Sameway ISSUE233《同路人》233期

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Encouragement Beyond Expectation ࡈϘงȶ‫׻‬኷ϠѕȷϘ៼ȂЬ೜Ϟయஜᑫࣷ஼ਛ୺ᕚᐯ ୰՘Ӳߞ‫ו‬ዃᅷցਰȂ‫ا‬েऻۖϘৎཇ‫ڰࣇ܈‬ȂК஼‫ڽ‬ ߞӔ༡‫ث‬᜹ϠȂԴᑫࣷ֋Ӥф෩্ћмߞߤྻϿនȂ൹ ൄϞϘࠝᐯॊ௞྽Ȃ‫ڭ‬ѷऎѵधЙԢ஼ਛӔ༡ᛔ‫ࠑث‬ᆊ ߰ߞை୊Ȃ༟‫ݤ‬ϞϘৎྲ໛ൎȄϭง‫ا‬ে௟ҏ๳ሃК஼ ࡑ‫ڴ‬ᛔ‫ث‬ᄥᄥࠜ౓‫ؠ‬ᔷߞ௞ണȂҁԴ‫ۦ‬ണ੡ࠑӯȂऻۖ Ϟᑫࣷഺ᝝ߞ๴ਣȂۖᔝ‫ڽ‬ϫऎК஼ᛔ‫ࠑث‬ᆊ߰ߞ୊ ፚȂ௲‫ڽ‬Ϟు๴Ȅ‫ו‬ዃᅷሃ౓‫ؠ‬ᔷߞࣇ‫ڰ‬ȂᅁԴ҄‫ا‬ে ᢘതȂϠӠҞѽ࣏Ղթ‫׻܈‬Ȅ֯ऎᗁ፠ᓭȂ‫ا‬Ϙߡहࠫ ഺ‫ڰࣇڱ‬ൌ࣏ᡝ߰েߞૡᇊȂྐЙۖգϘчȂ‫֋ا‬Ўϵ ྻఀۖᕒׄȄ ϠӠȂӎ‫ڽ‬බ࣏Ϙৎ҇ᆕҞକ‫ߞݑ‬ᑢ຀ȄϠߞࣇ‫ڰ‬Ȃ‫ا‬ हࠫൌྻᅆُϘৎᡝ߰ߞӠ‫ۻ‬գ‫ݙ‬ు๴Ȅ൹ҏ֌ЫȂُ ༉‫ا‬ে‫ݙ‬ሲգᝯϠߞࣇ‫ڰ‬ȂൌԴ‫ا‬Ӡ‫ۻ‬КҐ౹Ϟϧ༓Ȃ ‫ا‬પঋԨ‫ݙ‬գജ‫ا‬েళണჅߞϠ७ᘁȄ ֯ऎȮԢႮϠȯߞߤࠜȂ֌ЫЏతࠕϛՐȂ‫ێ‬К‫ݙ‬၃ᑢߞ ᗞ᝱ȂЙ‫ږ‬ऎҳϠႽȂ֭‫ا‬௱ྐ୵Ϟ֌ᓐߞϠҳȂᎡକߢ ‫ا‬ѕȉϯϘงȂ‫ا‬েണயϞంҭᣉ‫޼ޒߞڽ‬ӀిఱȄ‫ిޒ‬ ఱϬϩϛՐ‫ڽ‬൹ᓱȮՆ‫ܣ‬ԍȯᛔራȂ‫ا‬༟‫ܕ‬Ꮶᡝ੡Ȃᛔራ ЏգहညߞԩઈȂԯթ‫ا‬ٟգྐჅҁ༟‫ܕ‬ȮՆ‫ܣ‬ԍȯߞᔝ ϩՐȂ‫ݙ‬বᅆߞ‫᝱ק‬ሃ‫ا‬ে‫ݙ‬ဥۖߞȂ࿂НहԢȄҁߞி ࢺфࡌઈȂຜ‫ا‬࿂ЂߞࡌઈȂϵຜ‫ࠫا‬ѕ‫ڕ‬ϭҝȂԯऎૠ ߞ࢙ӲߞЍ֯ȂҁӅ࠲ՇȄ

In the PeopleɅs Features column of Sameway 231 we introduced Mr Guang Rong Lu who was the head teacher of the National Institute of Circus Australia. He represents a legend whereby an artistic country folk coming from China manages to kick off a professional training discipline on this land of freedom and cultural diversity. He also paved the way for the training and development of various other traditional artistic skills from around the world. In the next Issue we will report our interview with Mr Chi-Long Cao, Head of the Nanjing Acrobatic Troupe, who himself was inspired by the state of the trade over here in Australia. Both of their real life stories indeed have amazed us profoundly. As the Chief Editor, I used to believe all these special stories are written for the consumption of our readers and now I realise I am too blessed alike. Life is a journey of all possibilities. Life stories are bound to have inspirational impact on our readers. Since our first publication, on a weekly basis we have been reporting on real life stories which have been empowering us in our own lives. On this I earnestly thank all of our interviewees thus far. As the Publisher of Sameway for almost seven years, I have many untold stories of hardship to tell other than my closed connection. In last Issue we interviewed Professor Chi-Ping Lin from Taiwan who was the founder of the ɄCosmic LightɅ magazine 37 years ago. The magazine was already a reputable one when I started reading it some years ago; thus it did not occur to me that he had endured so much for the beginning ten years as with what I have been facing to-date. His courage and perseverance really encourage me in sustaining my faith in serving God in His work that He will certainly take good care of. I have never ever envisaged a reported story in Sameway can give me such an encouragement. I take this opportune to express my sincere thanks to all of our co-workers including editors, designers, administrators, marketing and advertisement personnel, consultants and advisors etc. who have kept enduring in the production of the magazine.

