرف كل هويء بو موحو وات الوراههوو‪ .‬بومولوت فوي‬ ‫الصحف وكببت مقاالت لمركز الفهنما م الكارهوكوابوهور‬ ‫وبملت في البناء أبهت هقة ابني‪ .‬و بملوت كوموههور‬ ‫مض ات الههزل مهكانهكي الفوهوارات األقوكوال لوحوام‬ ‫الووالوواز والوولووحووام الووكووسووربووائووي لوولووفووهووارات والووحووافووالت‬ ‫والهاحنات الكبهرت‪ .‬حبى كا لي ‪ 1‬هواحونوات كوبوهورت‬ ‫للنقل الهولي‪.‬‬ ‫زنة ‪00‬‬

‫ليمعهة الككاهة اليههت ببلالارها ونائ‬ ‫وبضو ميل‬

‫إهارت قفم‬

‫فوهوكوو بولوالوارهوا‬



‫الككرت بمثابة ال سي اليهه وال بع اللذهذ المببول الوذى هوموكونوك‬ ‫البمب به كل هوم‪ .‬انسا مبعة حقا ‪ .‬إنه هب ل الورغوبوة فوقو‬ ‫قلهل م الموهبة والروبه‬

‫وأ نحو‬


‫الوذهو هوقووموو‬

‫بذلك ‪.‬‬ ‫النم هو بهكهل ميسرى مثل بيمهل الو وعوام لوهوكوو هوكولوه‬ ‫يمهل ومبسج بل هو فرحة العه ‪ .‬أو بهه مهاله أو زفاف‬ ‫أفب ه أ أب ي أمثلة أ رى مثل الكرع به اليمال الوها ولوي‬ ‫وال اريي للمرأت أو الريل‪ .‬الهويء الوموسوم هوو أنوه إذا كونوت‬ ‫برغ‬

‫في بحقهع الكمال فالككرت واألفلو‬

‫بلى حه فواء مو‬

‫األهمهة ‪.‬‬ ‫قه ال هكو له الوقت لرفم الومونوايور الو وبوهوعوهوة فوي الوسوواء‬ ‫الحى للزمالء هكو بنهما نكو‬

‫ضهوف مسريا او معرض‬

‫أو بنهما هفبضهف أحه المعارض الكارهكابوهورهوة فوي بولوالوارهوا‬ ‫وال ارج‪ .‬أحهانا لكف المال م‬

‫الل بوصهة أصهقائى لورفوم‬

‫أصهقائسم لقه رفمت زبماء كبار وزراء فنانه‬

‫مو وربوهو‬

‫ورفامى كارهكابهر‪.‬‬ ‫الرفوم المبحركة بأبي م الحهات‪ .‬الحهات هي أكبرميلة للرفوم‬ ‫الكارهكابهرت ‪ .‬كا لي زمهل قههم هعمل في صحهكة "فبوهورهول"‬ ‫ االهبور)‪ .‬كا هعمل فى هار نهر في غرفة ضهقة وميولوموة‬‫ومفب هلة مثل البا أوكالنافذت ال وهلة‬


‫كنت أقوه الهراية النارهة‪.‬‬ ‫واح البزحلع قمت بالبصوهر بالعههوه مو كواموهورات‬ ‫الفهنما م ‪ 6‬و ‪ 54‬ملم واآل بالكواموهورات الورقوموهوة‬ ‫كورهل هرو فال إكفل الي‪.‬‬ ‫بعلمت الكوبوهو‬


Simultaneously they were elected by tens

The style is shaping the appearance of the

willing and artist of the brigade. Start print-

food to be festive, it is a joy to the eye. This is

ing cartoons in the military newspaper of the

done in a restaurant (read exhibition), birth-

Third Army. As a student at the Technical

day or wedding (read national or interna-

University continued with exhibitions and

tional exhibition contest for art).

animated films, I was technical editor of the

I can give other examples as an example the

student newspaper, but studying and tech-

difference between inner and outer beauty of

nical subjects. I did cartoons for student

a woman or a man. The important thing is

photo club. Now an engineer arranged the

that if you want to achieve perfection possi-

Club of humor and satire in Byala. Created

ble for yourself, you are needed both.

Club cartoonist in Ruse. I did cartoons for

Or at least as many of them. All joy is gone.

Cinema Club at the Trade Union House of

In this life I might not have time to paint

Culture. I had over 15 films over 20 national

landscapes outdoors. I probably will not have

and international awards.

time and still lives.

Recently honored me as Ambassador of the Red Cross, Goodwill Ambassador of the Good humor party - Bulgaria, vice president of FECO-BG, chose me and board member of UBA section Cartoon, Employment is a major. The idea of course. The idea was well cooked and tasty spiced dish which you can enjoy every day. It's enough pleasure. It requires only a desire, a little talent and routine, and to love people who do it.



‫افب هم القلم رصاص الممحات أقالم مب صصة الوبو وا وة‬ ‫البافبهل أقالم اليرافهت‬


‫الوكوموبوهووبور الوموافوح‬

‫الضوئي ال ابعة‬ ‫له‬

‫الكرصة للرفم‪ .‬ولبلبهة المزهه م‬

‫لبات الزمالء ولوه‬

‫أصهقاء‪ .‬افب ه القهام بأههاء كثهرت ‪ .‬مثل بنيهم الموعوارض‬ ‫لعالم الكربو ‪ .‬بكوه قابهت أكاههوموهوة بو الوكوارهوكوابوهور ‪...‬‬ ‫وغهرها م األههاء الرائعة‪.‬‬

‫وإذا كانت هناك مفابقة يههت‬

‫في مصر – بكو فرصة لوزهوارت األهوراموات وغوهورهوا مو‬ ‫المعالم الفهاحهة‬ ‫العالم هرفل لى العههه م الرفائل – ولك لى حرهة اال بهار‬ ‫أ أقبل أو أرفض – فر وي بلى إرفال رفالة للعالم فسوى‬ ‫بالمثل ا لههك اال بهار هائما )‬



I painted pictures for friends. But drawing

my father taught me.

caricatures live. Main colleagues when

I knew to knit, sew and embroider from her mother. To peel onions and potatoes. To string tobacco to pick cotton and corn. To plant vines to grow grapes, melons and watermelons. I do compotes. Vegetables in jars. Sour cabbage. Wine. Brandy. I played the accordion.

we're guests or hosts exhibitions of caricature in Bulgaria and abroad. Sometimes earning money and when friends recommend me to their friends, single or group caricatures. I painted large bosses, ministers, artists, singers and cartoonists. The topics for cartoons come to life. Life is the largest magazine cartoons. I had an old colleague who worked for the newspaper “Styrshel” – (Hornet). He worked in a narrow, dark and oblong room as wide as the door and a tall window on the attic of the publishing house. His caricatures represented life: bird window, flower pot ... the window. Clouds outside the window. Autumn leaf, carried by the wind ... the window. The bird still perched on the window ... snowing outside … And I'm from the village. I know everything. All for agriculture and livestock, because I've worked with. All hunting and fishing boats, because I grew up on the river, big river and



And I know everything about the city. Where are all the cinemas and which films shown. I trained swimming, football, basketball and judo, I remember the smell of the locker room. I've beaten and lost. As a student played the guitar.

I repaired appliances and televisions.

I have photographed many film cameras

I've furniture. Know much about elec-

with 8 and 16 mm, VHS video, now with

tronics, magnetic waves and fields 2G,

digital, I work with Photoshop, Illustrator,

3G, 4G. I know all about radio stations.

CorelDraw, Flash, Excel, etc. Are my car-

I worked for newspapers and I wrote

toons are life? The first 10 years were the

articles for the cinema center with ani-

case - first pencil, then ink. Animation is re-

mation, and worked in construction,

quired. Now less. Mainly cartoon. The ex-

apartment of my son redo it with all the

perience of cartoons makes steady hand for

extras for a year and a half. I worked as

contour and can no pencil. I got stroke, ap-

a master of diesel pumps, car mechanic,

poplex beat, occurs in China, and have no

locksmith, welding gas and electric

sensitivity in the fingers of his right hand

welding, repairing 'm cars, buses and

where paint. Sometimes miss the felt tip

large trucks. Even I had my 3 big 22-

pen or brush or pencil. I pencil. I can with-

ton trucks for international transport. I

out a pencil. And sometimes paint only

drove a motorcycle. Skiing, fished I fish

with brushes - the effect is excellent, but

in rivers and the sea with a harpoon,

the choice depends on the topic. Translate

swim anywhere, I was boss and worker,

the first 10 years were the case - first pencil,

notaries told me a colleague when do-

then ink. Animation is required. Now less.

ing legal contracts for the construction

Mainly cartoon. The experience of cartoons

of antennas for telecommunications

makes steady hand for contour and can no

companies, etc. Can handle photo and


film strips chemicals and make black and color photos projector.



I'm healthy. To have the opportunity to paint. To meet more colleagues and I have friends. To do things for other colleagues. To organize exhibitions. To make transmission over the Internet or any TV for the world of cartoon. To base Academy of cartoon ... and other such fantastic things. Well, if you do well in a competition in Egypt - to visit the pyramids and other monuments of your country. Hopefully. 1. Inspiration without him leave the pencil. 2. Deadline most mobilize author. 3. Driving the spirit orbiting daily, it clears unnecessary as decor in theater. 4. I do not have the patience to delve more into deep philosophical themes put off for another time. Striving to me the best is always the hand brake, let dreams and goals for further down the road. Since I can remember, the world sent messages to me. And I have a choice, what to accept and what not. If I send a message to the world - it will be the same. Have a choice .... always, to the last man or woman!
