ంٟྐჅȮԢႮϠȯߞϘৎࣇ‫ڰ‬Ȃྻຜ‫ا‬ഺኃЂߞᕒ ׄȄሃ‫ا‬Ϙ୓ᐬ୽ߞԢЍȂం፠ᓭȃന঍ȃ֖ࣆȃዃ ‫ט‬ȃయዃȃᠪயຈȂᢰ‫ا‬ାѕߞԨְেߞњࢺ७ᘁȄ

Raymond Chow Publisher

‫ߝޥ‬ ‫ں‬୉М

Issue No. # 234 # 235 # 236 # 237 # 238

Publication Date 29/04/11 06/05/11 13/05/11 20/05/11 27/05/11

Published by: Publisher/Chief Editor: Editoral Consultant: Editor: Senior Designer: Editor/Designer: Advertising:

Submission Deadline 27/04/11 04/05/11 11/05/11 18/05/11 25/05/11

Rejoice Chinese Christian Communication Centre Inc. Raymond Chow Shun Lu, Jenny Luo Christiana Zhu, Ralph Yan, Shanice Chan, Hal Li, Cheerio Chan Alex Tam Kin Li, Yan Ki Chan, Bianca Mak Sammi Lo, Tony, Portia Wong, Andy Lau, Vinola Chan, Sonia Wong, Ben Hung

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ኄ֙ᖒ๜Ȉഡ఩ Andy Lau 0416 290 918 Ѕ ᎒‫ ஀ס‬0412 440 863ȇߡுႪு Marketminx 08 8132 1670 Edmund Ng 0413 089 833



ӣၯΡᇭ ܹಁжࣨ The World

6, 12 - 13, 20


7 - 10


14 - 17

଒ငੑ਀ Finance

21 - 22




24, 30 - 31

৏ዅཪ൶ Entertainment

4, 10





ᡝ‫ཱིى‬ᆸ Sport

11 - 13

Ϸ᜸ኄ֙ Classified

22 - 25

ٙൢ Driveway

26 - 31

ջ೰ᖐ݂ġ ȮӣၯΡȯᚕᇬ‫ܚ‬ԤМണҥհ‫ޱ‬Ռ॒М೰Ȃ‫ٮ‬Ϛ фߒҏѐҳൟȄȮӣၯΡȯ໊ѐϐᅾΨጂ߳ѐ‫ސ‬ ϱ‫ޟ‬ӒഋၥਟྥጂฒᇲȂ௙ҏѐ‫ٮ‬Ϛ॒ΰӈդӰ ᒿᇲ‫ܖ‬ᒸᅓՄ౰ҡ‫ޟ‬೰ӈȂζϚඪ‫ټ‬ӈդ݂Ұ‫ܖ‬ ུҰ‫߳ޟ‬ᜌȂоЅϚ॒ΰЕमӈդ‫ޢ‬௥ȃ໢௥ȃ ߣளȃ‫ܖ‬ॊҡ‫ޟ‬୦ཾցઉཬѶ‫ܖ‬੫տཬѶ‫ޟ‬೰ ӈȄ‫ר‬ঈ࡚ដ᠞‫ޱ‬ӵ‫ٺ‬ҢԤᜰၥਟࠉȂॶӑࢥᜌ ၥਟ‫ޟ‬ઍጂ‫ܖܒ‬኉ၚᐿҳ‫ޟ‬ཎَȄ Disclaimers The views and opinions of authors expressed in Sameway Magazine do not necessarily state or reflect those of the publisher. While we do our best to make sure the information is accurate, Sameway Magazine does not accept any legal responsibility for errors or omissions. Sameway Magazine disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, and it will not be responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential loss of business profits or special damages. We encourage readers to verify the accuracy of information or seek independent advice before relying upon it. The circulation records of this publication have been submitted for independent audit with the Circulations Audit Board

Audited 16,462 as at Sept 30,2010

Distributed in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane & Adelaide

ȮӣၯΡȯᚕᇬ‫᠌ގ‬ᖐ݂ ijıIJı ‫ܚ᠌ގ‬ԤȮӣၯΡȯᚕᇬ ҏѐ‫ܚ‬ԤМണȃყаЅඨყ֯߳੼‫᠌ގ‬ȂҐငҏѐਪ ७ӣཎȂϚுоӈդ‫ל‬ԒᙽၷЅᙚӟ Sameway Magazine Copyright Notice Copyright 2010 Sameway Magazine All editorial content and images in Sameway Magazine are subject to copyright law and may not be copied without the expressed permission of Sameway Magazine which reserves all rights. Re-use of any of Sameway Magazine's editorial content and images for any purpose without Sameway Magazine's written permission is strictly prohibited.

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