International Cartoon Festival 2017, Colombia The theme is: MEGA MINING ! NOT ALL GLITTERS IS GOLD.. Vast territories in Colombia and the world are devastated without mercy. This threat comes today to the Cultural Landscape Cafetero Colombiano, patrimony of humanity. We are concerned about the growing threat of Open pit mining on the planet. Economic activity that has become the most serious and violent aggression against Nature and Peoples. Social mobilization is necessary to stop i t. The Committee in Defense of Water, Life and Territory; CALL FORE cartoonists FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD to express throughout their art, their perception from different aspects regarding on this topic. We call for solidarity action with the communities that are fighting today in the world defending life, water, territory and their cultures.Conditions 1- Partiticipation is open to all caricaturists, cartoonists and illustrators of the world. 2- The theme is: MEGA MINING ! NOT ALL GLITTERS IS GOLD. 3- Each participant can submit a maximum of three works. 4- Free technique. 5- The submitted works must be in high resolution, to enlarge them to 50 x 70 cm. 6- They can participate with works that have been published or awarded. 7- Participants must send a brief curriculum vitae (see annex). 8- Each work must be accompanied by the name and surname



8- Each work must be accompanied by the name and surname of the author, address, telephone number and country of origin. 9- The selected participants will receive a virtual catalog. 10- The event will be held from June 2 to 4, 2017, exhibitions will be held in six municipalities and other majorcities in Colombia. 11- The competition of the request to participate and submit implies that the participant accepts and authorizes to the organization the publication of their works in printed media, videos with all rights. 12- The organization reserves the right not to exhibit works that may indiidual or collective rights. 13- The ten best works of each, caricature, cartoon and illustration, willreceive a diploma of Honor, which will be sent digitally. 14- The event is of solidarity whit the planet earth non-profit. 15- Deadline for submission of works: April 15, 2017. 16- The works must be sent to the electronic mail:



3rd INTERNATIONAL CARTOON EXHIBITION SISAK X - MIKS 2017 „ Ancient Astronauts “ As part of the 3rd International Exhibition of Caricatures in Sisak will be held the 1st International Exhibition of Comics 1st International festival of Aphorisms Debate on the theme „Ancient Astronauts – Krešimir Mišak and other Artistic Performances. The Organizer of the 3rd International Cartoon Exhibition Sisak – MIKS 2017 „Ancient Astronauts“ is International Association of Cartoonists "MIKS“. The Project Leader and the President of the Organizing Committee is a mr. Nenad Ostojić. _______________________________ A. PARTICIPATION The Contest of International Cartoon Exhibition „MIKS“ is open to Everyone, Regardless Nationality, Age, Sex, or Profession.


B. CARTOON THEME (TOPIC) The Truth is Around Us! Or maybe not? Do You Believe in Ancient Aliens, Angels or in Gods?? This Contest is dedicated to a Popular Theory about Ancient Aliens! What is the Origin of Human Race? Were we created by Gods or Ancient Aliens? Where did they come from? Why did they leave? Where did they go? What was their goal? Are Humans Aliens on planet Earth? What is the Secret of UFOs? Who built the Pyramids? Do Alien Civilisations exist? What would happen if we Contacted them? The Cartoonists’ task is to create their work based on those Topics. The task for the Portrait Cartoonists is to draw people who have created the theory of Ancient Astronauts (Aliens) or People who claimed there are Ancient Civilisations in the Universe, like Erich von Däniken, Carl Sagan, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Stephen Hawking, Nikola Tesla, Neil deGrasse Tyson, George Noory, David Hatcher Childress... C. ENTRIES 1. Works must be originals and any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork, sent by Internet, if the prints are SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR and if they are indicated as PRINT NUMBER ONE, or a originalto this contest. 2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured. 3. There should be the name, the surname and the address on the reverse side of the cartoons. 4. The Cartoons must not have bee previously awarded on festival. 5. Maximum 5 entries will be submitted (per topic). 6. Size of entries is a A4 or A3 format (300 dpi). 7. Each Cartoonist must fulfill the Application Form and send it with your work (regular mail or e-mail) _____________________________________ D. DEADLINE Entry Deadline is the 01.06. 2017. (June 1, 2017.) _____________________________________ E. ADDRESS 3rd International Cartoon Exibition Sisak - X - MIKS 2017 „Ancient Astronauts“ Gradski muzej u Sisku, Ulica kralja Tomislava 10, 44000 Sisak, HRVATSKA (Croatia)

____________________________________ F. PRIZES AND AWARDS 1. Grand Prix – 800 Euros, 2. Second Prize – 500 Euros, 3. Third Prize – 250 Euros, MIKS 2017 awarded 7 Special Awards: 3 Awards selects Jury of MIKS, one choosing the Visitors, a Special Recognition Awarded to our Partners and promoters Fenamizah, Good Humor Party and Toon Mag. _____________________________________ G. EXHIBITIONS The Exhibitons will be Staged in the Gallery of the City Mussem in Sisak, 29.06.2017. to 30.07.2017. _____________________________________ H. OTHER CONDITIONS Only at Explicit Request will the Remaining (Original) Works be returned to the owners (at their expense). Authors of the Works that qualfy to the Exhibition are Given a presentation hard copy od the Exhibition Cataloque. The Organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the MIKS 2017, as the advertising material, without being obliged to pay a fee to the author whose work may be used. The copyright remains the property of the artist. The Prize-Winning works become the Property of the Organizer. _____________________________________ I. CONTACT Nenad Ostojić Tel: +385/98-339-405 e-mail:

Digital works can be sent to the e-mail address;




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